Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 344 Some Internet Businesses Can Be Launched

In fact, not only the application software was suppressed by Yeshu and not released, but the news portal and e-mail that had been prepared before were also suppressed by him.

But the reason is different from the previous application software, but he feels that they have not made sufficient preparations for the construction of the news portal website.

The most important thing for a news portal is not technology, but news content. Although there have been cooperation negotiations with some news organizations before, the effect is not very satisfactory.

For Internet platforms, many traditional news organizations still have great concerns. What they are most afraid of is that news portals will affect their newspaper sales and lead to a decline in their business performance.

The press release fee given by Kunpeng Information Technology Company is not enough to cover their losses due to the decrease in newspaper sales, so it is understandable not to cooperate.

And Kunpeng Information Technology Company can't directly steal other people's news like those Internet platforms in the previous life, because what they want to do is a global news portal platform.

Once they pirate, they are likely to face numerous legal lawsuits, and the chances of winning are very low, because governments of various countries do not want their Internet news portals to be in the hands of a Chinese company.

In any country, the news media is a very important field. Although there is no ban on the entry and operation of companies from other countries, it is basically difficult to do so.

Back then, Merkel had to change her nationality in order to be able to acquire an old American news media organization. This is a reality, and it is not easy to take advantage of it simply by virtue of technological leadership.

Therefore, in order to lay a solid foundation, Kunpeng Information Technology Company had to build its own global news gathering and editing team, recruiting a large number of journalists around the world, and the current number has exceeded 5000.

These are only professional journalists who have joined the Kunpeng Information Technology Company. In addition, there are also a large number of non-staff personnel who are paid according to the manuscript.

If these non-staff are very confident, they can also get paid according to the amount of reading, and if they get breaking news, they get paid much more this way.

It's just that the world can't have breaking news every day. If you want to earn a stable income, you still need a press card and a chance to get a formal job.

As the account system of Kunpeng Information Technology Company, the e-mail has also been delayed. In fact, the early launch of e-mail does not have much impact, but Ye Shu thinks it is unnecessary.

As for the streaming media platform of Kunpeng Information Technology Company, the construction has been completed, but the content is still slightly insufficient, but a considerable number of video resources of film and television programs have been obtained.

If it is necessary to go online, it is also possible, but it is still a little insufficient in the latest programs and exclusive programs, and it is not easy to do it in an instant.

However, according to Lei Jun's report, at present, Kunpeng Information Technology Company has established film and television program production teams in various countries, and at the same time invited Shengshi Culture Company to provide assistance.

In terms of technical support, I also had a good communication with Phoenix Special Effects Company and reached a cooperation agreement. After the streaming media platform goes online, it will gradually enter the track of self-made programs.

Self-produced programs include film and television, variety shows, TV programs, etc. In order to maintain such a large team, Kunpeng Information Technology Company has been spending money like water during this period.

"If all aspects are ready, let's take the lead in launching Kunpeng Information Technology's news portal, e-mail and streaming platform." Ye Zishu said.

If we continue to accumulate silently like this, there is not much need. With 5000 recruited journalists, a larger number of non-staff personnel, and more self-media people in the future, the news content should be sufficient.

Although the streaming media platform only obtains part of the film and television program resources, if you want to continue to invest in it, you have to wait until you make money.

The previous investment of 50 billion yuan for the purchase of film and television program copyrights is already the limit. If you want to continue to invest in the future, you can only rely on the big tree of Phoenix Technology.

"There are also some social platforms of Qingluan Information Technology Company. You can also choose the opportunity to launch them. Remember to do a good job of publicity and occupy the market as soon as possible. Don't let competitors have time to react." Ye Zishu said.

Social software is not too difficult, the main thing is creativity. Once it fails to occupy the market in a short period of time, it is likely to attract other capital to covet.

Ye Zishu is not afraid, but there is no need to increase the cost of competition needlessly. It is better to do a good job in publicity and promotion in the early stage, and occupy the market safely and securely.

At present, Qingluan Information Technology Company has a text chat tool similar to QQ, which should be the earliest type of chat tool on the Internet, and he has no plans to make major changes.

However, in terms of interface design, as always, it adheres to the excellent genes of the Phoenix Technology Company, and the design is quite beautiful, but the operation is very smooth, which is not too difficult for the companies under the Phoenix Technology Company.

In addition, there is a voice chat tool, similar to yy in the previous life, which is not only prepared for future game players, but also prepared to combat traditional telephone communication companies.

Needless to say, others such as blogs and post bars, they will definitely not be missed.

Gu Lingtong Technology Company is doomed to have difficulty obtaining orders for telephone equipment from many foreign countries, so he will strengthen the impact of the Internet on traditional telecom companies, forcing them to enter the Internet track.

At that time, Lingtong Technology's three-in-one communication equipment will have users, and it will be very attractive to enterprises that operate traditional telephone services.

"These products of yours will need to be localized in the future. Only by doing this well can they take root in the local area. Since they are managed by the local team, they must be given enough trust." Ye Shu said.

Ye Zishu never thought of conquering the world with the software developed by the headquarters. It would be a stupid act to do so. Every country has different national conditions, customs, habits, etc., which will cause some deviations.

If you want to win the global market and gain local respect, you must deeply localize your operations, and even the name of the platform can be different.

For example, domestic and foreign systems are divided into two systems, with different names and even slight differences in functions. After all, the laws of different countries are different, and the supervision of Internet platforms is also different.

Although a set of systems is popular all over the world and can save a lot of costs, but lack of refined management, it may fall into a disadvantage if it really has to face powerful local companies.

In previous lives, many international large-scale Internet platforms entered my country with great ambitions, but most of them failed in the end. There are various reasons for this. The most important thing is that the localization is not good enough.

Even if there is a local team, they do not give enough trust in the operation. The new function here has been launched for a month, while the application for modifying the function is still in the process.

This will lead to a slow pace. At that time, Microsoft's msn was dragged to death in this way. At first, it wanted to become popular, and then wanted to become white-collar, and finally disappeared.

Because the white-collarization seems to be very aggressive, it is actually a helpless choice after losing a large number of users, but they ignore the key to social software, that is, the more users, the more advantages.

No matter what the positioning is, as long as the number of users is small, in the competition of the same kind, it will naturally gradually shrink, and eventually disappear slowly, and the business cannot continue.

"We have always attached great importance to localized operations. We have our own localized teams all over the world, and we have already localized related software," Lei Jun said.

"It's good for you to do this, but when operating, you must also pay close attention to the market conditions in various countries. Although you will not interfere with the management of the local team, if there is a problem, you must be able to intervene in time, and you must not get out of control." Ye Zishu said .

The hearts of the people are separated from each other, and the necessary precautions must be in place, and it is also necessary to prevent the local teams from various countries from collectively betraying the water, so the necessary supervision is also very important, and we must not let it go.

"We will pay attention to this, and conduct relevant research again after we go back," Lei Jun said.

"Danque Financial Services Company's online payment platform, how many banks have reached cooperation with it?" Ye Zishu asked.

"I learned about it some time ago. At present, they have set up office-level teams in various countries, and these teams negotiate with banks in the countries where they are located.

Overall, the progress is good. Cooperation agreements have been reached with about 50% of local banking institutions, and some banks have completed data docking. "Lei Jun said.

"With this ratio, it means that the conditions for going online have been met. The remaining banks will also be jealous when they see other banks' cooperation with us leading to a surge in online payments." Ye Zishu said.

At present, the Internet payment platform of Danque Financial Services Company will not touch the interests of banks. Instead, it will allow banks to obtain more benefits by promoting consumption such as credit cards.

As for whether their interests will be touched in the future, it depends on the strength of Danque Financial Services Company at that time.

If the number of users is enough and the capital transactions relying on this platform are enough, then you can engage in some other financial service businesses.

"After you are ready and connected with various systems, you can go online and operate in advance." Ye Zishu said.

Going online is very simple. In addition to the web version, the client version can be launched directly in the Phoenix OS mall, and consumers can directly download it and use it.

At present, online shopping is very troublesome, the labor cost is too high, and customer service is required to intervene every time, which makes many consumers prefer to buy offline rather than online.

"Payment platforms should also do a good job in localized operations. If the business strategies are too different, they can not use the same name to avoid dissatisfaction among consumers." Ye Zishu said.

It is impossible for domestic payment system fees to be so high, but payment fees in developed countries abroad are expensive, and they can afford it. If the two are the names of a piece of software, it will cause discomfort to consumers in developed countries.

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