Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 328 Random thoughts

Pei Qing is four years older than Ye Zishu, and she is 25 years old this year. In this era, many people already have children at this age. If she hadn't read a lot, she would probably have married long ago.

As for Ye Zishu, he has not yet reached the legal age of marriage in the country. Even if he reached the legal age of marriage, according to the habits brought about by his previous life, he would not get married so early.

The meaning of getting married in the previous life was not that great anymore. Anyway, getting married was just like playing a family game. Ye Zishu was quite old at that time, and he didn't think about getting married, because he felt that it was meaningless.

So in this life, he still has the habits of his previous life. Up to now, he has never thought about falling in love, let alone getting married, so he can do his own business with peace of mind.

Just like his current state, if he is married, how can he be busy until three or four in the morning every day, and the family will have broken up long ago. "Women will only affect the speed of his knife."

And he has retained the traditional concept, thinking that love that does not aim at marriage is playing hooligans, so he is a clean and self-conscious person.

This is also the reason why Pei Qing hinted frequently, but he acted as if he didn't know, because he didn't want to get married, so naturally he didn't want to delay Pei Qing's lifelong event because of falling in love.

Although it is said that "people do not destroy themselves for their own sake", there is still a bottom line in being a human being, and one cannot influence others for his own pleasure, so the only thing he can do is to escape.

It's just that when Pei Qing clarified the matter to this extent, if Ye Zishu wanted to avoid it or act as if he didn't know, he couldn't do it.

Regardless of family factors, Pei Qing is a very good girl with high education, strong ability, good character, and understanding, always thinking about him, these are the things he appreciates more.

Seeing Pei Qing's fiery gaze, Ye Zishu pondered for a moment, and said, "I've actually felt your heart, but I have no intention of getting married.

I can't delay your lifelong event because of myself. People live in the world and have to think about others, so I have never dared to face this problem.

You are a good girl, you should have your own happiness, with me, there may be no results, have you thought about this problem? "

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, Pei Qing's eyes not only did not avoid, but became more aggressive, and she dodged a little while reading Ye Zishu.

"Emotional things are out of control. I don't care about the future. I just know that I like you very much now. If I don't say it, I will feel very uncomfortable. Do you understand what I mean?" Pei Qing said.

Ye Zishu nodded, and then said with a smile: "Now that you've said it out, and I know it, it won't be so uncomfortable."

Pei Qing originally thought that her emotional words would directly force Ye Zishu into a corner, but she never expected that he would be able to say such words.

Could it be that she just wanted to have a mouthful?Pei Qing was immediately amused by his words, patted his arm, and said, "Don't interrupt, I'm serious."

"What I just said is also serious. I really have no intention of getting married. A woman's life cannot stand the wait of time. If there is no result by then, what will you do?" Ye Zishu said.

Hearing what he said, Pei Qing understood and said, "I don't want a result, I just want to be with you!"

Hearing this, Ye Zishu felt that she was insane, put his hands on her shoulders, looked into her eyes, and said: "You have fallen into an irrational state now, and you don't understand the meaning of doing this.

You should calm down for a while and think about this matter clearly. When people are stimulated by hormones, they cannot think rationally. You are a medical student, so you should understand this truth. "

After finishing speaking, Ye Zishu let go of his hands, stood up, went to the door and took his coat, turned his head and said, "I want to go back, you should think about whether it's worth it."

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Pei Qing suddenly seemed to go crazy, stood up, and said loudly: "I'm serious, I've already thought about it."

"I don't think you've thought it through yet! Calm down first, let's talk about it after some sleep!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

After Gu finished speaking, he didn't pay attention to Pei Qing's next words, but opened the door and walked out, closed the door, looked at his own house opposite, Ye Zishu went straight to the elevator.

Back in the office, Ye Zishu thought that this was just an episode, so that he would not waste his energy and time, but when he sat on the chair in front of the desk, he couldn't calm down anyway.

He admitted that his ability to deal with emotional matters was very poor. It was because the social atmosphere at that time was not good, and he was not good at dealing with emotional matters, so he simply didn't handle it.

This can be said to be an ostrich mentality, but at least he can live freely. The purpose of starting a family is to pass on to the next generation. Putting this factor aside, he really doesn't know what other meanings there are in marriage as a small citizen.

Coupled with the influence of various social news, he actually does not have much affection for women, and of course he will not deliberately belittle women, because this is their power.

And all he can do is dodge. If he can't afford to be provoked, it's always right to dodge. This is probably not just his state at the time, it should be the state of many men.

Marriage is no longer simply about having children and raising the next generation, but has become a game between men and women. Both of them feel that they are the one who sacrificed in the marriage. He doesn't know what the meaning of such a marriage is.

Especially for the people at the bottom, a marriage that has gone through all kinds of hardships and even ruined their fortunes will most likely only last a few years, so why bother in his opinion.

Even if the marriage is barely maintained, because of various family trivial matters, the woman feels that she has broken her heart for the family, and the man feels that he is living like a dog, and both parties feel that life is worse than death.

Of course, there have been happy ones, but in the previous life, it has become less and less common. I always hear more complaints than praises, as if all my misfortunes are due to marrying the other party.

This is also the reason why he is afraid of marriage, and at the same time, he can't live a free and easy life like a scumbag, so he can't even bother to talk about love, and still live freely by himself.

He persuaded Pei Qing to calm down and think clearly just now, why not give himself a time to think, because at that time his mind was also a mess.

Now it is different from before, if my own such a large foundation does not have a legal heir, will it face the risk of collapse.

This was something he had to consider. Although he didn't feel that he had to leave the inheritance to future generations, he didn't want the foundation he had built with great difficulty to suffer a devastating blow.

As for hiring professional managers to manage assets, that's nonsense. Those so-called professional managers even try to put the country's assets in their own names, let alone private property, and there is no psychological pressure.

So having his own children is very important to him, but he doesn't want to get married to avoid the messy things that marriage brings.

For a rich man like him, it's not difficult to do this, as long as he doesn't talk about feelings and interests, there are countless women who would be willing.

It's just that he never thought of a woman like Pei Qing doing this, because for Pei Qing, it's completely unnecessary for her to do so, and it's unfair to her.

The most important thing is that she is also in control of his most profitable company. Doing this kind of thing will bring him great hidden dangers. Unless he is willing, he will not try it lightly.

Thinking of this, Ye Zishu had to laugh at himself, he was not very noble, he was just a profit-driven person, no different from others.

It really echoes the saying, "Poor people have no chance to get married, and rich people don't need to get married." Perhaps the really happy people should be the middle class.

In such an era, Ye Zishu himself is also confused. People can only adapt to the times, but they cannot change the times. It is the times that push people forward, not individuals.

Even though he owns billions of dollars, he is still just one of the crowd, still unable to get rid of the confusion caused by the times. He is not a pioneer of thought, but just a lucky one who got a golden finger.

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