Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 307 Textile and Apparel Industry Layout

Although the list was given to Wu Chaoqiang, it is not immediately possible to carry out the transfer. The vacant position needs to be filled first, and if it cannot be filled, it may need to wait.

Therefore, Ye Zishu gave them a month to complete the handover work, and all of them must be on duty in May, because time waits for no one.

In the early days, Kirin Industrial Group only carried out two businesses, one was the textile and garment industry, and the other was the industrialized manufacturing of dairy products. The two businesses were closely related, and the basic industrial equipment and facilities had certain interoperability.

But even for these two industries, it is not easy to build a complete industrial chain. The main reason is that his requirements are too high and his goals are also too high.

According to the conventional development mode, we only need to use ready-made textile materials. There is no need to industrialize the production of raw materials by ourselves, and we can wait until the future.

However, Ye Zishu did not want to use the traditional method in the early stage, resulting in a large-scale increase in the demand for raw material supply, and then started industrial production, resulting in a large-scale shrinkage in the demand for raw materials.

This will lead to a huge waste of capital and manpower, so we simply establish a whole industrial chain from textile raw materials to clothing, shoes and hats processing in one step, and realize full industrial production.

Once this fully industrialized industrial chain is established, his textile and garment industry will not be affected by any external market factors and can be fully self-sufficient.

Especially in the case of insufficient per capita resources in our country, to expand any industry, it is very dependent on the external raw material market, but it is difficult for us to obtain pricing power in the raw material market.

The unstable raw material market will cause the production of industrial products in our country to be strongly affected by the market. When it is good, it will make a small profit, and when it is not good, it may face losses.

Of course, in addition to stability, the industrial production of raw materials also has lower costs, higher profit margins, and stronger market competitiveness.

Don't look at Ye Zishu's previous statement that industrial production of food will result in losses, but the production of textile raw materials is definitely a big profit. On the one hand, the price of such materials is higher, and it is basically a market-oriented operation.

On the other hand, the raw materials of textiles are basically protein textile materials, the proportion of sugar and fat is relatively low, and protein generally contains low energy.

We must know that the largest consumption of industrial production is energy, and the proportion of energy cost to the total cost is not low. Therefore, the comprehensive energy consumption of producing textile materials is lower than that of food production.

Kirin Industry Group is headquartered in Wuhan. First, Wuhan has huge educational resources and it is easier to recruit people.

Second, Wuhan itself has a strong industrial foundation and can find high-quality workers.

The third is that Wuhan is very close to his hometown. He may work in Kirin Industrial Group for a long time in the future, and it will be more convenient to go back to his hometown. This is out of his personal considerations.

The fourth is to develop the economy of Hunan, Jiangxi and Hubei. At present, the places where economic development is dominant are the coastal cities of our country, which are mainly export trade, which is incomparable to the mainland.

But Hunan, Jiangxi and Hubei are not without any advantages. The Beijing-Guangzhou Railway passes through Wuhan and Hunan from north to south, while the Yangtze River runs through the entire south from east to west. Wuhan is at a crossroads, and the traffic is relatively convenient.

After a few years, the entire line of the Beijing-Kowloon Railway will be completed. At that time, Jiangxi will also have a railway connecting the north and the south, and the traffic situation will be greatly improved.

However, the industry he plans to build in Hunan, Jiangxi and Hubei is the basic industry of textile products, that is, the industry that mainly produces textile raw materials. Such products can be transported to coastal provinces by railways and Yangtze River waterways.

In the coastal provinces of Zhejiang, Fujian, and Jiangsu, clothing processing and manufacturing industries have been established, mainly to take advantage of the convenience of going to sea in these places, which is conducive to export trade.

As for Guangdong, at present he has no idea of ​​laying out the clothing industry. With the development of the electronics industry in the future, the scale of the electronics industry alone is enough to drive the development of Guangdong.

Moreover, it is more convenient to transport raw materials from the middle reaches of the Yangtze River to the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. If they are transported to Guangdong, they need to be transported by sea, which is more troublesome and costly.

Gu waited until the mainland's economy was booming and the demand for domestic clothing business was strong. He also planned to establish a clothing industry base in Henan for the mainland market.

The first reason for doing this is that Henan has sufficient human resources, and the second reason is that Henan's geographical location is very important, almost in the center of our country, and the Central Plains area is not just talking about it.

The third reason is to prepare for the industrialization of grain production in the future. As a province with a large population and mainly grain production, once the industrialization of grain production starts, the impact will be huge.

In order to stabilize a populous province like Henan, it must provide enough industrial industries. Textile and clothing is a good way. In addition, in the future, a grain production base will also be established in Henan.

When he comes up with high technology, he can't just do it for his own benefit, but also consider social stability and other conditions, so in terms of industrial layout, try to achieve a relative balance.

Fifth, Phoenix Technology has established a huge software industry base in Wuhan. Although this base is prepared for the software industry, it is also possible to use it for Kirin Industrial Group in the early stage.

If he wants to establish a complete set of textile and garment industry, as well as other industries, he needs a strong R&D team, even if he has produced all the technical materials.

It is not easy to turn the things in the data into real objects, so the R&D center is very important, but it is difficult to find a suitable venue in the short term.

Therefore, temporarily using the software industry base of Phoenix Technology's subsidiary in Wuhan as the headquarters and R&D center of Kirin Industry Group, it is perfectly appropriate.

However, the stalls in the early stage will not be too large, and the overall construction scale is relatively small. The purpose is to open up the industrialization chain of the entire textile industry, and then gradually expand according to the market.

And because of the previous experience, it will be much easier to expand production. As long as there is sufficient financial support, production capacity can be expanded at a faster speed.

In addition, another reason is that he does not have much funds at present. Taiji Group, a cash cow, also needs time to accumulate funds. In addition, Xuanwu Technology Company and Wancheng Foundation need huge funds.

This time, Ye Zishu intends to use 50 billion yuan from Taiji Group as the development fund of Kirin Industrial Group. According to his calculations, 50 billion yuan can basically establish a small-scale entire industrial chain.

When the production capacity is expanded in the future, Taiji Group will have enough funds to support it, and Kirin Industry Group will also be able to make some money by itself.

But even a small-scale whole industrial chain can provide about 50 jobs for these areas. After the production capacity of the whole textile industry chain expands, it can provide more than 500 million jobs.

This depends on whether the development of the garment industry at the source of the terminal is smooth. If the global demand for the garment industry is strong, then the textile industry behind it will also usher in great development.

Of course, the textile products produced can also be sold to the world, not necessarily only supplying its own clothing industry, as the development speed is too slow.

The textile and garment industry is a very large system. It took one month for Ye Zishu to complete the industrial production of textile raw materials and the industrial equipment for garment manufacturing.

Later, he also needs to sort out technical information related to textile products. Since textile materials can be industrially produced, there are many choices for textile products.

At present, our textile raw materials mainly come from the petrochemical industry and agriculture and animal husbandry. In fact, there are relatively few varieties, which are incomparable with the types and quantities of industrialized textile raw materials.

As long as he wants, he can come up with thousands of textile raw materials, covering clothing textiles, decorative textiles and industrial textiles.

And many textile materials have very unique properties, are of very high value, and generally perform much better than natural textile raw materials.

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