Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 327 Ye Shu, I Like You

After finishing speaking, he didn't wait for Pei Qing to speak, just put on his coat and went out. Originally, he planned to go to a nearby supermarket to buy, but it took more than 10 minutes to go back and forth.

When I went downstairs, I saw many aunts there, so I found a kind-looking aunt and asked, "Auntie, can I borrow something from you?"

The aunt looked at Ye Zishu, looked at it carefully for a while, and said, "Young man, your face looks familiar."

Ye Zishu doesn't have many opportunities to make public appearances. Apart from holding a concert in Hong Kong, he is participating in CCTV's Spring Festival Gala. Other than that, he has no chance to make public appearances.

The aunt probably watched the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, otherwise it would be impossible to see him and feel familiar, but the aunt just said something and didn't connect the two.

Those who can live in this community are all employees of Ye Zishu, and there will be no idlers and others mixed in. The community has hired special security guards to prevent other people from mixing in and affecting the security of the community.

You must know that the salaries of the employees here are not low. In the capital, they are definitely high-paying class. If the security is not strict, the probability of theft will be very high.

Therefore, when the aunt saw someone borrowing something, she would not have other ideas, and said very generously: "As long as you have it at home, you don't need to borrow it, just follow auntie to get it at home."

The aunt stood up while talking, and said at the same time: "The young man wants to borrow something."

"I'll just borrow some noodles, my friend's birthday is today, I didn't prepare it before!" Ye Zishu said.

"Okay, Auntie, I understand! It happens that there are some dried noodles at home, do you think it's okay?" Auntie asked.

In fact, the method of longevity noodles is still a bit particular, but Ye Zishu is from the south and is not good at making handmade noodles. He originally planned to buy dried noodles outside.

The noodles eaten in the south are mainly dried noodles, which are mainly simple and uncomplicated. Ye Zishu said quickly: "That's a good relationship, thank you, auntie."

"Why are you being so polite, kid?" Auntie smiled and walked ahead, followed by Ye Zishu to Auntie's house.

Ye Zishu was afraid of staining the floor, so he simply stood at the door and did not go in. Auntie took out a bag from the house, which contained a lot of loose dried noodles.

"Have you seen enough?" Auntie asked.

"Enough, we don't need so much," Ye Zishu said.

"Take it all, it's not worth much, if you can't eat it, save it for next time." Auntie said with a smile.

"Then thank you, Auntie." Ye Zishu said.

"Why are you so polite, go back and make noodles for your friend." The aunt urged with a smile.

Returning to Pei Qing's home with the borrowed noodles, Pei Qing came back within 5 minutes after seeing Ye Zishu, and asked, "So fast?"

"It took too long to go shopping outside, so I asked a kind-hearted aunt downstairs to borrow some dried noodles." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

As a native of the capital, Pei Qing should not be used to such dried noodles, but she didn't say so. On the one hand, Ye Zishu is from the south, so it's normal that she doesn't know how to make handmade noodles.

On the other hand, Ye Zishu was so active in making longevity noodles for her, she was already very moved. The so-called sentient beings can be full with water, let alone noodles.

"There should be eggs left at home, right?" Ye Zishu asked.

"After cooking just now, there are still a dozen or so left." Pei Qing said while taking out the eggs.

"Okay, you go outside and wait for a while, I'll just come here." Ye Zishu said.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you." Pei Qing said happily.

After Pei Qing went out, Ye Zishu took some tap water with a pot, and then put it on the gas stove to boil. There should not be many gas stoves in use now, and a large area of ​​the community here uses gas stoves.

After the noodles were cooked, Ye Zishu fried three more poached eggs, put them on top of the noodles, and brought them to the restaurant, saying, "The Longevity Noodles for the birthday star is ready."

Putting the noodles in front of Pei Qing, she said, "How about trying my noodles?"

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Pei Qing happily picked up the chopsticks, picked a little bit and tasted it, and said happily, "It's delicious, I like it very much."

"Eat it quickly if you like it, it won't taste good when it's cold," Ye Zishu said.

After taking a few bites, Pei Qing asked curiously, "Why are you frying three eggs?"

To be honest, Ye Zishu is not very clear. Anyway, in his hometown in the countryside, when entertaining guests, he would serve noodles and fry three eggs as a pre-dinner snack.

"The countryside is relatively poor. Eggs are a good source of nutrition. Generally, they are not willing to eat them. They are sold for money. Frying three eggs should be a sign of grandeur," Ye Zishu explained.

At that time, life in the city was not necessarily good, but it was still much better than that in the countryside. As long as the job was stable, the quality of life was much higher than that in the countryside.

This is also the reason why many rural people do everything possible to want to be workers, so Pei Qing does not have a deep understanding of the difficulties in the countryside.

Pei Qing didn't answer, because she didn't know what to say, so she just buried her head in eating the noodles, and Ye Zishu felt a little bit of happiness seeing Pei Qing eating so deliciously.

After taking a few mouthfuls, Pei Qing saw Ye Zishu looking at her all the time, her heart was sweet and shy, she raised her head and said quickly, "You can eat too, it's getting cold."

"Oh, let's eat together." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

After Pei Qing had a bowl of "Longevity Noodles", she was already very full, and there was no room for other meals, so she sat across from her and read Ye Zishu while eating.

"Would you like to eat more?" Ye Zishu asked.

"I can't eat anymore!" Pei Qing said.

Hearing what she said, Ye Zishu stopped persuading her, but sped up the pace of eating. After all, it still made him a little unaccustomed to someone watching him eat.

After finishing the meal, Ye Zishu stood up and was about to clean up the dishes, but Pei Qing stopped her and said, "Let me do it."

"It's the same as me. When I was in my hometown, I often did this kind of work. My younger brother Ye Zihua was in charge of cooking, and I was in charge of washing dishes. There is a clear division of labor between the two." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"That was before, now your time is precious." Pei Qing said with a smile.

"It's all the same, and it happens to change your mind." Ye Zishu ignored Pei Qing's obstruction, and took the dishes and chopsticks to the kitchen very neatly, and washed the dishes and chopsticks in a few minutes.

Then the two sat in the living room, Pei Qing turned on the TV, it didn't matter what was on it, the main thing was that there was a voice, so as not to fill the room with an embarrassing atmosphere for the two of them.

With the two of them looking at each other speechlessly, Ye Zishu looked for a topic and said, "Does your family have any objections when you move out?"

"It doesn't matter if you have an opinion. We are all grown up, and it is impossible to live under the roof of our parents forever." Pei Qing said.

Although he didn't answer his words clearly, he still heard the meaning inside, but Ye Zishu didn't say anything, and he couldn't get too involved in the family's affairs.

So he asked again: "Are you used to living here?"

"Actually, it's just staying here at night. I can't tell if I'm used to it or not. You often live in the company. It would be better if you lived here." Pei Qing said.

"There is always something to be busy with." Ye Zishu said.

He really wanted to take a break, but sometimes he couldn't take it anymore. Seeing that Xuanwu Technology Company and Qinglong Technology Company were about to usher in the harvest stage, he tossed out another Qilin Industrial Group.

"You still need to be careful about your body, don't just rely on your youth and strength and not cherish it, you will have various problems when you get old." Pei Qing persuaded.

Pei Qing still had vivid memories of Ye Zishu's hard work. If he didn't seem to have any serious problems, she probably would have persuaded him a long time ago.

He is already rich enough, he is no longer in the original situation, and it is not a bad thing to stop properly. Of course, there is still a big gap for his ideal.

"It is estimated that there is no way to rest for the time being. The Kirin Industrial Group has not yet been supported. The previous companies are also facing a critical moment. There is also a Huanyu Group. Although it is not under much control, it cannot be ignored." Ye Zishu said.

Huanyu Group does not need him to pay more attention at the moment, because motorcycles and batteries are not very complicated things, and with the technical information he provided, it is not difficult to manufacture them.

As for the cars, passenger planes, high-speed trains, ships, etc. behind them, the technical content is very high, and the scale of the industry is much larger, so he needs to provide a lot of support.

"You, you still don't have a real family to hold you!" Pei Qing said with a smile.

"Hey." Ye Zishu laughed twice, he is so young, it's still early to talk about family.

"Yezi Shu, I like you!" Pei Qing suddenly looked into Ye Zishu's eyes and said.

Ye Zishu was a little overwhelmed by Pei Qing's words, and didn't know how to answer. Are all the girls in the capital so straightforward?

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