Ye Zishu didn't pay attention to Lingtong Technology Company's affairs, and now he has a lot of talents under his banner, so he doesn't have to worry about such trivial matters at all.

He is mainly busy with two things now. The first is the aforementioned textile and garment industry. The basic industrial technology part has been sorted out, and now it is necessary to sort out related technologies for the more advanced industrial technology part.

It's just that this part of the content is not particularly urgent. When he is busy with one thing for a long time, sometimes he is irritable. It can be used to change his mind and relieve his irritability.

The second thing is to sort out relevant technical materials for the next business of Qinglong Technology Company. This thing is more urgent, and some technical sorting has already started.

It's just that the sorting has not been completed yet, only the sorting out of related technical materials such as computers, walkmans, and LCD TVs, and the sorting out of other home appliances and supercomputer-related technologies have not yet been completed.

In particular, supercomputers will also be one of the important businesses of Qinglong Technology Company in the future. In contrast, they will play a greater role in promoting the development of my country's scientific fields and people's livelihood fields.

Nuclear physics experiments or weather forecasts are inseparable from supercomputer calculations and simulations. Supercomputers are used in a wide range of fields and are a comprehensive manifestation of a country's science and technology.

However, it is not enough to have supercomputer hardware alone, and it also needs the support of matching software systems, so that the full capabilities of supercomputers can be brought into play.

Therefore, it takes him a lot of time and energy to organize the technology of the supercomputer alone. In his opinion, the software system is mainly time-consuming.

Supercomputers are used for scientific calculations. Advanced software systems can not only improve the efficiency of calculations, but also obtain more accurate results.

Selling supercomputer hardware is just a one-shot deal. Selling supporting high-performance software systems is a sustainable source of income. He still understands this truth.

When Ye Zishu was busy, the administration department suddenly called and said that there was a man named Duan Yongji who wanted to meet him.

When Ye Zishu heard this name, he immediately remembered who it was, because he was also a famous person in Zhongguancun. He served as the president of Stone Group and had a lot of influence in the domestic technology field.

People like Ye Zishu are considered out of gregarious people. They hang out in the Zhongguancun area, but they don't have any intersection with many bigwigs, and they don't want to join in the fun.

The strange thing is that no bigwig invited him to participate in talks and activities related to entrepreneurs, which made him a little unpredictable. In fact, he also analyzed the reasons.

One is that he is still too young, he has not yet graduated from college, and he is mixed with a group of people twice his age.

The second is that the domestic software industry has not yet paid enough attention to it. Many people still think that only hardware is a high-tech industry. This perception is quite common.

Of course, their so-called high-tech hardware is just like that, at least in his eyes, it is not considered high-tech, which is regarded as mutual disdain.

The third is that its development speed is too fast. Compared with other high-tech companies in China, it is absolutely unrivaled. It is only a subsidiary of Phoenix Software Company, which beats these so-called high-tech companies in terms of revenue.

Moreover, a large amount of revenue comes from overseas, which is very different from these companies that make domestic money, and it is also a software industry that many people looked down upon before, which is a bit embarrassing.

Fourth, Ye Zishu himself is not gregarious, and his background is also different from many of them. Ye Zishu does not have a prominent background, and is completely a farmer.

No matter what age, one's background is always a factor that cannot be ignored. The identity is different, and the result is that the two cannot pee in the same pot at all.

Fifth, there is not much interest involved between Ye Zishu and them. Except that the computer of a certain thought needs their operating system, it seems that there is no need for any cooperation between them.

Although Ye Zishu is also involved in hardware manufacturing, all the industrial chains are rounded up by itself, and even leftovers are not left to others, so there is not much possibility of cooperation.

Now the headquarters of Fenghuangke Software Company has moved to the fringe area of ​​Zhongguancun, and there is no intersection with these enterprises crowded in the center of Zhongguancun.

Moreover, these enterprises in Zhongguancun, no matter they are state-owned enterprises or private enterprises, all have more or less backgrounds, either they are state-owned enterprises or government backgrounds, or they are backed by national research institutions.

The existence of a complete whiteboard like him is considered to be unique. The problem is that he has made it so large. Just the headquarters of Phoenix Software Company occupies a very large area.

This is no longer the headquarters, it is completely like a small town. It used to have an area of ​​2 square kilometers, but later bought 4 square kilometers, with a total area of ​​6 square kilometers.

It is estimated that a small county does not have such a large area. It is enough to see how arrogant Phoenix Software is. In the world of capital, capital is the embodiment of strength.

If you put Ye Shu and these people together, who is the boss?This is a question worth thinking about, but no matter what, it is difficult for both parties to reach a satisfactory situation.

What is even more irritating is that Taiji Group has also allocated 6 square kilometers of land next to the headquarters of Phoenix Software Company to build its headquarters, and this enterprise is also the industry of Ye Zishu.

If there are a few more such companies under his banner, Zhongguancun should not be called Zhongguancun at all, and it would be more appropriate to name it directly after Ye Zishu.

If it weren't for the many subsidiaries of Phoenix Technology Company, which had their headquarters in other cities with relatively strong educational resources in the country, and all of them were placed here, such a scene might really have formed.

"I see, let's bring him here!" Ye Zishu said into the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Zishu waited for a while, then stood up, ready to meet Duan Yongji.

No matter what, he is a senior anyway, at least he is older than him in age. Although he is stronger, he can't just sit on a chair and wait for him to come over.

He would never make such a low-level mistake. Although it is fine for him to do so, there is no need to offend anyone. When going out, everyone should pay attention to face.

When Ye Zishu just opened the door, he found that the staff of the administration department had led Duan Yongji not far from the door of his office.

Seeing this situation, Ye Zishu immediately smiled, walked quickly to Duan Yongji, and said, "Mr. Duan, come here and let our place flourish. Welcome."

Seeing Ye Zishu's actions, no matter whether it was deliberate or sincere, Duan Yongji's face would be full of smiles, and he said, "It's a great honor for me, Duan, to meet Brother Ye."

Hearing his words, Ye Zishu was not very happy. It was not that he was narrow-minded, but that he said those words on purpose. He could not compare with others, so he used his age advantage to improve his status, and Ye Zishu It hasn't happened yet.

Ye Zishu introduced Duan Yongji into the office while saying polite words. The administrative staff also had good eyesight. They acted as secretaries temporarily, made tea for the two bosses, and then went out.

After both of them had a sip of tea, Ye Zishu asked, "I don't know why Mr. Duan came here this time?"

When it was time to talk about business, Duan Yongji was not as calm as before. Instead, he thought for a while and said, "How does Mr. Ye feel about the development of the private economy in our country?"

"Under the call of reform and opening up, the current development of my country's private economy is still very good." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Duan Yongji didn't expect that at such a young age, Ye Zishu's answers to questions were impeccable, which made him unable to speak even if he wanted to, and suddenly choked up.

It took a while to react, and said: "Mr. Ye is right, compared with before, the activity of the private economy has increased a lot, otherwise there would be no us Stone and your Phoenix software company.

But looking at the whole country, the development speed of my country's private economy is still relatively slow, and there are still many inherent deficiencies due to lack of experience in marketization and lack of awareness of international business rules. "

"That being said, there is always a process in the development of everything. If you are impatient, you can't eat hot tofu. I think the current speed of development is still acceptable." Ye Zishu said.

Duan Yongji saw that Ye Zishu was completely out of line, but his words were very reasonable, which made him feel unable to speak freely about the next topic.

So he realized that it was not a fluke that he created such a huge industry at a young age, and he was not only relying on technical advantages, but also a slick person.

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