Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 306 It's a lot of pressure not to have a boss

There was no problem with Lei Jun, so Ye Zishu called all the heads of Phoenix Technology's subsidiaries and held a high-level meeting.

When the heads of other companies entered the conference room and saw Lei Jun sitting next to Ye Zishu, they were very surprised. You must know that all the people in charge of the subsidiary came this time, and Lei Jun was just a manager of the R&D department of the subsidiary.

But regardless of his position, Lei Jun's qualifications in the company are very old. Some of the heads of these subsidiaries have worked under Lei Jun. After all, Lei Jun has been in charge of office software projects very early.

After all the people arrived, Ye Zishu cut to the chase and said, "The main reason for calling everyone to this meeting is because Phoenix Technology Company is going to make personnel adjustments."

When everyone heard this sentence, they all looked at Lei Jun. Lei Jun's seat was so obvious, but some people were happy for Lei Jun. After all, in terms of qualifications and abilities, Lei Jun can be said to be very good.

It's just that the boss has always placed Lei Jun in Phoenix Software Company, and the boss himself is the person in charge of this subsidiary, which made Lei Jun unable to rise.

Of course, they hadn't imagined that Lei Jun would be the general manager of Phoenix Technology Company and directly become their immediate boss, because Phoenix Technology Company has always been an empty shell and has not actually operated.

"Everyone is not unfamiliar with Lei Jun sitting next to me. Many people have worked with Lei Jun. This personnel adjustment is mainly to adjust Lei Jun's position.

Since Lei Jun joined the company, he has participated in the writing of the Phoenix operating system almost all the way. Later, because of his excellent technology and certain management skills, he also served as the project leader of the office software system.

Later, he served as the person in charge of the database project one after another, and the project research and development work was also done very well. During his tenure as the research and development director of Phoenix Technology Company, he also made a lot of achievements.

So this time Lei Jun will serve as the acting president of Phoenix Software Company and the president of Phoenix Technology Company at the same time. I hope everyone can cooperate with Lei Jun's work. "Leaf Book said.

At present, there are not many affairs of Phoenix Technology Company. Lei Jun's main job is still in Phoenix Software Company. After Lei Jun finds a suitable person to be the head of Phoenix Software Company, he will step down as the head of this subsidiary.

Then concentrate on being the person in charge of Phoenix Technology Company, build the structure of Phoenix Technology Company's head office, integrate all the resources of the group, and speed up the development of the group.

At present, the business of many subsidiaries is research and development, and these research and development work, Ye Zishu has made corresponding arrangements, there are not many research and development projects that need to be specially arranged by Lei Jun, and of course there are not so many human resources to add too many projects.

Moreover, although many research projects have been completed, they have not been put into operation. The business cooperation between various subsidiaries is not particularly frequent. This is the reason why Ye Zishu has not put Phoenix Technology into operation.

But after July this year, many things changed. At that time, the various subsidiaries of Phoenix Technology Company will turn from a dormant state to an offensive state.

In order to gain more market advantages and speed up development, it is necessary to integrate the resources of each subsidiary at a higher level, so that each subsidiary can cooperate with each other and borrow resources.

Therefore, Lei Jun will not be the head of Phoenix Software Company for a long time. Before that, a colleague must be promoted to be the head of the company.

Lei Jun's main energy will turn to Phoenix Technology to prepare for the upcoming major changes in global software. This is a tough battle, and he must devote all his energy to it.

As for Ye Zishu not promoting the person in charge of Phoenix Software Company himself, but leaving it to Lei Jun, there is a reason. First, Lei Jun served as the person in charge of Phoenix Software Company, which can be regarded as completing the promotion steps.

No matter how talented he is, he has to be promoted step by step. It's just that more talented people are promoted faster, so Lei Jun has to make a transition from the position of the head of the subsidiary.

Secondly, Lei Jun directly served as the person in charge of Phoenix Technology Company. Some people may not be convinced. This is not a good phenomenon, but there is no way for Yeshu to stop it.

If Lei Jun has a personally promoted subordinate, at least he has his own people in the management of many subsidiaries, many things will be easier to handle.

Big companies are so troublesome, everything must comply with the rules and regulations, and at the same time, preventive measures must be taken for many possible problems, rather than decisions made on the basis of brains.

Even if Ye Zishu is the boss, on the surface no one has an opinion on the decision, it does not mean that there is no opinion, but no one dares to say it, but in actual management, it is possible to do some tit-for-tat things.

"There are hundreds of people, all kinds of strange things." It is impossible for him to prevent this from happening, and he can't. As long as it doesn't affect the company's development, such a situation will help him control the company.

When the battle really affects the company's development, he can stand up as a referee and make decisions that are most beneficial to the company's development based on the actual business operation.

In the final analysis, the person who made the final decision is still himself. This is like a battle between eunuchs and scholar-bureaucrats in the Ming Dynasty. In the end, the emperor himself will always control the situation.

Although the company cannot be compared with the country, the reason is the same. This is also the corporate management principle he taught Guo Dongsheng before. If it is one-sided or harmonious, it is not normal, so we must be vigilant.

"As for me, I will no longer hold any position in Phoenix Technology Company. The future development of the company depends on the results of everyone's efforts." Ye Shu continued.

"Mr. Ye, we still have a tough battle to fight. If you leave at this time, we are not sure." The person in charge of Jiufeng Software said.

Among all the subsidiaries, this company will face the biggest problem in the future, because the many application software they develop are to benchmark the products of international application software giants.

Once the soldiers meet, there will be a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. Before the boss was in charge, they felt that they had the backing, so they would not be afraid at all, but the boss actually let go, so they said the above words.

It's not that they are afraid, but that the international giants are all experienced in battles, and they are dedicated to research and development, coupled with insufficient international experience, it is a lie to say that they are not afraid.

"Couldn't the company be able to operate without my company? I know what everyone is worried about, but the next step is a hurdle you have to go through. If you can't get through it, it means that you are not capable enough.

We have an absolute advantage in technology and products, which has provided a solid foundation for your competition. Next, you only need to clarify the rules of international marketing and international competition. "Leaf Book said.

What he said was a bit serious. If they are not capable enough, they may face being replaced. This puts more pressure on the heads of these subsidiaries, and at the same time urges them to be more united with the outside world and not to fight endlessly at critical moments.

At the same time, I also talked about my own advantages. Marketing in the high-tech field is of course important, but technology is also very important. If the technology is not enough, it goes without saying.

But seeing them still felt uneasy, Ye Zishu thought for a while, and said to Lei Jun: "Lei Jun, when you build the organizational structure of Phoenix Technology, don't forget the legal department.

We do business globally. The legal department of Phoenix Technology must have legal professionals who are proficient in various countries around the world, and it is also an important department to ensure the normal development of our international business.

In addition, Kai-fu Lee performed very well during his tenure as the head of the marketing department of Phoenix Software, and made great contributions to the global business development of the Phoenix operating system and office software system.

You can promote him to Phoenix Technology, as the global vice president in charge of marketing, and at the same time instruct each subsidiary how to carry out the work of the international market. "

Behind every international giant stands a huge team of lawyers, but the previous competitors' conspiracy made the legal work he prepared in vain.

The next decisive battle will not be so easy. Various legal issues will definitely be indispensable. It is essential to form a strong legal department. He is afraid that Lei Jun will forget this.

After all, domestic legal awareness is relatively weak, and they have not yet realized international competition. In many things, legal means can be used to defeat opponents.

With a person who is in charge of the market and has rich experience to guide them, the atmosphere on the scene has eased, and some people even don't care about this personnel adjustment.

Instead, they began to put their minds on the next decisive battle. This time, they will have a bright future, and business operations will enter the fast lane. If they fail to make it, they may lose their positions. They are under great pressure.

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