Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 322 Health Service Industry

"There are more types of health service industry, including medical care, pension industry, health insurance, health management, health culture, health tourism, third-party services, health information technology, etc.

Among these categories, some of you have already been involved, such as medical institutions in medical treatment, which are what we call hospitals, and nursing institutions.

Some of them may not have been thought of by you, because some of them are not available now, and they are the health service industry that was born with the emergence of new technologies, such as health information technology. "

"We won't go into details about medical treatment. The literal meaning is easy to understand. You can combine the actual situation in China and refer to advanced international experience to do a good job in this area.

As for the elderly care industry, it mainly refers to the elderly care service industry, but also includes elderly care real estate, but the latter needs to be determined according to the actual situation. At present, there is no such business environment in China.

The elderly care service industry generally refers to the establishment of nursing homes, and also includes all services related to the elderly, such as regular health care, regular home checkups, and so on.

You can also see from this that it does not mean that there is no connection between the various businesses that are so finely divided. In actual practice, many of them are cross-connected and belong to the network structure. "

"Let's talk about health insurance again. This refers to commercial insurance. It is impossible for the national medical insurance to do for you. The most you can do is to let the national medical insurance cover your medical institutions.

National medical insurance mainly emphasizes insurance coverage, but many diseases are not included in the medical insurance catalogue, which provides room for commercial medical insurance to survive.

If you combine commercial medical insurance with your medical institutions all over the country and your medical technology reaches a certain level, your business potential in this area will be huge.

But in terms of experience, I think you should not get too involved in financial operations, because this is not your strong point, and it will distract your energy.

At that time, I may set up a special financial institution, and then carry out commercial medical insurance cooperation with you, which is also a way of cooperation. "

Engaging in the insurance industry requires a professional financial license. With the size of Taiji Group, if you really want to open up this area, it should not be difficult to apply.

It's just that he doesn't want the company to get too involved in the financial business, because doing well in finance can make people addicted, and doing poorly can lead to great risks.

Taiji Group's main business is still health-related technology research and development. He let Taiji Group enter more business fields, mainly because they have huge funds.

If all these funds are used to support the industrial development of brother companies, it may cause bad emotions within the Taiji Group in the long run, so it needs to be released to a certain extent.

But he still hopes not to deviate too far from the main business, at least he believes that the financial industry should be handed over to professional financial institutions, and they only do terminal financial support business.

"Health management mainly includes health checkups, health consultations, maternal and child care, family doctors, etc. It is easier for you to do health checkups, and you can rely on your medical institutions to carry out related activities.

As the name suggests, health examination is to provide customers with medical examination services. This business is also the easiest to carry out, and the income is also very good.

You can rely on your own medical institutions to carry out regular medical examination cooperation with enterprises and government institutions. After all, diseases are detected and treated early, and the price paid is also the lowest.

Health consultation is divided into online and offline. Online is to rely on Internet communication technology to provide customers with health consultation services online. Such services are more convenient and cheaper.

However, the accuracy of health consultation provided online is low, so there is a necessity for offline health consultation, and online consultation can be used as a preliminary judgment for offline consultation.

Maternal and child care and family doctors are relatively cumbersome. If you really want to do it, I suggest that it is better to rely on your medical institutions to do this.

In this way, your medical institution is no longer simply providing ordinary disease treatment services, but also involves many value-added services, and is a comprehensive medical institution. "

Ye Zishu is supportive of Taiji Group relying on its medical institutions to develop more humane and convenient medical services.

For people with good economic conditions or special reasons, such services can solve a lot of problems, and at the same time, it can open up an additional source of income for its medical institutions.

Gu In terms of the operation of medical institutions, private medical institutions should be more flexible than state-run medical institutions, and should have more advantages in this regard.

"As for health culture, although it includes health education and training and health culture creativity, it is actually to make people aware of how to manage their own health.

For example, what kind of daily habits are good for health, what kind of food and work and rest habits are harmful to health, the benefits of this industry will not be very big.

But it is very important to spread the concept of health, and it is also conducive to the development of your other health industries. It is an auxiliary service industry, and you can carry it out appropriately.

If you are unwilling to go to war, you can rely on its medical institutions to carry out regular health promotion activities, or hold regular health knowledge competitions and other activities.

This can not only promote your medical institution, but also assume social responsibility, and at the same time, it does not need to spend too much money, and the positive impact is very good. "

The reason why Ye Zishu told them not to over-invest in this area is mainly because they don't want private medical institutions like the previous life. The real ability may not be great, but the ability to fool is not weak.

He is a person who does serious things. Although making money is necessary, he is also a particular person, and too much investment in this area will inevitably lead to an increase in the overall cost, which must be made up from other places.

In the end, it is necessary to rely on the customer to pay the bill, and even use some tricks in order to spread the cost, which is what Ye Zishu doesn't like.

"Health tourism, including medical tourism, sports tourism and health tourism, etc., if your medical institutions are top-notch in the world, you can conduct medical tourism and let foreigners come to your medical institutions for treatment.

As for sports tourism, it basically has nothing to do with you, but if you want to do it, it will be included in the tourism industry, but the current development prospects are limited.

Health tourism is more complicated. For example, hot spring tourism and natural environment tourism are part of health tourism and can also be included in tourism business. "

"Third-party services include medical testing/imaging, medical service evaluation, health market research and consulting, R&D service outsourcing, medical technology achievement transformation services, technology intermediaries, etc.

Here, I think you can properly develop the first three, and don’t get involved in the latter three. You are an institution that focuses on independent research and development, and the latter three are not of much benefit to your development.

Here I want to focus on medical testing. You should have heard of the Human Genome Project. In the future, many medical things can be determined based on genes.

Therefore, high-end medical testing is inseparable from genetic testing, and it is also an important part of your difference from ordinary medical institutions. You can invest more in this area.

If you want to enter the field of high-end medical technology research, genetic research is a topic that you cannot avoid. Starting research on this aspect from now on will be of great help to your future development. "

"The last is health information technology, including telemedicine, digital health systems, health information services, etc. This is a service industry born on the basis of modern communication technology and information technology.

If you develop very well in this area, it will be of great benefit to improving your information-based medical technology, and it will also be of great help to future artificial intelligence medical technology. "

After finishing speaking, Ye Zishu took a sip of water, and he felt his mouth was dry after finishing all the information in one breath, but these were all helpful for Pei Qing to understand the situation of the health service industry.

They can selectively develop based on their own advantages, and at the same time, they can combine their own advantages and those of brother companies to carry out cooperative development.

For example, Phoenix Technology has advantages in information technology, Qinglong Technology has advantages in communications, and Tai Chi has advantages in medical practice today.

In the field of health information technology, the three companies can cooperate, learn from each other's strengths, make use of their respective advantages, and do a better job in this field.

"The above is the whole content of the big health industry I want to talk about. You can develop according to your own actual situation, and at the same time, you should also develop according to the actual domestic situation. Don't be overly greedy and aggressive."

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