Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 329 Automobile Manufacturing License Application Approved

The next day, Wang Chuanfu, who hadn't heard from him for a long time, suddenly called and told Ye Zishu that their application for a car manufacturing license had been approved, and they became the first domestic private car company.

Wang Chuanfu is obviously not satisfied with the fact that Huanyu Group only manufactures motorcycles and battery products. Since the establishment of Huanyu Group, it has been running around and has made great efforts for this.

Now the license has finally come down, and it is a full set of licenses, which means that Huanyu Group can manufacture any type of vehicle, not just cars.

"Mr. Ye, did you take the time to produce the technical data on the car?" Wang Chuanfu immediately changed the topic to this matter after he was happy.

Now the license is issued, but there are only two ways to do a good job in this area. The first is to develop by ourselves, and the second is to acquire foreign auto companies.

Self-development without the support of Ye Zishu is not an easy task. How can you catch up with a car company that has developed for hundreds of years, and a new company that is blocked by patents alone cannot move.

The acquisition of a foreign auto company requires attention to timing and various problems. If it is not necessary, the acquisition is not a good way.

Although there are many successful examples of domestic companies acquiring foreign companies, there are more examples of failures. Conflicts in corporate culture, conflicts between laws, etc., make management more difficult.

"How is your motorcycle manufacturing progress?" Ye Zishu asked.

"We are confident that small-scale mass production will be carried out in September this year, and large-scale mass production will be achieved by the end of the year." Wang Chuanfu said.

This progress is not too slow. They are building an industrial chain from scratch, which is much more difficult than borrowing someone else's industrial chain to produce products. It is not bad to be able to produce finished products in less than a year.

He also believes that the products produced are in line with the technical information of the finished products he provided. As long as the technology meets the standards, they will have strong market competitiveness.

"I will provide you with the car technical information before your motorcycles are mass-produced." Ye Shu said.

During this time, he was very busy, and he didn't have special time to sort out the technical data of the car. He could only use his spare time to do this, and it must last for a long time.

"Then we'll wait for good news from President Ye." Wang Chuanfu said.

"By the way, how is your battery manufacturing?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Compared with motorcycles, batteries are much simpler, and mass production can be achieved in June." Wang Chuanfu said.

This time node is just right, because Qinglong Technology Company may release many heavyweight products in July, many of which have higher requirements for batteries.

For example, music players and handheld game consoles, PHS also used battery products, but now that this project has died, he does not intend to struggle anymore.

In fact, even computers need to use button batteries, which are also a type of storage battery, so the application of batteries in the electronic field is almost everywhere.

"How many R&D personnel do you have now?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Currently there are only 1000 R&D personnel, but we are working hard to recruit them." After Wang Chuanfu said the figures, he quickly explained.

In fact, 1000 R&D personnel, plus the motorcycle technical information provided by Ye Zishu, are enough. The motorcycle is really not complicated, and it does not require original research, as long as the information is turned into a real thing.

"Cars are much more complicated than motorcycles, so there is definitely not enough manpower. I hope to increase the number of R&D personnel to more than 2000 people," Ye Zishu said.

"We will work hard to do this!" Wang Chuanfu responded.

He didn't dare to guarantee that all those who really understand cars are in state-owned enterprises. Most of their 1000 people are fresh graduates, and there are not many people with rich work experience.

"Actually, the scale of the domestic family passenger car market is not very large. On the contrary, the demand for passenger vehicles will increase rapidly. At the same time, as the economy continues to prosper, the demand for freight vehicles will also be very strong." Ye Zishu said.

"I agree with Mr. Ye's judgment," Wang Chuanfu said.

"You don't need to put all the automobile industry in Wuhu, you can lay out the automobile industry chain along the Yangtze River." Ye Zishu said.

What he said was mainly to remind Wang Chuanfu that it is more dangerous to put all the industries in one place. Even in his hometown, if there is a problem, it will also be in great trouble.

"I know how to do it, and I will investigate other places and build more production bases." Wang Chuanfu said understandingly.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Zishu was thinking about how to develop the automobile industry in the future. The first choice he faced was new energy vehicles or traditional fuel vehicles.

The field of traditional fuel vehicles has been developed for hundreds of years and is very mature. Although he can bypass relevant patents, it does not mean that he can do better.

Unless he comes up with black technology, it is very difficult to achieve surpassing with ordinary technology. He can only develop step by step and accumulate the market slowly. Anyway, it is impossible to quickly occupy other people's markets.

As for the domestic market, there are not many opportunities at present. If you want to grow rapidly, you still need to occupy the international market, and it is impossible to occupy the international market without some diamonds.

New energy vehicles seem to be able to achieve corner overtaking, but they will also face many problems. First of all, it is more difficult, not to mention that new energy vehicles only have one electric motor and four motors.

The first is the car battery. In the past life, it has been a problem that plagued the development of new energy vehicles. If this problem is not solved, it will be difficult to gain an advantage over traditional fuel vehicles.

The reason why the development was so hot in the previous life was mainly because the concept of environmental protection was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, coupled with the support of various policies from the government, it gave new energy vehicles the opportunity to develop.

To be honest, lithium-ion batteries are not his ideal batteries, because they use relatively rare metals, and most of them are controlled by a few countries, with the possibility of monopoly operation.

This is equivalent to putting one's lifeblood in the hands of others. Once fuel vehicles are really threatened, it is very likely that foreign capital will mobilize energy and make electric vehicles want to die.

In addition, the price is relatively high. Among the cost of new energy vehicles, the cost of batteries occupies a large part, which is unacceptable to him. The problem is that he does not make much money himself.

The second is the problem of charging. It takes a long time to use home charging equipment to charge, and it is inconvenient. You can’t just go home and charge every time.

New energy vehicles have been hyped for so long in the previous life, and the construction of charging piles is still very limited, especially for long-distance running. The problem of charging is very difficult.

He set the target market abroad, naturally hoping to quickly occupy the market, rather than wanting to be a pioneer and find the way for the latecomers.

In foreign countries, if you want to invest in this kind of infrastructure, you may face various problems, and he is not willing to spend so much extra money.

As for letting others build charging piles, there is no need to think about it. No company will build such supporting facilities for a company, and even their government may not support it.

In fact, the battery is not the key problem for Ye Zishu. He can come up with many solutions, but the problem of charging cannot be solved by technology.

Therefore, he still prefers to manufacture fuel vehicles. As for new energy vehicles, he will at least wait until Huanyu Group's strength is improved and it has a high brand awareness before making it.

Since new energy vehicles are not suitable at present, we should directly target fuel vehicles. However, how to stand out from the crowd of fuel vehicle industry leaders is the next question he will think about.

In addition to improving the overall performance, there must be one thing that is difficult for others to do, but for consumers, there are very important key points, so that they can stand out.

And his goal is to save fuel, which should be an eternal topic. As the price of oil gradually rises, this problem will become more prominent.

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