Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 309 Tape out successfully, do exclusive business

On April 4, just 10 days after the trial production of the chip, Wu Chaoqiang called and told him that the trial production of the chip had ended perfectly and all links were running smoothly.

The most important thing is that all kinds of communication chips used for testing and tape-out for the first time have a pass rate of over 98% after testing, which is suitable for mass production.

Although it is about 1% lower than Ye Zishu's own estimate, this pass rate is still very scary, much higher than the pass rate of most chip manufacturers.

As for the error, there may be some differences between the environment of the virtual laboratory and the real factory environment, which is why he will not fully believe the results of the virtual laboratory, and experiments are needed to confirm it in reality.

According to his observations over the years, the virtual laboratory can basically create a perfect experimental scene, and the success rate is generally higher than that of the real world, especially the stricter the environmental requirements, the greater the error between virtual and reality.

So now the error is only about 1%. This is already the result of a very good job in all aspects, and it is also the result of his comprehensive consideration of the data.

The successful trial production of the chip, and the successful tape-out of the communication chip of Qinglong Technology Company, marks that my country's chip industry has entered a stage of truly rapid development.

"We still have more than ten days to complete the design of the cpu chip on our side. Take advantage of this time to produce a batch of communication chips for Qinglong Technology Company." Ye Zishu said to Wu Chaoqiang.

Xuanwu Technology Company is very clear about the production ratio of each communication chip, because the production of communication equipment is entrusted to them, and they are no strangers to this.

Now Qinglong Technology's communication equipment is waiting for the chip to be cooked. Now that the chip problem is solved, Xuanwu Technology can finally enter the full-speed production stage.

"Okay, let's arrange the production plan immediately." Wu Chaoqiang said.

Although communication chips are generally relatively small, and a lot of chips can be etched on each wafer, but because there are many types of communication chips and the demand is large, it is enough to fill their production capacity during this period.

Although the whole world knows that Lingtong Technology, a subsidiary of Qinglong Technology Company, has the world's leading communication technology, many people want to cooperate with Lingtong Technology.

However, due to the chip ban in the United States, Lingtong Technology Co., Ltd. has been unable to deliver to customers for a long time. Therefore, apart from the orders signed last year, there are no orders this year.

Everyone is looking at the direction of the wind. If Lingtong Technology cannot solve the chip dilemma, no matter how advanced the communication technology is, it will still not be able to develop, and it will even go bankrupt due to huge compensation.

Such a situation has seriously hindered the development of Lingtong Technology Co., Ltd. and also hindered the cooperation with other countries, so the success of chip tape-out is the best news for Qinglong Technology Co., Ltd.

As soon as Ye Zishu hung up the phone, Ren Zhengfei ran to his office in person, walking with wind, completely inconsistent with his usual image.

"Mr. Ye, good news, all our communication chips have been taped out successfully." Ren Zhengfei said loudly at the door of the office.

"I also just got the news. Wu Chaoqiang told me that the passing rate has reached over 98%. This is a very remarkable figure." Ye Shu said.

The pass rate directly determines the cost of the chip. Such a high pass rate has brought more profit margins to both Xuanwu Technology and Qinglong Technology.

"Now the chip is finally completed, and Xuanwu Technology has already mass-produced other components before, and now it only needs to be assembled and shipped on a large scale." Ren Zhengfei said.

"Indeed, you issued an announcement, and at the same time notified the partners who signed the agreement before, so that they are ready to receive the goods." Ye Zishu also said with a smile.

He said that, even if he swore an oath in advance, the chip ban was nothing more than that. Being able to break through the chip ban was a major blow to Lao Mei's prestige.

They can control the world. In addition to their powerful weapons and equipment, they have high-tech technology. It is precisely because of these two advantages that the US dollar has become a global currency.

As for oil and food, they only superficially support the global currency status of the US dollar. Without the support of military and technology behind it, it is impossible to link oil to the US dollar.

The breakthrough of Lingdong Technology Company's ban shows that their so-called ban is not indestructible, as long as they find a way, they can always bypass the so-called ban.

Although this is very difficult for ordinary people and countries, at least it also allows many countries to see hope, instead of just obediently staying in their shadow as before.

In addition, it was this breakthrough of the ban that allowed Lingdong Technology Company to prove once again that it is a veritable high-tech company, and it is impossible to be restrained by other people's bans casually.

The meaning of this is that in the future, if you want to use technology to limit the development of competitors, you need to think twice, because this will lead to counterproductive results.

Originally, Lingdong Technology used their chip products in their communication equipment. Although Lingdong Technology made most of the money, they could also get part of the benefits.

Now that the communication chips are completely independent, it will be difficult for other chip manufacturers around the world to obtain part of their own benefits from the rapidly developing Internet communication field.

What's more terrible is that since our country has built a whole set of chip industry, it is impossible to just use it to produce communication chips. This other chip manufacturer has added a difficult opponent.

The global chip industry is basically a division of labor and cooperation. It is impossible for one company to take over all aspects of the chip industry, which leads to no obvious generation gap between chip manufacturers.

However, like Xuanwu Technology, relying on a single company, it has built a complete set of chip manufacturing system, and its technical level is higher than that of chip manufacturing under global cooperation.

This will cost the lives of many chip manufacturing companies, as well as many chip equipment companies. The only thing that makes them feel hopeful is that Xuanwu Technology does not design its own chips.

But as long as someone is interested in checking, it is easy to get the relationship between Qinglong Technology Company and Xuanwu Technology Company, and he has not kept it secret, nor can he keep it secret.

It is said that there are two companies, but they are actually one company. At least in terms of cooperation, they can reach the level of one company, because they not only have the same boss, but also have common interests.

"It is really necessary to issue an announcement as soon as possible and notify our partners. We have not received any new orders for several months." Ren Zhengfei said with emotion.

He is not saying that it is the instinct of businessmen to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages for global communication operators, but he just feels that Lao Mei's trick, if used on others, may really touch the door.

"So you need to make a big splash this time, find more influential media, and let this news spread all over the world in an instant." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Because this shows that we have achieved a completely independent communication industry technology accumulation, which means that we can completely get rid of our dependence on other countries, especially Western countries.

This is of great significance to many third world countries, because they don't need to worry about any accidents when they buy our communication equipment.

As long as our supply is stable, they will be able to build their own country's communication system network with more peace of mind.

"You said they see that we have broken through the restrictions of the technology ban, will they continue to increase sanctions?" Ren Zhengfei said with some concern.

What he said is not aimless, but there is a real possibility in this regard. Communication technology is an important part of modern technology. Before, Europe, America, Japan and other countries have always occupied the absolute dominant industry.

Now their so-called advantage has no advantage in front of Lingdong technology company, especially in the critical period of Internet construction, this becomes even more terrible.

Although they have already built some Internet, there is still a long way to go before it is practical. The current Internet technology is transformed from military technology to civilian use.

However, the scale of military communication is not the same as that of civilian communication, and the requirements for equipment are completely different.

One requires stability and confidentiality, and the other requires huge data processing capabilities and communication capabilities, and stability is secondary.

Lingdong Technology Company has killed the future development potential of all communication companies in the world by itself. This threat is not insignificant, and it is possible that someone will not let it go.

"It's possible that you should be more careful when handling affairs. When signing contracts in the future, we will only be responsible for offshore loading. We will not be responsible for the subsequent transportation links, and we will not bear any responsibility." Ye Shu said.

He said this because he was afraid that they would take rogue methods and seize the goods at sea for various reasons, so Ye Zishu asked Ren Zhengfei to change the division of responsibilities as above.

"We are going to take the method of paying first and then shipping!" Ren Zhengfei said.

Hearing what Ren Zhengfei said, Ye Zishu gave a thumbs up. This is even more extreme. Anyway, the money will be paid first. As for whether there is any problem with the goods at sea, it is not the matter of Lingdong Technology Company.

This further avoids wrangling after the accident, so that what was originally aimed at oneself is turned into targeting other countries.

Ren Zhengfei smiled when he saw Ye Zishu give a thumbs up, and said, "Whoever told us to do exclusive business has the right to make such a request."

"In this way, your terminal communication equipment will also adopt this method, and sign a similar agreement with product distributors." Ye Shu said.

"This is for sure. Since it is going to be done, it is impossible to leave too many loopholes." Ren Zhengfei said with a smile.

After watching Ren Zhengfei leave at a relaxed pace, Ye Zishu knew that this was just a stopgap measure, only a thousand days to be a thief, how can a thousand days to guard against a thief.

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