Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 310 Throwing a Stone on a Calm Lake

The competition in the communication field is just a microcosm. As Ye Zishu's involvement in the high-tech field becomes wider and wider, the competition in the future will become more and more intense.

It is precisely because of this that the result he expects is to use the technical strength that is much higher than that of the opponent to directly defeat the opponent's confidence, so that the opponent cannot afford to resist.

For example, the performance of the chips he produced far exceeds the performance of the current mainstream or even the latest chips.

Although he knows that doing so may not be effective, after all, capital will not be so willing to fail, and will definitely do everything possible to turn defeat into victory. After all, if he admits failure, it means that the investment is in vain.

As for their belief that high technology is beneficial to the country and the people, this is nonsense. As long as capital is profitable, even if they let them sell things, they will be happy.

The reason why capital is so keen on high technology is not how great capital is, but because high technology can bring them more lucrative benefits.

Moreover, high-tech is more monopolized than traditional industries, the threshold is also very high, and the first-mover advantage is obvious. This is one of the main reasons why capital is keen on high-tech.

Ye Zishu not only focuses on the so-called high-tech industries in the eyes of outsiders, but also adopts high-tech methods to solve problems in the traditional production field.

For example, the production of milk is a very traditional production method, but he has to use industrialized methods to produce it, which is a bit unethical.

When some countries enjoy the huge land resources they plundered and can easily obtain material enjoyment far higher than other countries, there are people like Ye Shu who do not follow the conventional routine.

The use of industrial technology to break through the limitations of land makes it less important to make the land rich and abundant, and the competitive advantages of traditional industries in some countries will become dispensable.

After Ren Zhengfei went back, he immediately asked the company's publicity department to send out a signal that a press conference would be held in two days and all media would be notified to attend.

This press conference was held in the name of Lingtong Technology Company, so the various media who were notified were immediately excited when they heard that it was the press conference of Lingtong Technology Company.

Four months have passed since Laomei’s chip ban was issued, and it’s not that they haven’t thought about interviewing Lingtong Technology Company to find out their views on this matter.

However, Lingtong Technology Company did not have any idea of ​​being interviewed at all, and did not even issue any comments on the chip ban, as if this matter did not exist.

Originally, for many media, this is a very big matter. If Lingtong Technology Company did not receive so many orders, everyone would not particularly care about it, because it is a small company.

However, there are orders of hundreds of billions of yuan. If the delivery can be completed, it means that the company will have at least hundreds of billions of yuan in revenue this year. .

Therefore, the chip ban is directly related to the life and death of this company. It stands to reason that this is such a serious incident, even if it is doing its best, it must operate, hoping to lift the restrictions of the chip ban.

But none of these expectations happened. Lingtong Technology Company didn't care about the so-called chip ban at all, which made many media happy in vain.

At the beginning, they were self-indulgent for a while, and they expressed various opinions, but bad-mouthing is a common phenomenon, because in the eyes of outsiders, Lingtong Technology Company can't get rid of this predicament no matter what.

And those partners who signed the order, when they came to inquire, they just got a standard reply, "We will complete the order as scheduled, so don't worry!"

This weird atmosphere lasted for four months, and even many media had forgotten about this incident. Unexpectedly, they received a notice that Lingtong Technology Company was going to hold a press conference.

Everyone is aware of the predicament of Lingtong Technology Company. If they want to get out of the predicament, they must either lift the chip ban, or develop and manufacture communication chips themselves.

The so-called well-informed media have not received any news about lifting the chip ban, so there is only one possibility, that is, Lingtong Technology has its own chips.

This can also explain why Lingtong Technology has been silent, because they need to concentrate all their energy on developing and manufacturing their own chips.

However, although they guessed that Lingtong Technology Company has its own communication chips, they never thought that they could manufacture chips themselves, because this is almost impossible in the eyes of many people.

The ban has only been in place for 4 months. Even if there is a chip research and development plan in advance, the time will not be too long, because the company has not been incorporated for a long time.

If the chip design ability is particularly good, there is no problem in completing the design of the communication chip, and Lingtong Technology has also demonstrated its strong research and development capabilities.

But chip manufacturing is another matter, which requires a huge industrial cluster to support it, and it is impossible without any link.

Our country has always been plagued by high-end industrial equipment, and it is very difficult to purchase high-end chip manufacturing equipment.

What's more, even if you buy high-end chip equipment and save up a whole set of chip manufacturing equipment, it is not easy to build a chip production line.

Otherwise, why with the same equipment, some chip manufacturers can manufacture 5-nanometer chips, while others can only manufacture 7-nanometer chips, which shows that there is also a big threshold in the chip manufacturing process.

Many chip manufacturing companies need to spend several years researching the chip manufacturing process, hoping to use similar chip manufacturing equipment to manufacture more advanced chips.

Therefore, in terms of chip manufacturing, everyone agrees that Lingtong Technology Company is looking for foreign chip foundry companies to complete the manufacturing process, and the chip manufacturing company in Wanwan is the most likely.

Anyway, during this period, no one thought that domestic chip manufacturing could be completed, because no domestic companies had ever heard of advanced chip manufacturing technology.

Of course, communication chips do not require top-notch chip manufacturing technology, but with chip manufacturing technology that is too backward, the performance of the manufactured communication chips is not very satisfactory.

It should be known that most of Lingtong Technology's orders are local communication equipment, and the data throughput is very high, which is greatly affected by the performance of the chip.

Some of the communication chips used by the local communication equipment can be called system-level chips, and the technical difficulty is not low, and Ye Zishu actually knows this.

The reason why such a chip design can be completed with 10 people is mainly because of the use of advanced architecture, which greatly reduces the workload of chip design.

Coupled with advanced intelligent chip design software, the design efficiency has been greatly improved, and only a team of 10 people can complete the design of a communication chip.

Lingtong Technology has just issued a notice to the major media, including overseas media, and the relevant departments of Laomei, as well as the partners who signed the order agreement with Lingtong Technology, have received this information.

These people are inextricably linked with the media, so such important news will naturally be told to relevant stakeholders as soon as possible.

When all eyes were on the press conference two days later, Lingtong Technology Company was the most relaxed, and did not regard this matter as a very important matter.

Originally, they already had alternatives for the chip ban. They have never panicked and have always been relatively calm.

Moreover, their current energy is not on this matter, but they are all on the research and development of 3G technology. This time it is just a routine explanation of the situation.

The reason why I didn’t mention it before was mainly because I thought it was unnecessary. Anyway, the predicament can be solved in a short time. It is necessary to say it now, mainly to tell the communication operators around the world that it is time to place an order.

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