Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 343 The Arrangement of the Next Task

This meeting was originally just a coordination meeting, and I didn't intend to talk about so many things, but because of the divergence of thinking, the thinking seemed to open up at once.

Especially Ren Zhengfei, the emergence of artificial intelligence has opened another door to many of their businesses, making them more confident in many businesses.

And to achieve this, it is not very difficult for Qinglong Technology Company. They have communication technology and chip technology.

Coupled with the many sensor product technologies provided by Leaf Book, it has become easier for them to implement intelligent technology in home appliances.

But it didn't make them happy for too long, Ye Zishu said: "If you want to fully realize the integration of intelligence, relying solely on the current system software may be a little weak.

It's not impossible, but it's very troublesome to implement, and many functions need to be implemented in a more cumbersome way, so it's better to have a special system to realize the Internet of Everything. "

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Lei Jun and Ren Zhengfei looked at each other. Both of their companies have their own operating systems, but one is an open operating system and the other is a closed operating system.

However, the bottom layer of the two operating systems uses a set of kernels, but there are big differences in extended functions and UI interfaces.

Now the two companies from the same school, facing new requirements, want to take over the job, because it means that they can get new operating system technology.

Ye Zishu saw their expressions, but the Internet of Things operating system has very high security requirements, because once the device is released, it is difficult to manage the security of the system inside the device.

Moreover, if a large number of different devices use the IoT system in the future, even if they want to manage it, it will become extremely difficult, so Ye Zishu is more cautious about handing over the IoT operating system to the two companies.

Although the strength of the two companies has been greatly strengthened after the baptism of technology he gave, in the final analysis, it has only been established for two or three years.

Prior to this, the development of my country's software field was not very good, and the technical level was not very high. After two or three years of ripening, it still could not meet the requirements of Ye Zishu.

It's just that the software research they are currently engaged in, even if there are some problems, there will be no serious consequences. With the blessing of a fully automated testing system, overall, the risk remains within a controllable range.

So far, Phoenix Operating System has not found anyone to report any vulnerabilities. This is the result of the fully automated testing system, and it does not mean that its strength has really reached this level.

"The operating system that can realize the Internet of Everything, I call it the Internet of Things operating system, for this operating system, the kernel will be written by me.

After the kernel is written, you can build more functions on the kernel, so that the core security can be guaranteed. "Leaf Book said.

The two companies have no objection to this, because the kernel of the current Phoenix operating system is also written by Ye Shu himself, and their ability to write the kernel is not very strong.

"Mr. Ye wrote it himself, and we have more confidence in our hearts." Lei Jun said with a smile.

Ren Zhengfei said: "If we fully enter the smart home field, the original plan will change, and we may not be able to produce mature products this year."

According to the original plan, their home appliances will be gradually introduced to the market after August, and at least the main home appliances will be completed before the end of the year.

Hearing Ren Zhengfei's words, Wu Chaoqiang on the side also nodded. Although the home appliance brand is owned by Qinglong Technology Company, the key components and assembly production are all completed by Xuanwu Technology Company.

It can be said that the home appliance business is completed by the joint efforts of the two companies. For example, the compressor, a key component of the refrigerator, is provided by the company under Xuanwu Technology.

Qinglong Technology Company is only responsible for the research and development of the whole machine, and at the same time provides brand operation, because they will not be involved in any manufacturing business, so they are unable to complete these products by themselves.

Ye Zishu thought about it carefully, and said: "There shouldn't be too much difference, smart home and traditional furniture, for you, there is not much difference.

The main difference is the intelligent voice control center. I will provide technical support for this part as soon as possible, so that you can complete the relevant research work as soon as possible.

As for the communication between devices, Qinglong Technology Company should be professional. After you go back, you will arrange the relevant research and development. There are also wireless communication chips, and the research and development is not very difficult.

Gu then needs to add a programmable chip in the device. In fact, many current chips have this capability, otherwise the embedded program cannot be loaded.

Therefore, there is no need to make too many changes on the chip and other hardware. You only need to wait until the IoT operating system is completed, and you can program the application for the IoT operating system to realize the control of the device.

However, in order to make the equipment more intelligent, you need to work hard on automation technology, and you can operate many actions of the equipment through remote commands.

If you can realize full-featured operation of the device through remote commands, then it can be called a real smart home appliance. "

Although the concept of smart home has been proposed, it is already remarkable that they can realize the intelligentization of home appliances. As for the rest, we can take it slowly in the future.

After Ye Zishu's analysis, it seems that this is the case, but the speed of the progress is in Ye Zishu's hands. If Ye Zishu is unable to produce the finished product, they will have to delay the launch.

"Then Mr. Ye will have to work hard." Ren Zhengfei said.

"I have my own discretion in research and development. From now on, your work will mainly be on the personal computer. I can contact Chief Engineer Ni for technical matters." Ye Zishu said.

Having said that, Ye Zishu turned to look at Wu Chaoqiang, and said, "Mr. Wu, it will be July soon, how is the progress of your screen, hard disk, memory and flash memory?"

"The construction of our production line is nearing completion, and now we are progressing side by side. It will be completed in about half a month, that is, in mid-July," Wu Chaoqiang said.

"Is it trial production or mass production?" Ye Zishu looked at Wu Chaoqiang and asked.

If it is a trial production, if you want to achieve a certain yield rate and realize mass production, it may be in August, and the overall progress is too much compared to the plan.

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, Wu Chaoqiang gritted his teeth and said, "We can guarantee that mass production will be completed in late July and provide Qinglong Technology with mature products."

Hearing his assurance, Ye Zishu nodded in satisfaction and said, "It's not that I want to do this, but that both of your companies are counting on the rise of the personal computer industry.

Especially for Xuanwu Technology Company, many industries revolve around personal computers, and it is very important for your development to be able to mass-produce as soon as possible. "

Originally, he wanted to ask how their personnel were preparing. If they wanted to put into production so many businesses at once, the number of production personnel would not be small, but after thinking about it, forget it. Wu Chaoqiang should know it in his heart.

"Since the key components can be guaranteed to be mass-produced by the end of July, from now on, a part of the assembly of various personal computers can be carried out.

Waiting until the key components are in place before doing a full assembly cuts down the time rather than waiting until all the components are ready to start.

If the production capacity is formed in that way, it is estimated that it will not be able to supply the market in batches until September, which is too different from the plan. After returning home, make relevant plans. "

These words were addressed to Ren Zhengfei and Wu Chaoqiang, because this was originally a matter for the two of them, and a single company cannot make proper arrangements.

After speaking, Ye Zishu looked at Lei Jun and the others again, and said, "You guys should also be prepared, when Qinglong Technology's personal computer goes on the market, many of your applications will start to go on sale.

Before that, you have to do a good job in marketing. You can’t save the money you need to spend. You also have to rehearse possible problems in advance and come up with solutions and measures.

Don't start preparations until something is imminent, otherwise there will be troubles. By the way, wait until your application software is launched on a large scale, and find a way to make the operating system simulator not very compatible.

In this way, consumers will gradually abandon the original application software and choose to buy our application software. You should know how to do it. "

"Don't worry, Mr. Ye, we will handle this matter well," Lei Jun said.

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