Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 352 Will You Be Scolded?

In addition to these more important businesses, Ye Zishu also thought of a way to speed up the popularization of the Internet, which is to create official websites for enterprises.

Decades later, it may be nothing to make an official website. After all, this is not a high technical content, and there are many ready-made frameworks that can be used.

But in this era, being able to independently write a static web page is already a good technician, and a complicated corporate official website definitely belongs to the high-tech field.

This is only for other Internet and software companies, but for companies under Phoenix Technology, it is not too difficult.

But how to do it is also particular. If every enterprise has to start from scratch, it will be quite time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the money won't be much.

So if you want to do this well, you need to frame and modularize. To make a corporate website, you only need to do a good job in website design, and then directly modularize it. It only takes one day to complete it.

If we go a step further and use artificial intelligence technology to make it more humanized, people who don't understand technology at all can also operate according to their needs, and it is easy to create a corporate website.

Just provide business users with enough examples, or automatically generate styles for them according to their needs, and give them a reference.

Because in the current stage of the Internet, many companies do not know how to make their own official websites. After all, there is not much reference and no place to learn.

Thinking of this, he felt that it was necessary to create an intelligent enterprise official website production platform to provide enterprises with user-friendly customized webpage production services, as well as service hosting services.

Hosting services do not require enterprises to purchase servers themselves, and they do not need to recruit maintenance personnel, and the cost will be much lower. For most enterprises that do not understand technology, it is their gospel.

Thinking of this, Ye Zishu personally wrote a technical development document, and then handed it over to Honghu Software Company, and handed over this business to them for operation.

Originally, their main business was enterprise software services. Launching such a business is very beneficial for them to expand the development of enterprise software.

Because to make an official website on this platform, you need to provide your own company information. Through the content of the website and other information, you can understand the business of this company.

With this information, Honghu Software can provide these enterprises with enterprise management software that meets their needs, which is very beneficial to business development.

Ye Zishu introduced the content related to business linkage in the technical development documents, and even embedded the enterprise management products of Honghu Software Company on this platform.

This is equivalent to advertising to many corporate users, and it is a particularly accurate advertisement, which can save Honghu Software a lot of costs.

It can even provide enterprises with online hosting services for these enterprise management software, further reducing the burden on enterprises to build enterprise management systems.

If we go a step further, we can completely build the enterprise management system platform of Honghu Software Company, realize full online customized services, and provide more convenience for enterprises.

However, this area is not so easy to do at present. It is best to wait until Phoenix Technology's cloud computing platform is built. The cost of doing this area is lower and the management is easier.

If you want the Internet to develop rapidly, you must give a reason for accessing the Internet, because the current Internet access fee is not low. After all, it is normal for the industry to be expensive in the early stages of development.

Through rich enterprise management software, enterprises can find reasons to access the Internet, and through rich personal Internet products, individuals can have reasons to access the Internet.

As long as Internet users explode, Internet operators will have to speed up the construction of Internet networks. As the world's exclusive Internet equipment supplier, Lingtong Technology will naturally benefit more.

Thinking of this, Ye Zishu suddenly thought of a reason why companies had to connect to the Internet, and it was mandatory, and that was the tax software system.

The operation of any enterprise in the valley has to deal with taxation. Honghu Software Company had a tax software system used by enterprises before, but it was only aimed at enterprises.

What he thought of this time was to build a huge tax information system for the tax department. All registered and operating companies need to connect their financial software to this system.

At that time, the tax department will be able to easily control the tax payment of enterprises across the country, and even go a step further, using artificial intelligence technology to supervise the tax data of the whole country.

If it cooperates with the financial account supervision system, it is almost impossible for companies to evade taxes and evade taxes. It is of great benefit to taxation work, but will they be scolded?

Ye Zishu organized his own ideas into documents, and then compiled a technical document and handed it over to Honghu Software Company to do work in this area based on these documents.

Regardless of whether it can be sold or not, at least trying to build a more powerful system is very important for them to accumulate technical strength, especially this kind of very extensive system, which is a great test and improvement for Honghu Software Company.

On July 7, Xuanwu Technology Company received news that their mechanical hard disk production line had been built, and the first trial production was carried out. The yield rate was very high, reaching 15%.

The reason why it is so high is mainly due to the large-scale use of semi-automated equipment, reducing the intervention of human factors in key links, so as to reduce the decline in the yield rate caused by mistakes.

According to them, during the second trial production, the goal of a yield rate of more than 99% will be achieved. At this level, mass production can basically be achieved.

In addition to the mechanical hard disk production line being put into production, the screen production line, memory production line and flash memory production line are all advancing in an orderly manner.

The screen production line will be completed on July 7, and the first trial production will be realized. At present, it mainly meets the needs of computer display screens.

As for TV screens, it needs to wait until the second production line is completed, but the second production line is almost simultaneously constructed with the first production line, with a difference of one month between the two.

The time node for the completion of the construction of the memory production line is also on July 7. Even if there is an accident, it will only be a few days away, and the first trial production will be carried out by then.

Flash memory chips may return to the end of July. Since the proportion of flash memory used in computers is not very high, only top-level notebook computers will use solid-state drives made of flash memory chips.

Therefore, the priority of R&D and production arrangements is lower than that of the above key products, but the construction of the flash memory production line can be completed by the end of July, which is not too much beyond the plan.

According to this progress, the first batch of computer products of Qinglong Technology Co., Ltd. can be launched in August. During this period, the production of computer motherboards and other components is already in progress.

A lot of inventory has been accumulated. As long as these key parts are supplied, the assembly and other work can be completed immediately. In this regard, the employees of Xuanwu Technology Company are quite skilled.

Ye Zishu thought of the Internet cafe business of Shengshi Culture Company. Although this business is not a big deal in his territory, it is very important for the promotion of his products.

First of all, the existence of the Internet cafe is actually a live advertisement for Qinglong Technology's computer products and network products. Anyone who enters the Internet cafe can clearly feel the powerful performance of Qinglong Technology's computers.

Secondly, you can promote the game products of Phoenix Technology Company. Although they can also be sold in the application store of Phoenix Operating System, it is not as good to really feel it in Internet cafes.

Especially playing online games, the more people there are, the more lively they are. The existence of Internet cafes has a great effect on promoting online games, and can also promote other stand-alone games.

The most important thing is that they can promote their online payment platform through Internet cafes. This is very important, and it is also what Yepshu pays special attention to.

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