Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 321 Big Health Industry

After talking about R&D and personnel training, Ye Zishu continued: "As Xuanwu Technology enters the harvest period this year, the demand for your capital in the future will not be so high.

If their profitability is good, they will gradually repay the loan later, and then you will have more funds in your hands, so in addition to R&D and the existing investment in Wancheng Foundation, you also need to have your own investment plan.

As I said before, it is best for investment to be relevant, and it is best to be associated with your core business, which is of great benefit to new businesses.

For example, you can prepare for the large-scale construction of hospitals in the future. As long as you have accumulated a certain amount of experience, the speed can be appropriately accelerated in the later stage.

Another example is the health care business for the elderly. Although the current market is not very large, there are not many competitors. Early entry can accumulate richer experience and build brand awareness.

According to my country's family planning policy and the huge population base, the proportion of the elderly population will be very large in the future, but their children will be busy with work and taking care of their own small family.

For the elderly, in addition to the inconvenience in life, it is also very lonely. If there is a nursing home for the elderly, many people will not be so boring together.

Of course, these are just examples, and there are many others. You can invest in anything related to health.

Next, I will tell you in detail what is big health. "

When Pei Qing heard what Ye Zishu said, she quickly sat up straight and held the pen in her hand, preparing to record what Ye Zishu said next.

"Big health mainly involves three categories, one is healthy agriculture, the other is health industry, and the third is health service industry, which basically covers all aspects of people's food, clothing, housing and transportation.

In fact, you are more or less involved in these three categories. Let’s take healthy agriculture as an example, including green agriculture and leisure agriculture.

Green agriculture includes Chinese herbal medicine planting, agricultural and sideline products, and flowers. Among these three, you have already involved the first two, and you only need to make it bigger and stronger in the future.

As for flowers, it depends on your wishes, because this kind of industry is more troublesome to operate. If you want to do it, you can only do the back-end. Front-end sales are delicate work, and you may not be able to do it well.

Moreover, the consumption habit of flowers in China has not yet risen, so I suggest that you do not enter this industry on a large scale at present. If you have to do it, you can only make appropriate investment and accumulate experience.

Leisure agriculture includes more content, including tourism agriculture, creative agriculture, education agriculture and leisure agriculture. After all, it is closely related to the tourism industry.

If you really want to do this, you can definitely expand your business scope and fully expand into the field of tourism development, which has great development prospects in China.

Although the current domestic people do not have much spare money and the market does not seem to be large, we must think about problems with a long-term perspective. It is precisely because the current market is not large, there are not many competitors, and the strength is not strong, so it has more investment value.

However, tourism resources are relatively scarce, especially tourism projects with famous mountains and rivers and high-quality geography, which are basically first-served and have great investment value.

So I suggest that you can appropriately increase the investment in this area. You don’t need to think too much about profitability in the early stage. You should straighten out this business first and make relevant preparations. "

"Then let's talk about the health industry, which includes pharmaceuticals, health food, health products, health equipment, etc. You have already involved three of them.

As for health products, they mainly refer to skin care products and daily health care products. You can expand your business scope and form your own industrial group.

For example, skin care products, if expanded, will involve various cosmetics. This is also a weak industry in our country, and it is also an industry with great development prospects.

Everyone has a love of beauty, which does not distinguish between rich and poor. In fact, at this stage, there is still a lot of room for development, and it will also be one of your main business contents in the future.

As for daily health care products, Gu’s covers a very wide range, mainly including children’s health care and women’s health care products, and these two groups are also the most willing to spend money.

For this reason, you can carry out relevant investment, invest in scientific research, and conduct research on some technical issues. The future prospects are also very good.

In terms of health food, you are currently involved in the planting business of green agricultural and sideline products, and you can get involved in the green food industry with proper extension. The domestic market may not be large for the time being, but there should be a good market abroad.

As for health food, you have not yet set foot in it. Chinese medicine diet therapy has a long history. You can start from this perspective and carry out related research and promotion.

Finally, there are health devices. The medical devices you are preparing to make are one of them, including special medical devices, household medical devices, mobile medical devices, rehabilitation aids, beauty and fitness devices, etc.

From these literal meanings, you should know how to do it. The future market prospect of this area is very large, especially beauty and fitness equipment, which will become more and more popular among consumers.

As for medicines, I won’t say much, but I just want to mention that in addition to medicines for humans, medicines for pets will become more and more popular in the future.

With the acceleration of urbanization in our country, more and more young people live in cities, coupled with the only child phenomenon caused by family planning, many young people will feel lonely.

In fact, not only young people, but many elderly people also want to find a pet to keep them to pass the lonely and boring time because they lack the company of their children.

Therefore, the pet industry in the future is definitely not a small industry, including pet food, pet supplies, pet medicine, and even pet hospitals and service industries, all of which have development prospects. "Leaf Book said.

Just the first two, Pei Qing memorized a lot, plus the detailed discussions, benefited Pei Qing a lot, she had never thought about these issues in such detail.

Before, they just thought that since they were involved in health care products, it was logical to enter into medicines and medical devices, because the relationship between the three is very close.

She has never thought about the entire industrial system in such detail and systematically before. After Ye Zishu's narration, Pei Qing finally sketched out a relatively complete system in her mind.

Take the pet industry as an example. At present, there is basically no pet industry in China. There are not many pets in cities, and pets in rural areas are basically used to look after homes.

It is estimated that the only related industry is veterinarians, but veterinarians are more concerned with the economic benefits of rural people such as livestock and poultry. Basically, cats and dogs at home will not be treated if they are sick.

In addition to economic reasons, there is also a problem of concept, and I don't treat these people as my own family, but this situation will be greatly changed as time goes by.

Per capita spending on pets will increase, and even some young people are reluctant to spend money on themselves, preferring to provide pets with better living conditions.

Although Ye Shu didn't quite agree with this, but other people's views were like this. As a businessman, he could only follow the trend and earn the benefits he could earn.

In fact, this is a typical emotional dislocation. If people invest their emotions on these pets, it will increase their emotional emptiness and even cause certain psychological barriers.

And the stronger the sense of emptiness, the more you want to find an object for emotional sustenance, resulting in an endless loop. Of course, this is an extreme case, and most of them are relatively rational.

"I didn't expect there to be so many ways here. After your analysis and summary, I feel suddenly enlightened." Pei Qing said while writing.

"That's the health service industry that you haven't heard of yet. It has a wider scale and content, and is much more complicated than the previous two." Ye Shu said.

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