Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 305 Kirin Industrial Group

Back at the company, Ye Zishu asked people from the administrative department of Phoenix Software to help him register a Qilin Industrial Group, whose current business includes textiles, clothing, and industrialized agriculture and animal husbandry.

He originally planned to set up a separate company for textile and clothing, but the company was too scattered and not conducive to his management. As far as the current companies are concerned, they are already relatively scattered.

If it weren't for the scale of these enterprises will be very large in the future, he would like to merge these businesses into existing enterprises, so that he would have less to worry about.

It's just that if a company is too large and the business gap is far apart, it will be very unfavorable for him to control the company, and the messy business may not be able to do well.

Although textile and clothing and industrialized agriculture and animal husbandry seem to be far apart and completely irrelevant, the underlying industrial logic is the same, and even industrial raw materials and technologies have similarities.

For example, the aforementioned textile raw materials such as animal fur, and dairy products such as milk and goat milk all belong to the industrial technology fields such as protein and sugar, and it is not completely unrelated to put them together.

Not only that, but in the future, the energy industry, industrial timber, etc. will be included in this company, and scattered businesses will be included in this group in the future. It seems that there is nothing wrong with saying that this group is a hodgepodge.

Next is the question of the person in charge of this group. Every time he encounters this problem, he has a headache. Unless it is a celebrity who is familiar with him in his previous life, he has little impression of talents in other basic industries.

Of course, he wanted to recruit talents who had proven his abilities in his previous life, at least he would not be mistaken, but he was not a businessman in his previous life, so he didn't know a lot of information.

However, he was a little hesitant to recruit from the outside. In contrast, he still wanted to promote from the inside. This would also allow the management of each company to see the hope of promotion and be more motivated to work.

Anyway, if he is looking for talents from the outside, he doesn't know whether they can really do a good job. Some people have very strong resumes, and the company may not be able to be successful.

So he dug out the information on the senior management of many of his companies to see who would be more suitable. The person in charge of Kirin Industrial Group doesn't have to be proficient in technology.

Because even if you are proficient, it is impossible to be proficient in all categories. For this kind of group company with very complicated business, the head needs to know people and be good at responsibility.

But after looking around, he didn't find anything he was satisfied with. Most of the top managers, at least in his eyes, were not capable enough to be the person in charge of a huge group company.

For example, the management of the Phoenix Technology Company is basically a software background. It is not a big problem to do software or the Internet, but it is not so good when it comes to industry.

Not to mention Qinglong Technology Company, its business is more pure, and the industrial scale is very large, and there are many categories. It is not so easy to manage such an enterprise.

The senior management of Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd. is also in charge of it. Now, many basic businesses are divided into many subsidiaries, and the operation is more professional. On the head office side, no suitable person has been found.

As for the Shengshi family, they are all engaged in the cultural media industry, which is far from the industry. Besides, except Guo Dongmei, who specializes in business management, everyone else is a half-way monk.

Thinking of this, he directly set his sights on Guo Dongmei's information. To be honest, he thought Guo Dongmei might be a good choice.

It's just that he still has concerns about Guo Dongmei's control of such a large group. You must know that Guo Dongsheng has already controlled the Wancheng Jiye enterprise.

Although the status of this enterprise is a subsidiary of Taiji Group, the scale of the industry will be very large in the future, and the scale of Kirin Industry Group is also not small.

The brother and sister are in charge of two huge companies at the same time. It is good that there are no problems. If there is a problem, it will be a big deal. Although he trusts the Guo brothers and sisters, there are some things that cannot be taken lightly.

Moreover, Guo Dongmei is still in her junior year and has not yet completed her studies. In addition, Shengshi Records is still undergoing reforms. Sudden transfer of Guo Dongmei will cause the reform of Shengshi Records to be abandoned halfway.

In fact, he is more inclined to hand over Kirin Industrial Group to Guo Dongmei's management. A small record company will seriously restrict her development potential.

As for whether to be careful, Ye Zishu felt that it was not necessary for the time being. Could it be that he could rest assured that he recruited other people to come over? In fact, the superiors would not be completely relieved of anyone.

The only thing is to minimize the risk after something goes wrong. As long as this is done, talents can be used boldly, and there is no need to look forward and backward.

It's just that he feels that Guo Dongmei is inappropriate at the moment, so he plans to take the position of the person in charge of Kirin Industry Group himself and hand over the person in charge of Phoenix Technology Company.

At present, most of Phoenix Technology's business is on the right track, at least the internal project research and development is the case. The person in charge only needs to do a good job in corporate management and marketing, and there are basically no major problems.

As for the system ecological duel that is about to start, it is not impossible for him to participate. It is time to hand over Phoenix Technology.

So he picked up the phone and called Lei Jun to his office. After Lei Jun was seated, Ye Zishu said, "Lei Jun, have you been in the company for two years?"

"I joined the company in July last year, and it has been less than two years now." Lei Jun replied obediently.

When he said this, he was very disturbed in his heart, not knowing what Mr. Ye meant by calling him over suddenly, and he also said these incomprehensible words.

In fact, Ye Zishu thinks that Li Kaifu may be more suitable to be the head of Phoenix Technology Company. After all, he has the experience of studying abroad, is relatively old, mature and prudent, and has also served as the head of a department in a well-known company.

However, out of other considerations, he still chose Lei Jun. Although he is indeed a little younger now, judging from his past performance and performance in his previous life, he is not a rash person.

Although the Xiaomi founded by Lei Jun is just like that in the eyes of Ye Zishu, it is just a pig standing on the wind, but if you can seize the opportunity, you already have the quality of a company leader.

In addition, the enterprises under the Phoenix Technology Company are gradually on the right track, so he doesn't need to face a myriad of tasks, he only needs to develop step by step, basically there are no major problems.

If there is really a problem, I can also be the backing, not completely ignoring it, just handing over the daily work of Phoenix Technology Company.

"After you joined the company, I have seen your performance at work. If I hadn't been the person in charge of Phoenix Software, you would be the most suitable candidate.

I came here this time because I want you to be the person in charge of Phoenix Technology Company. As for the person in charge of Phoenix Software Company, I will also recommend you. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, Lei Jun was so surprised that he couldn't speak. He had skipped an unknown number of levels. He was directly promoted from the head of a department to the head of the head office.

Ye Zishu is not worried about other people's dissatisfaction. One is that Phoenix Technology is still an empty shelf, and there are no other high-level executives in it. He is the only legal person.

The second is that the person in charge of Phoenix Software is Ye Shu, and the internal management structure is not complicated, because the business of Phoenix Software is very simple, which is the operating system and other software products.

So it is said that he jumped several levels in a row, but in fact he only jumped two levels in a row. In addition, Lei Jun came to the company relatively early. He can be regarded as the veteran of the company, and his qualifications are sufficient.

"Where is Mr. Ye planning to go?" Lei Jun asked curiously.

The boss was able to hand over two important positions, he must be busy with more important things, he was just curious about which company is more important than Phoenix Technology.

"It's okay to tell you, I plan to set up a new Kirin Industrial Group, the business inside is very complicated, I don't feel at ease handing it over to other people, and I plan to complicate this business myself.

In addition to Phoenix Technology's business, although not all of them are profitable, the R&D is basically on the right track, and I feel more at ease in entrusting it to you. "Leaf Book said.

Although Ye Zishu still didn't say what the Kylin Industrial Group does, Lei Jun didn't break the casserole and asked the bottom line, but said directly: "Mr. Ye trusts me, and I will definitely lead the Phoenix Technology Company well."

Now is not the time to hesitate, the opportunity is rare, and he is more confident in managing Phoenix Technology, and may even be better than Ye Zishu in management.

After all, Ye Zishu is usually busy with technical matters, and is not particularly concerned about the management of the company. Many areas can be improved. In fact, Lei Jun has already seen some problems.

It's just that Phoenix Technology is a technology company after all. As long as it has advanced technology, it can cover up many problems. Moreover, only one company is profitable at present, and the interest involved is relatively simple.

"With your words, I feel relieved, but you still have a lot to learn if you want to manage the entire Phoenix Technology Company well, I hope you will continue to work hard.

If you need any help from me, you can feel free to ask me, especially technically, I can still help. "Leaf Book said.

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