Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 330 You Can't Forget the Free Benefits

On May 5, the R&D team of the chip project finally designed the gpu and cpu, all of which passed the inspection and met the design requirements, and can be taped out.

Although there are two types of chips, they are actually divided into many grades. The GPU chips alone are divided into four grades. Consumers can choose according to their own capabilities.

The cpu is divided into two series according to the different architectures. The first series is aimed at low-end personal computer products. The main frequency reaches 1.4ghz, which is still much higher than Intel's Pentium series.

The second series is aimed at mid-to-high-end personal computer products, with a main frequency of 2.3ghz, and then divided into different models according to different chip cores.

They were able to complete the R&D and design of the above chip in more than a month, and the speed still satisfied Yeshu.

As they become more and more familiar with tools and chip design, their efficiency has improved a lot compared to before. In addition, a lot of people came one after another, so they can complete these tasks so quickly.

As for the chip used by the server, it has not been developed yet, and the development and design of the server chip will be carried out later when it is not particularly urgent.

Ye Zishu arranged for Ni Guangnan to go to Xuanwu Technology Company with these two chip designs, and the chip project team immediately entered the integrated chip design and development of GPU and CPU.

The integrated chip is the exclusive secret of Qinglong Technology Company. The effect of the fusion of the two chips can not only greatly reduce power consumption, but also improve the overall performance.

According to different needs, there are also many types of integrated chips. One is used in home game consoles, which has high requirements for graphics processing capabilities and slightly lower requirements for power consumption.

The second type is used in handheld game consoles, which have relatively high requirements for graphics processing capabilities, but also relatively high requirements for power consumption.

The third type is used on notebooks and all-in-one computers. The requirements for the CPU are relatively high, and the requirements for the GPU should not be too low, which is much higher than that of ordinary integrated graphics cards.

In this way, consumers can play most games using Qinglong Technology's exclusive thin and light notebook and all-in-one PC products.

The effect may not be as good as a home game console. After all, they are professional, but it is enough to be able to play most games smoothly. This is the gaming laptop of the previous life.

It’s just that the gaming laptops in the previous life were too thick and heavy, and heat dissipation was a serious problem. Even using an external radiator is still not very effective.

In order to solve this problem, Leaf Book uses a more advanced architecture design, which can effectively reduce power consumption and improve performance while keeping the chip manufacturing process unchanged.

In addition, there are many other chips in personal computers, such as South Bridge chips, North Bridge chips, etc. Although these chips are relatively simple, they are indispensable.

Ye Zishu directly integrates the south bridge chip and the north bridge chip, which can reduce costs. In addition, there are also optical chips, which are also developed together.

Since Ye Zishu provided many product design technical materials to Qinglong Technology Company, Qinglong Technology Company has recruited a large number of R&D personnel into the company.

Some time ago, Ni Guangnan was mainly in charge of the research and development of various products, but he still has a good grasp of several chip architectures and design ideas provided by Ye Zishu.

Ye Zishu hopes that in July, Qinglong Technology Company will be able to come up with the first batch of products, and will be able to enter the stage of mass production in August.

Therefore, many things must be researched and developed in advance. After all parts are in place, they can be assembled and produced directly. Therefore, all research and development work needs to be carried out in parallel.

It is now May 5th, and he hopes that in mid-June, the research and development of various components will be completed, leaving half a month for product integration testing and adjustment of production lines.

His expectations for the personal computer field are too high, he hopes to dominate the world and sweep the products of other companies into the garbage dump.

Because if he didn't kill them, he would fall into a passive position, and it would be difficult for the huge Xuanwu technology company behind him to support so many employees, and his plan would suffer a major setback.

Two days later, Ren Zhengfei went to Ye Zishu's office and told him the good news during this period. It has been more than 20 days since the problem of the communication chip was solved.

"How is your current delivery status?" Ye Zishu asked this question the first time he saw Ren Zhengfei.

Delivery means that the money is in hand. Qinglong Technology Company is guarding a gold mine, but it can't produce a single gold, which has long caused Ye Zishu a headache.

"Because of the desperate production before, there was only a lack of chips, which made it impossible to form a finished product. After the chip problem was solved, Xuanwu Technology quickly entered the finished product assembly stage.

In just 20 days, an order of 200 billion yuan has been completed. In order to further increase production, Xuanwu Technology is working hard to expand the production line.

In the future, the communication sector will be able to complete orders of 200 billion yuan per month, which can basically meet the order volume for this year. " Ren Zhengfei replied.

"You should have signed a lot of orders for communication equipment during this period, right?" Ye Zishu asked with a smile.

"Mr. Ye is right. Since we announced that we have broken through the chip ban and can produce communication chips with better performance, the predicament we faced before suddenly no longer exists.

Orders that were basically stagnant have increased by another 20 billion yuan in just 400 days, including equipment orders and service orders. "Ren Zhengfei said happily.

Ren Zhengfei never imagined that earning money can be so exciting. Before, in order to get hundreds of millions of orders, he was exhausted and busy.

However, there is absolutely no need for Lingtong Technology to do this. Global communication operators come to seek cooperation, and there is no need to send a large number of marketing personnel to do marketing.

This is the beauty of mastering advanced technology. Lingtong Technology's Internet equipment and solutions do not even have a single competitor in this era.

This is the exclusive global supplier. If we leave Lingtong Technology and adopt solutions from other companies, we will fall behind if we haven’t started construction. It’s hard to say how to choose.

"It seems that Lingtong Technology's orders this year will exceed 2000 billion yuan." Ye Zishu said.

"It's unlikely. Although there are a lot of new orders during this period, the demand is almost released, and there should not be many orders in the future." Ren Zhengfei said.

Ren Zhengfei felt that he was already very optimistic. He did not expect that Ye Zishu was even more optimistic than him. Blind optimism is not a good habit, because after the expectation is confirmed, a series of adjustments are required.

Ye Zishu shook his head and said: "The new president of Laomei wants to build the most advanced information highway in the world. They had the technology themselves before, so they don't have to worry so much.

It is different now, the advanced technology is in our hands, and other countries are also following the example of the United States in building high-speed information highways. In order to gain advantages in this field, their planning cycle will definitely be shortened a lot.

By the way, have domestic orders increased? "

"During this period, the country has also added an order of 100 billion yuan." Ren Zhengfei said.

Although this number is not high for a big country like ours, it is very impressive in terms of economic volume, and he can't ask for more.

As several of his key projects officially generate income this year, the domestic economy will be greatly developed, government tax revenue will also increase a lot, and funds for communication infrastructure construction will also increase a lot.

"This is a good thing for us. Internet infrastructure is also competitive, because the better the basic industry is, the larger the scale of the industry around the Internet is likely to be.

Now many countries have been passively involved in the wave of Internet construction. If they are still as slow as before, it means that they are lagging behind in Internet infrastructure. "Leaf Book said.

"That won't increase so much at once, the current order volume is already very high." Ren Zhengfei said.

"It seems like a lot now, mainly because the demand around the Internet is not high at the moment, and when we come out with PCs and game consoles and so on, it will be completely different.

At that time, many Internet applications under Phoenix Technology will continue to be launched. In order to obtain a better experience, users accessing the Internet will show explosive growth.

As user demand increases, Internet operators will passively improve Internet infrastructure, because there is also a strong competitive relationship among them.

Just wait and see, you will get a lot of orders in the second half of the year, and it is a high probability event that it will exceed 2000 billion yuan for the whole year. "Leaf Book said.

In fact, this has not taken into account the issue of the exchange rate. In fact, the exchange rate in our country is a bit high, and the exchange rate on the black market is far lower than the official exchange rate.

The exchange rate against the U.S. dollar on the black market reaches 8 to 10, while the official exchange rate is only about 5.7. The leaf books I read want to be exchanged through the black market. The gap is really too big.

Just thinking about this kind of thinking, if you exchange on a small scale, you generally don’t care about it. With a size as large as Taiji Group, it is impossible to allow black market exchanges, and it is impossible to exchange them all.

However, he intends that in the second half of the year, except for the funds that need to be used, they will be converted into RMB in time, and the remaining funds will still be in the form of US dollars. After all, so much money cannot be lost for no reason.

Because the exchange rate will be devalued to around 8.6 next year, because the scale of the exchange rate loss is quite considerable, it is impossible for him to make such a mistake.

Ye Zishu talked about the exchange rate, thinking that it is better not to rush to convert US dollars into RMB, but to convert slowly according to actual needs.

The remaining U.S. dollars can be saved until next year for exchange, as long as the current domestic industry development is maintained.

When Ren Zhengfei heard what Ye Zishu said, he didn't doubt it, because things had already begun. The black market exchange rate deviated too much from the official exchange rate. It would be a matter of time before adjustments were made, otherwise there would be a huge room for arbitrage.

"Most of the funds on our side are paid to Xuanwu Technology Company. If Xuanwu Technology Company insists on us to pay, we can only pay." Ren Zhengfei said.

"Then you pay them US dollars directly overseas, so that they can also get the dividends brought about by the exchange rate adjustment." Ye Shu said.

When Ren Zhengfei heard this, he nodded and agreed. They now have a close relationship with Xuanwu Technology, and it can only be better if everyone is good.

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