Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 320 I don't care what I say, but I don't care in my heart

Ye Zishu said so much is just to put forward his own suggestions, how to implement it depends on the specific situation, he neither knows education nor the actual situation, so it is difficult to make an accurate judgment.

But his determination to do a good job in this kind of education is certain. Even if he spends money, he will be able to create a top-notch school. Pei Qing can still feel this.

"Your ability to make money is very strong, but the speed at which you spend it is also extraordinary!" Pei Qing said with a smile.

"Money is something that you don't bring with you when you die. It doesn't make sense to keep so much money in your hands. Is it just for the prodigal family?" Ye Zishu also said with a smile.

Therefore, apart from investing in more industries, providing more jobs, and lifting more people out of poverty, the money earned is only education that can arouse his interest in spending money on a large scale.

No matter what period it is, education is always the foundation of a nation's strength. Even after a few years, the industries under his banner are gone, as long as this school is left behind, it can still help the country's development.

Of course, if there is such a top school to support it, it will not be so easy for his industries to get Huang. Talent is the foundation of enterprise development.

Pei Qing believed this, Ye Zishu had spent all her own money so far, and had not taken any money from the company into her small treasury.

Although many patents are in his own hands, he has not yet charged a patent fee, which shows that he does not particularly value personal assets.

"After you go back, you can communicate with Yu Minhong from New Oriental as soon as possible to confirm this matter as soon as possible," Ye Zishu said.

"Do you have any requirements for the location of the school?" Pei Qing asked.

According to the general rule, it is best to establish such a school in a big city in China. After all, the compulsory education resources in big cities are much stronger than those in ordinary cities and rural areas.

And at present, most people are very yearning for big cities. Establishing schools in big cities has much stronger advantages than ordinary cities. Some people even go to school, and they need to fully consider the local urban economic situation.

After hearing what Pei Qing said, Ye Zishu thought for a moment and said, "I know that there are many advantages to establishing a school in a big city, but I think it is better to establish such a school in a small town.

The purpose of our establishment of this school is to be able to climb the scientific limit of human beings, which requires R&D personnel to sit still and do research with peace of mind.

Compared with big cities, they are a little impetuous, especially with the acceleration of market economy, the impetuous atmosphere of big cities becomes more and more obvious.

Moreover, the cost of living and pressure in big cities are not comparable to those in small cities. If you have a stable job in a small city, your sense of happiness will be higher than in a big city. "

Ye Zishu's words are obvious, that is to find a small city in China to build such a school. With future development, the traffic problem will gradually be solved.

"But in this case, the school will be far away from the industrial center, which is not conducive to the combination of industry and school education. Even if many difficulties are overcome, it will increase a lot of costs for nothing." Pei Qing said.

This kind of situation exists at present, and the transportation cost is second, the main reason is that the time cost is a bit high, Ye Shu thought for a moment, and said: "Although this situation does exist, it can still be overcome.

In the future, domestic transportation will become more and more developed, and cross-city high-speed rail will spread all over the country, and it will only take a few hours to reach most cities and regions in the country. "

Hearing that Ye Zishu had already made a decision, Pei Qing stopped persuading her and said, "Then where is our school built and what is its name?"

The first thing he thought about this was to let New Oriental decide for himself, but after thinking about it in a blink of an eye, he didn't seem to have done a big thing for his hometown.

So he said, "Why don't you put this school in ** County, Xunyang City, my hometown?"

When Pei Qing heard Ye Zishu say this, she immediately laughed. It seems that the boss is also a cannibal, not completely desireless.

But this is also human nature, just like Wang Chuanfu moved the headquarters of Huanyu Group to Wuhu, as long as he does a good job and takes proper care of his hometown, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Although Xunyang is a small city, its transportation and geographical location are good. It is close to the Yangtze River and Poyang Lake, and relatively close to Wuhan and Nanjing.

Moreover, the Beijing-Kowloon high-speed railway will be connected here in the future, and the railway traffic will not be bad, but the city is not large, and the economy of the counties below will definitely be worse. "Leaf Book said.

"The boss is right, we don't have any objections." Pei Qing said with a smile.

Even though it is a school, it feels incomparable to an enterprise, but according to the investment scale of Yeaf Book, the economic growth brought by such a school cannot be ignored.

More importantly, the presence of such a top school can bring a broad international perspective to this small place, and the future development will definitely not be as slow as it is now.

"Then what name should I choose?" Pei Qing asked again.

"Why don't you choose a name!" Ye Zishu said.

"Well, this school has placed so many expectations on the boss, it's better for you to name it." Pei Qing said.

"Should it be called Universal University?" Ye Zishu said jokingly.

"Don't make trouble!" Pei Qing said angrily.

Ye Zishu smiled, knowing that this name is really not suitable, but he really wanted to choose a more famous name, which is very important to the school.

But after thinking about it, there was nothing suitable, and finally Ye Zishu asked: "How about taking the word "Heavenly Questions" written by Qu Yuan?"

Pei Qing thought for a while and said, "I think it's appropriate to call it Tianwen Higher Vocational School, but it still feels a little different from a university."

"That's no way, just call it like this first, and it's okay to change it when the strength comes up." Ye Zishu said.

"Why don't we apply for a private university license with the Ministry of Education? If we don't try it, how do we know it won't work?" Pei Qing said.

Now is the hottest period of reform and opening up. The government is facing many new things, and it has not said to prohibit the establishment of private universities. As long as it has the strength, the government has no reason to stop it.

After all, education is always a major national event, and it is a good thing for the country to have more capable people participate, not to mention that this university is still operating in a non-profit model.

There is an essential difference from other capitals making profits from education. The Ministry of Education doesn't have to worry about unpleasant things happening, so Pei Qing thinks it's better to try hard.

Hearing that Pei Qing was so obsessed with the word "university", Ye Zishu couldn't help laughing, but what she said was also reasonable, you have to try it to know if it works, if you don't even try, you will be a bit negative.

"You're right, so let's apply first. This school is a non-profit university, and it should be more likely to pass. In order to increase the possibility of passing, the investment scale is also included." Ye Shu said.

The initial 100 billion yuan school-running fund is absolutely significant, and will continue to invest in the later period. According to Ye Zishu’s previous statement, the school’s annual funding scale in the future may be more than the top ten universities in China combined .

"Then I'll discuss this matter with New Oriental immediately when I go back, and do enough preliminary preparations, so that the probability of passing will be higher." Pei Qing said.

Ye Zishu nodded and said, "Just do as you said."

Although he said that he didn't care about these things, he actually cared more about them. After all, there is a big difference between whether there are government approval procedures.

It would be even better if it can be included in the unified recruitment. This can be regarded as the country does not treat this university differently from other public universities, which is very important for the initial development of the school.

He was not well-known in the early stage, so it was difficult to recruit good students. Even if he said that he would spend a lot of money to provide more benefits, no one knew the actual effect.

What's more, after being included in the unified recruitment, it is tantamount to recognizing the school's academic qualifications. Although the students of this school will basically be accepted by their own companies, once the students go to work in the society, whether the academic qualifications are recognized is very important.

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