Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 345 Global Management System Management and Scientific Research Information Sharing

"Mr. Ye, as many of our subsidiaries are doing business around the world, isn't it a bit extravagant and wasteful for each subsidiary to establish its own regional headquarters?" Lei Jun asked.

Previously, only Kunpeng Information Technology Company established many regional headquarters because of the search engine. In addition to expanding its own business, it also provided some services for brother companies.

For example, the after-sales service of Phoenix Operating System and Phoenix Office software of Phoenix Software Company is provided by them, and Phoenix Software Company only recruits regional managers locally.

The purpose of doing this is to save costs, and the search engine has not been commercialized so far, and the business of the regional headquarters is not particularly large.

Lei Jun's consideration is very necessary. On the one hand, the number of subsidiaries maintaining the international system will increase significantly. Each subsidiary must provide necessary services, and naturally recruit many local employees.

On the other hand, Internet companies need to use a lot of infrastructure, such as servers. It seems completely unnecessary if each subsidiary has to build one.

The most important thing is that in this way, each subsidiary will go its own way and cannot achieve integrated operations. If they operate jointly, they should have more advantages in the local area and be more likely to succeed.

Ye Zishu thought about it, and felt that it was indeed a problem. Lingtong Technology Company will sell 1800 billion to 2000 billion yuan of Internet communication equipment and solutions this year.

This shows that the global Internet construction has entered the fast lane. With the gradual launch of many software and Internet applications under the Phoenix Technology Company, the speed of global Internet construction will be further accelerated.

The acceleration of Internet construction will naturally promote the increase of global Internet users in disguise, and the data volume of these Internet companies will also show explosive growth.

In addition, in the future, many application software under Phoenix Technology will adopt cloud technology, and will rely more and more on background computing services.

"In this way, regional headquarters will be established around the world in the name of Phoenix Technology Corporation, and the regional headquarters of each of its subsidiaries will be managed.

The regional president of Phoenix Technology will be dispatched by your headquarters, and the regional presidents of each subsidiary will be held by local talents. The regional president of Phoenix Technology will be responsible for supervising the regional operations of these subsidiaries.

Of course, it only has the duty of supervision and has no right to interfere with the operation. If any problem is found, it needs to be reported to your side in time, and the headquarters will make an investigation and relevant punishment decision.

The regional president of Phoenix Technology needs to be rotated every 5 years, and the rotating president may be transferred to other regions to serve as the president, or transferred to the headquarters.

Under normal circumstances, the next regional president will be selected from among the vice presidents, and then one or two vice presidents will be transferred from the headquarters to fill the vacancy. "Leaf Book said.

The regional presidents of each subsidiary will be held by local people, the main purpose is to make use of local people who are more familiar with the local market environment and have better connections in the local area.

Generally speaking, the success rate of local operations will be higher in this way, and it is also to avoid the mistakes made by some old and American companies in the domestic market in the past. Therefore, it is necessary to give local talents sufficient operating rights.

It's just that this power is a little too big. If there is no necessary supervision, it is very likely that it will be out of the control of the headquarters, and there will even be a situation of deception.

Therefore, the supervisory responsibility of Phoenix Technology's regional headquarters is very important, and they are still dispatched from the headquarters, because they are not responsible for specific business affairs, and they don't need to be familiar with the local market. They only need to be loyal to the company.

Moreover, in order to avoid collusion between local forces and these regional supervisory managements, a rotation system has been adopted, which can be described as quite cautious.

In this way, not only can the regional business be prevented from being out of control, but also the advantages of local talents can be fully utilized to create a lot of profits for the company, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

"In the aspect of enterprise management, it is necessary to realize informatization as soon as possible. Your Honghu Software Company does this, and all operations should be completed in the information management system as much as possible.

In this way, it is easier to perform the supervisory duties of Phoenix Technology's regional headquarters, and at the same time, your headquarters can keep abreast of global business trends.

Even the introduction of artificial intelligence technology into the management system software to achieve more refined and more humanized management can also make up for the shortcomings of traditional enterprise management systems. "Leaf Book said.

At present, the enterprises under him have started to use the enterprise information management system one after another, but due to the relatively slow construction of the Internet, there are certain difficulties in cross-regional management.

Therefore, we haven't carried out drastic reform of enterprise informationization, but only realized this at the headquarters. The purpose of doing this is more to test the enterprise management software system.

"By the way, for each of your companies, it is best to set up an artificial intelligence application research team to specialize in the development of artificial intelligence application technology.

After the artificial intelligence application technology is relatively mature, it can be applied to various fields under its umbrella, which is of great benefit to you to realize artificial intelligence as soon as possible. "Leaf Book said.

This is actually said to all his companies, because although he has brought out artificial intelligence, he actually doesn't think about how to use it in a particularly comprehensive way.

If you want to maximize artificial intelligence, you must set up a dedicated application research team to conduct artificial intelligence application research in advance for the company's business, or even the business that the company has not yet involved.

At that time, its subsidiaries or departments can choose the artificial intelligence application technology suitable for them from the relatively mature research according to their needs, so as to improve the company's competitiveness.

Moreover, the new technologies and applications born out of artificial intelligence application research may expand other businesses and open up new businesses for the company. These are all possible.

Hearing Ye Zishu's proposal, the bosses of the three companies all expressed their approval. They don't have a deep understanding of artificial intelligence, nor do they have a sufficient understanding of the scope of application of artificial intelligence.

Many of the artificial intelligence application fields mentioned above were proposed by Ye Zishu, and most of these cognitions of Ye Zishu come from the memory of previous lives.

It is impossible for Ye Shu to sit in the office all day and think about the application fields of artificial intelligence. Only when the situation is imminent, he will temporarily think of using artificial intelligence to solve the problem.

Therefore, it is particularly important for each enterprise to establish a dedicated artificial intelligence application research department, which is an important means to allow artificial intelligence to enter more fields as soon as possible and comprehensively.

"Information sharing can be established between the artificial intelligence application research departments of your various companies, so that collective wisdom can be exerted, which is of great benefit to accelerating the development of artificial intelligence applications.

Not only that, you can also establish a shared platform for technical research to avoid the situation of reinventing the wheel in some basic research, unless there is a real problem with this wheel, you need to re-study a wheel.

However, the shared information here cannot involve the confidential technology and information of their respective companies, everyone should understand the truth! "Leaf Book said.

The purpose of doing this is mainly to avoid the serious waste of resources caused by each enterprise playing stand-alone machines. After such a mechanism is established, it will be very beneficial to the development of its industries.

In the future, as long as any company wants to study an application, it can directly learn from the shared information which technologies of other companies can be applied to this project.

Even some sub-projects can be handed over to brother companies for research, and use the research strength of brother companies in a certain field to complete the research and development of the overall project as soon as possible.

The most typical is the medical equipment researched by Taiji Group. Many technologies can be found in the industries under Xuanwu Technology Company.

After all, they already have relatively strong research capabilities in this field, which is much faster than starting from scratch, and the cost may be lower.

"With the increasing complexity of technology products, it will become increasingly unfeasible to rely on one company's own strength to conquer the world, and scientific research cooperation will become more and more mainstream.

This information sharing platform is only the first step of scientific research cooperation. You can carry out more scientific research cooperation in the future, which is very beneficial to the development of your company.

Of course, each enterprise should not forget about basic research. In the future, you should not be particularly short of funds and have the ability to carry out basic research. "Leaf Book said.

Ren Zhengfei paid more attention to basic research in his previous life, but Ye Zishu emphasized it again. As for how they do it, Ye Zishu does not plan to care too much.

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