Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 331 Make sales preparations in advance

"Although your communication business is developing well, you still need to continue to strengthen your research and development work, so don't take it lightly.

After so many years of development, the talent team is incomparable to us, so you still have to recruit a large number of R&D personnel as much as possible to continue to consolidate our position in the communication field. "Leaf Book said.

Although he thought that Ren Zhengfei was not such a person and would not be fooled by the superficial prosperity, he couldn't help but remind him.

At present, the main energy of Qinglong Technology Company is still in the fields of personal computers and household appliances. Lingtong Technology Company is a relatively independent subsidiary company. I am afraid that Ren Zhengfei will not put a lot of thought on it.

The achievements of Lingtong Technology Company are inseparable from the support of Ye Zishu, but he can't support it forever, even if he has three heads and six arms, he can't do it.

He hoped that by taking advantage of his current absolute dominance, he would consolidate and completely leave other competitors behind without giving them any chance.

"Relying on domestic talents, it is not easy to maintain a long-term competitive advantage." Ren Zhengfei said while looking at Ye Zishu.

What he said was true, and Ye Zishu said: "You can set up research institutes in other countries with developed major communication industries, and use the talents cultivated by others to provide us with intellectual support."

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Ren Zhengfei breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that Ye Zishu would have strong nationalism, and felt that he had to use himself to be at ease.

For the research and development of core technologies, this arrangement is correct, but it is unnecessary to do so completely, and the disadvantages of doing so at present are also obvious.

"However, don't neglect domestic talent training!" Ye Zishu said.

Ren Zhengfei nodded and agreed. It is up to him to make up his mind on how to do it. Ye Zishu will not care so much, but based on what the old Ren did in his previous life, he should have done a good job in this regard.

Although he spared no effort in cultivating his own people, he was able to treat foreign talents equally, and he was willing to spend money on talented people.

After talking about the communication field, Ye Zishu inquired about the development of other projects. According to Ren Zhengfei, the overall progress is very good and there is no delay.

The main reason is that the technical information provided by Ye Zishu has been of great help, and the basic research conditions are getting better and better now. Unlike the original research conditions, which are very simple, it will take a lot of time and energy to turn the information into reality.

Now not only the parts manufacturing industry has been promoted, but also advanced software systems to assist research and development, and more sophisticated laboratory instruments are provided to them. The research and development conditions are very different from those at the beginning.

"Have you ever considered how the product operates?" Ye Zishu asked.

It's already May now, and some products will go on sale in July, so we need to think clearly about what kind of business model to adopt.

"We are going to adopt the agency model." Ren Zhengfei said as a matter of course.

The agent sales model is the current mainstream sales model, and the current personal computer sales are all carried out through this model, so Ren Zhengfei also follows industry practices.

Obviously, Ye Zishu has objections to this. Like Apple in the previous life, it operates in the form of direct-sale stores. Although there are also sales by agents, the main sales channel is its own direct-sale stores.

Ye Zishu thought of more. After Qinglong Technology Company's products come out, it will inevitably affect the interests of many giants, and the competition will become very fierce.

If you completely rely on the agent, as long as you do some tricks, the sales situation will be very different. For example, as long as the location of the product is changed in the retail store, or the recommendation is not active, the situation is completely different.

And the agent that Qinglong Technology Company is looking for must have a certain degree of overlap with the agents of other competitors, and it is impossible to completely avoid overlap.

They have been cooperating for so many years, and the relationship must be closer than that of Qinglong Technology Company. It is not impossible to do some tricks under the condition of appropriate profit sharing.

Although relying on the huge gap in performance, such an approach must be futile, but it can also slightly delay the pace of Qinglong Technology's expansion and buy them some time.

"I wonder if you are clear about the sales model of Tai Chi Health Care Company?" Ye Zishu asked.

Ren Zhengfei nodded, expressing that he knew that although there was almost no business relationship between the two, they belonged to the same company after all, and they had dealt with each other since they attended Yu Minhong's wedding together last time.

"Because Tai Chi Health has products far superior to similar products in the market, they have a unique competitive advantage.

Although they adopt a direct sales model, the number of retail terminals is much smaller than that of agency channels, but the sales performance of single stores is very good, and it is worth the trouble for consumers to buy their products.

In addition, consumers who came to buy saw that the store was always overcrowded and there were a large number of buyers. This busy scene further stimulated consumers' desire to buy.

People are group animals. When people around them enthusiastically buy the same product, they naturally have higher trust in the quality of the product, and their buying enthusiasm will also be aroused. "

When Ye Zishu said this, he paused to give Ren Zhengfei some time to think, and then he continued: "The product that Qinglong Technology Company will launch soon has the same characteristics.

One is that our products have excellent performance, which you should know best. With this, we actually have a strong competitive advantage.

Second, the industrial design of our products is excellent. Humans are visual animals. Even if it is a technological product, whether it looks good or not has a great impact on consumers.

The third is that our products are highly groundbreaking, which means they are unique, and there is no other place where there are similar products except for buying from us.

Fourth, our product group is very rich, which will not make our direct sales stores look empty. Consumers can see a variety of products and have more choices when they come here. "

"What Mr. Ye said is correct, but relying entirely on the direct sales model is very unfavorable to us in the early stage, because we currently do not have much popularity in these fields.

Even if we advertise, consumers are skeptical, which is very unfavorable to our initial sales, and it will cost a lot of money to establish a direct store, and the cost will also increase a lot. "Ren Zhengfei said.

"You are right, so we need a combination of both, selling our products through traditional agents and building our own direct sales stores, the two are not in conflict.

Moreover, our exclusive products can only be purchased in direct-sale stores, and guide consumers to go to direct-sale stores to consume, which allows us to gradually get rid of the sales channels of traditional agents. "Leaf Book said.

"Mr. Ye, your idea is good, but the agents are not stupid. Doing so will seriously affect their interests. They may not do it, or they may not do it with all their strength." Ren Zhengfei said.

"Do you think that if they give up our direct sales channels, they will definitely help us buy things wholeheartedly? In the end, it is a question of interests.

If other competitors make a lot of profits, they think it is profitable, and they will try their best to promote their competitors' products, even if they are shit, they will boast them as gold.

And we can't give up profits without a bottom line like our competitors. After all, we are in a dominant position, and they are fighting to the death, or even just want to delay time so that they have more chances to survive.

Therefore, it is impossible for us to compare with them in terms of profit sharing. If we rely solely on traditional agents, we will suffer a big loss. Because of this, why not prepare earlier.

If our products sell so well that consumers must buy them, even if we do harm to their interests, they will have to follow our requirements.

This is better than not selling to them, as long as we think about the interests, our mixed sales model is beneficial to us and not harmful to us. "Leaf Book said.

After what Ye Zishu said, Ren Zhengfei thought about it, and felt that this was indeed the case. Isn’t it just offending people, and there is no way to do business without offending people.

"We will make plans to open directly-operated stores as soon as possible." Ren Zhengfei said.

"It is really necessary as soon as possible. It is already May, and there is not much time left for you. There are two types of directly-operated stores, one is the city flagship store, and one is opened in every major city.

The products in the flagship store must be complete and the experience must be good. At the same time, it also needs to have the ability of after-sales service, such as information consultation, product maintenance and other functions.

The other is the direct sales store, which can be a general store or a brand store, and the opening venue can be inside a hypermarket or a street store.

This kind of direct sales store is to expand the number of retail stores, so that consumers can buy our products more conveniently, and it can also play a role in brand promotion.

Now that time is relatively tight, you can give priority to building flagship stores, and open the second type of direct sales stores according to your own capabilities, and try to have a certain degree of direct sales capabilities in the early stage.

In terms of storefront design, it is very important to highlight the sense of technology as much as possible to make our storefront unique and unique at first glance. We can invite more designers to participate in the design.

If your direct sales channels are well established, you can also completely abandon the agency model and adopt the direct sales model, which is better for the consumer experience.

Now that you have already received a large amount of income, it is not difficult to quickly establish such a sales channel, but the management needs to be strengthened.

After you go back, you can formulate rules and regulations for the management of the direct sales model, try to ensure that consumers get a good experience, and at the same time, you can't blindly sacrifice the interests of employees. "Leaf Book said.

"I understand!" Ren Zhengfei replied briefly and forcefully.

Ye Zishu nodded after hearing this. Even if this part is over, the specific implementation depends on them.

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