Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 323 Going Around One Big Circle Just To Borrow Money?

Although he said so much, there are not many that are really suitable for Taiji Group to invest in. The reason why he said so comprehensively is mainly to let Pei Qing know.

Some industries can make preparations in advance, and some can make appropriate attempts, and when the time is right, they can expand rapidly instead of starting from scratch.

The development of an industry will go through a period of exploration. This process often takes a long time and requires a lot of work. It is very necessary to prepare in advance.

If an inherent model is formed in the early stage, it has high feasibility. When it comes to expansion, it is basically pasting and copying. If you have money, you can expand on a large scale.

The most important thing about Taiji Group is money. It can be said that this company is the most profitable company in China. Although it may not have the largest revenue in the future, its profit scale will definitely be top-notch.

The company with the highest revenue in the future should be Qinglong Technology Company. Their communication products can sell hundreds of billions of yuan in this era. With the acceleration of Internet construction, this area of ​​revenue will show a trend of rapid increase.

In addition to electronic and computer products, the price of a single product is relatively high, and with the development of the Internet entertainment industry, the sales volume will increase rapidly.

This single category alone may bring several hundred billion yuan in revenue to Qinglong Technology Company every year. If it develops smoothly, trillions of yuan is not impossible.

Then there is the home appliance business. Although there are already strong players in this area, relying on new technologies, it is not impossible to catch up from behind.

Others are relatively miscellaneous businesses, such as music players, digital cameras, ultra-high-definition digital video cameras, and digital filming systems for TV and movies, new theater systems, sound system services, and so on.

Although the scale of these individual categories is not particularly large, if they are added together, they can still contribute huge revenue to Qinglong Technology Company.

"I have resigned as the president of Phoenix Technology Company and the president of Phoenix Software Company." Ye Shu said.

"When did it happen?" Pei Qing asked in surprise.

The industry under the Phoenix Technology Company can develop so fast because Ye Zishu is in charge. Without his existence, the current Phoenix Technology Company would not exist.

Enterprises that have some business relations with Phoenix Technology Company, such as Qinglong Technology Company, knew the news of Ye Zishu's resignation early on, but Taiji Group and the business here are not closely related, so it is understandable that they don't know.

"Just what happened a few days ago," Ye Zishu said.

"Do you have more important things to do?" Pei Qing asked.

Ye Zishu's resignation as the president of Phoenix Technology Company certainly did not mean to travel around. With his desperate personality, it is impossible to let go suddenly, not to mention that he is still so young.

Now many careers are at a critical moment, and it is even more impossible to resign suddenly. There must be more important things that need him to be busy.

"Recently, I established a Kirin Industrial Group, mainly engaged in textile, clothing, industrial dairy products, edible oil and other industries. I am now the president of this group." Ye Zishu said.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Pei Qing was even more surprised. It was a bit unreasonable to run a traditional industry while leaving the high-tech industry alone.

Although these industries may have a relatively large revenue scale, it is not an easy task to achieve a profit margin as high as that of the high-tech industry, and it is even more cumbersome.

It is basically impossible to form a monopoly situation in traditional industries, not to mention that the land in our country is state-owned and collectively owned, and it is basically impossible to monopolize raw materials.

"Why do you suddenly want to do this? It doesn't fit your personality!" Pei Qing asked.

"The main reason is that this industry can provide a large number of jobs. You should know that if you want to improve the overall domestic economy, you must provide a large number of industrial jobs.

This can not only further accelerate the pace of industrialization in our country, but also promote the further development of urbanization and reduce the gap between the rich and the poor in the country. "Leaf Book said.

Pei Qing believes this. Although Wancheng Foundation is not lacking in the purpose of making money, entering the market when the domestic land price is low can gain a huge advantage.

But the most fundamental purpose is to provide more jobs. If the textile and garment industry does well, the jobs provided should not be underestimated.

"You don't need to be the president of this group, do you?" Pei Qing asked.

Although she understood Ye Zishu's original intention of establishing this group enterprise, she did not think that Ye Zishu would be able to do a good job in this industry as the person in charge of the group.

Pei Qing is very clear that Ye Zishu's advantage lies in the field of technology research and development. Using his smart brain, he can come up with many advanced technologies and promote the development of my country's high-tech industry.

But for business management, Pei Qing doesn't think that Ye Zishu can do better than professional managers, and he has a specialization in technology. Compared with people with rich experience in business management, Ye Zishu is still not as good.

When she worked in Phoenix Software Company, she already had a certain understanding of these things, but at that time Phoenix Software Company was still in the stage of technology research and development, and a little confusion in management would not cause much harm.

Moreover, the attributes of high-tech companies determine that owning technology equals owning a market. The reason why some companies have technology but no market is because their technology has not yet reached the point of absolute advantage.

"Do you think that Kirin Industrial Group is a purely traditional industry enterprise?" Ye Zishu asked with a smile.

"Isn't it?" Pei Qing asked curiously.

Ye Zishu shook his head and said, "Although we are basically engaged in a traditional industry, we don't use traditional means to manage it, so we don't have much advantage.

The traditional industries that I plan to operate all use high-tech means, which are completely different from traditional business models. It is not so much a traditional industry as it is a redefinition of a traditional industry. "

This suddenly aroused Pei Qing's curiosity. She really couldn't imagine that there are other ways to change the business model of traditional industries?

Such industries generally purchase raw materials, such as various animal furs, plant fibers, and fossil fibers, and then use textile machinery to process them into various textile products, and then enter the stage of clothing, shoes and hats processing.

As for grain, oil and dairy products, this is even more so. Purchasing raw materials and then producing finished products, in Pei Qing's view, has nothing to do with high technology.

It can be seen from the name of Kirin Industry Group that if the technological content is very high, it can be called Kirin Technology Group.

"You also know my habits. Once you enter an industry, you must control all upstream and downstream links and enter these traditional fields. This kind of thinking still exists.

It's just that the raw materials of these traditional industries need to be purchased from farmers, and it is impossible to achieve the level I want in terms of raw materials.

So my method is to use high-tech means to prepare traditional agricultural raw materials with industrial methods, such as milk, which does not need cows to produce milk at all, and can be directly produced in factories.

The same is true for others, such as animal and plant fibers, fats, proteins, various vitamins and other nutrients, etc., can all be done in this way.

From this point of view, Kirin Industrial Group is definitely not an industrial industry in the traditional sense, and requires a very high level of technical support. This is the purpose of my personal role as president.

Moreover, the downstream industries of textile and clothing are not so easy to do. If we want to stand out from the encirclement and occupy the majority of the global textile and clothing industry, we can't do it just by relying on our cheap labor. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Pei Qing remembered that the video of his interview with "Oriental Time and Space" did mention this aspect, but he didn't expect him to move so fast.

Because at that time, Pei Qing didn't think it was particularly reliable. Even if Ye Zishu was a genius, it would not be possible to achieve it in a short while, and it was more of a vision for the future.

If the industrialized agriculture mentioned by Ye Zishu can be realized, the plight of insufficient arable land in our country will be greatly reduced, and the problem of food security in our country will also be completely solved.

Once food security is resolved, the vacated land can be used to grow other crops with higher economic value. The per capita proportion of other agricultural products for our people will increase significantly, and the quality of life will naturally improve a lot.

After Pei Qing was shocked, after thinking about it, she understood why Ye Zishu told her these things, so she asked, "Is it necessary to get money from Taiji Group to support the development of Qilin Industrial Group?"

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