Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 319 It's all worth it

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Pei Qing knew what Ye Zishu meant. In fact, he was using the guise of vocational training and education, and he was actually doing private university work.

At present, the country is not very open to private universities. It is even more difficult for an entrepreneur like him to set up a private university. Ye Zishu's way of doing this is a roundabout way.

Although they do not have the reputation of a university and are at a relatively disadvantage in the enrollment process, for those who study, the fundamental purpose is to work, a job that can bring them a high salary.

If Taiji Group cooperates with New Oriental, you don't have to worry about work at all, and if you join Taiji Group, you will definitely get top-notch salary.

Even in the case of the same ability, they will give priority to recruiting students from their own schools. After all, they can use the people they have trained with more confidence.

When the policies in this area are opened in the future, they already have rich experience in running higher education, a strong teaching staff, advanced R&D teams and other elements.

It can become a top private university in the country in an instant. Although it feels very laborious to do so, Ye Zishu is a worthwhile thing to do.

Although there are more and more college students in the previous life, the overall quality of talents cultivated cannot keep up. The main talents are still concentrated in the old 985 and some 211 universities.

He wants to establish a set of top talent training channels of his own to provide a steady supply of talent resources for his industries.

And when these higher education resources are huge, it is also conducive to the development of secondary vocational education, so that secondary vocational education is no longer limited to simple job content training.

"Although having money may not be able to establish a top science and technology university, but having no money is definitely not enough. If you spend 100 billion yuan in this higher vocational school in your research and development funds, what will happen?" Ye Zishu said .

Pei Qing was shocked when she heard that Ye Zishu planned to spend 100 billion yuan to invest in this higher vocational education school every year. This is to put all her efforts into running the school.

As far as domestic colleges and universities are concerned, it is already great to have a school-running fund of 10 billion yuan per year, but Ye Zishu is preparing 100 billion yuan, which is an exaggeration.

Of course, compared with the world's top universities, there is still a certain gap, but this school is not necessarily only invested by Taiji Group, other groups under it can also invest.

For example, Phoenix Technology can establish a software engineering college in this school to train top software engineering talents for themselves, and they will have this ability in the future.

There is also Qinglong Technology Company, which can also establish its own electronic communication semiconductor college in this school to support the development of a college. They are still fully capable.

And the companies under him can adopt such a cooperation model in the future, and will eventually build this school into the largest comprehensive private university in China.

Since they all cooperate closely with enterprises, and these enterprises are top domestic and even international enterprises, they have particularly strict requirements for talent cultivation, which will lead to the top level of each college among its peers.

Ye Zishu couldn't even imagine how powerful such a school would be in the future, and what he wanted was this effect, to train top talents.

Then recruit a large number of general talents from other colleges and universities, thus forming a situation of talent dislocation development, and can always maintain the competitive advantage of its subsidiaries.

If this is really achieved, even if this school is called an elementary school, others will regard it as a university. Strength is the most important thing, and the name of the school is just a false name.

This kind of education aimed at cultivating top talents is called higher vocational education by Ye Zishu, and education aimed at training engineers is called secondary vocational education by him, and education aimed at training senior industrial workers is called primary vocational education.

In this way, New Oriental's education can be stratified, and those with low education will strive to become senior industrial workers, and they will not be poor in the future.

And those who have graduated from high school but are not particularly talented can work hard to become senior engineers and gain a foothold in society.

As for people with different talents, after receiving higher vocational education, they can compete with the world's top talents and become the main promoters of my country's scientific and industrial development.

Of course, although the ideal is lofty, it takes one step at a time to develop, and he hopes that the first step will start in the field of biomedicine.

Because the current revenue of Tai Chi Group is the highest among all the companies under his umbrella, and he has the ability to take the lead in taking this step. If the company's revenue and profits are not high, doing so will only be a burden.

This kind of education model invested by enterprises must closely meet the needs of enterprises, and should be a more advanced education method combining production, education and research.

Since the enterprise has invested a huge amount of money in, it must be necessary to harvest the talents needed by the enterprise, which is destined to be completely different from the existing education model in terms of education.

And an enterprise must be composed of top talents, middle-level talents and ordinary talents, and as long as the talents at all levels reach the optimal state that the enterprise thinks, it will be difficult for the enterprise not to develop.

Specific to Taiji Group, they have invested huge funds into the field of higher vocational education, and it is not a pure investment. They can also enjoy the research and development results produced by the school.

This is equivalent to opening up another scientific research path, which is more unconstrained and has more possibilities than the internal research and development projects of the enterprise.

Because the internal research and development of enterprises is mainly for profit, which is much more utilitarian, and although schools also need to conduct research and development based on actual needs, forward-looking research is their main goal.

The forward-looking research is to determine the future development height of a company, and the internal research of the company is to make the company survive better. There is still an essential difference between the two.

Ye Zishu told Pei Qing about his future education plans, and Pei Qing was shocked again. The boss is indeed the boss, and professional managers like them really cannot compare their thoughts, ideas and structure.

It can be said that the boss's educational thinking is definitely leading in China, and it is also highly feasible when it comes to the boss's industrial situation.

Because the industries owned by the boss may become super giants in the future, just like the humble industry of health care products, the boss can develop into an industry with a scale of hundreds of billions.

And the boss has invested so much energy in the electronic semiconductor, software and other industries, the future development potential must be greater, otherwise the boss has no need to spend so much thought.

Pei Qing was also moved by the prospect of this education development model. Although the investment is very large, it has huge benefits for the development of Taiji Group.

At present, what Taiji Group lacks is not money, but talents, and they are all top talents in the world. Pei Qing thinks it is worthwhile to invest a huge amount of money for this.

"I am very interested in the prospects described by the boss, but how can we get students with top talents to join?" Pei Qing said.

No matter how big an enterprise is, it cannot compare with the appeal and authority of the state. Especially in our country, the trust in the state is far higher than that in private enterprises.

If talents with top talents cannot be recruited, the scenario mentioned by Ye Zishu will be difficult to realize. The IQ gap between people exists objectively. Not acknowledging this is actually a violation of materialism.

"There are many ways, such as the above-mentioned free tuition and miscellaneous fees, different levels of salary according to academic performance, academic performance reaches the standard, can be distributed, and the salary is not less than a certain amount.

Except for a few people who have strong beliefs, most people are just running around for their lives. As long as their worries are solved, most people will not refuse.

To be more extreme, if you meet someone with outstanding talent, you can definitely sign a lifetime contract. We should have the confidence to do such a thing. "Leaf Book said.

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