Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 304 The current conditions are not met

It can't be said that Ye Zishu's research method is very brainless. After all, his achievements are there, which shows that his research must be unique, but it is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

"Leader, let's talk about whether it can be developed. Even if the industrial grain production technology is developed, I don't think the conditions are currently available." Ye Zishu said.

"How do you say that?" the leader asked.

"I think there are two main constraints. The first is that there are still too many agricultural practitioners in our country, and among them, the number of people growing grain is the largest.

In this case, industrialized grain production will impact the existing agricultural pattern, causing huge losses to farmers who grow grain, and affecting farmers' enthusiasm for growing grain.

This seems to just free up land to grow other cash crops. That is the current research on crops other than food in our country, which is still far behind.

If farmers plant cash crops, it will inevitably lead to a sharp drop in prices. Coupled with the restrictions on varieties, in fact, they do not get high returns, and agricultural involution is too serious.

Therefore, even if there is technology for industrialized grain production, it can only be used as a supplement to our country's grain, and it has not yet become the main source of grain.

The second limitation is that the current energy price is too high. The price of electricity for residents in my country is generally more than 0.5 yuan per kilowatt-hour. However, to produce one kilogram of grain, the electricity consumption is about 5 degrees, plus other costs.

The price of the produced grain is as high as 2.5 yuan per kilogram, which is not very competitive in the market.

Even if it is to produce high-value food and maintain small-scale mass production, it is still impossible to become the main source of food. "Leaf Book said.

When growing food, the energy source is directly photosynthesis, and the energy utilization rate is actually much lower than that of industrialization, because too much energy is consumed in the process.

However, crops do not need money to obtain energy, while industrial energy requires a huge cost. No matter how high the utilization rate is, it cannot compare to free.

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, the leader nodded and said, "The two problems you mentioned do exist. It seems that I am happy for nothing."

Ye Zishu can understand his feelings. The food issue has always been the top priority in the agricultural field of our country. If industrialization is really realized, this curse will be completely lifted.

It's just that the price of food is too low. Even if Ye Zishu wants to do it, he is powerless. If there is a shortage of food, he will invest in it even if he loses everything.

But at present, the domestic grain is basically self-sufficient, but the crop production for vegetable oil is somewhat insufficient, and he can enter in this respect.

Because he does not need to industrialize the production of soybeans, and then use the soybeans to squeeze them into edible oil, and directly synthesize vegetable oil, even the most expensive camellia oil.

In addition, the price of edible oil is relatively high, which can withstand greater cost pressure. If it is high-end edible oil, the price will be higher, which has great export value.

Anyway, he doesn't plan to touch food crops at the moment, at least until he thinks that the more important industrial layout is basically completed, and the surplus rural labor force has been greatly reduced before considering investment.

"It can't be said that, besides food, there are still many products that can be industrialized, such as edible oil and dairy products.

For example, in the field of edible oil production in my country, it is increasingly dependent on foreign imports. This is not a good phenomenon. If industrialized production is realized, there will be no troubles in this regard.

Moreover, the industrialized production of edible oil can also allow domestic consumers to enjoy high-quality edible oil, such as camellia oil, at a relatively moderate price.

Not to mention milk and other dairy products, the per capita possession of our country is very low. If industrialization is really realized, most families can enjoy a relatively sufficient amount of dairy products.

Therefore, there is still a lot of work that can be done in the industrial production of agricultural products, but the price of food is too low, the cost is too high, and it is the main product of agricultural production, so it is not suitable for the time being. "Leaf Book said.

The leader nodded when he heard Ye Zishu's words, and said, "You are right, as long as the land consumption of other major agricultural products is reduced, it is equivalent to increasing the arable land area of ​​our country."

In the previous life, with the development of urbanization, a large amount of fertile land was occupied, but ensuring food security was the top priority, so the planting area of ​​soybeans and other products became lower and lower.

This is not entirely due to the low oil production rate of soybean varieties in our country, but the overall insufficient supply of land, so we can only give priority to planting grain, and other things that are not particularly important can be imported as long as they can be imported.

Otherwise, if you earn so much foreign exchange, you don’t need to buy things, and it’s useless. Moreover, international trade can only last for a long time.

It's just that our country's trade volume in important international commodity trade is too large, causing many foreign capitals to use other ideas to make more money and deliberately manipulate prices. This is not tolerable.

Seeing that the leader's mood is not very high, Ye Zishu said: "In fact, there is no need to worry too much. I think industrialized grain production can basically be realized within 10 years."

He has a basis for this. Due to his existence, my country's industrialization is developing very fast, and the urbanization will not be too slow.

Even if the industrial sector cannot provide too many jobs, urbanization will provide more service jobs, and the agricultural population will be greatly reduced.

Although there are more than 5 million agricultural population in the previous life, in fact most of these people are left-behind elderly and children, and the number of people actually engaged in agriculture is not so large.

A large number of poorly located fields in rural areas have been abandoned, basically covered with weeds. Although it was decades after the previous life, he felt that this life could be achieved in about 10 years.

In addition, at that time, he was not short of money at all, and had a large amount of investment in the field of photovoltaic power generation. Even if the situation allowed, it was not impossible to use controllable nuclear fusion.

However, it is still very difficult for a private person to enter the military industry. If he cannot enter the military industry, there will still be certain difficulties for my country's military industry to achieve leapfrog development in a short period of time.

Military equipment research is very time-consuming. It often takes about 20 years for a fighter jet to go from project approval to test flight, and then to the official deployment of troops.

If he participates, this process will be greatly shortened, because what he comes up with are basically relatively mature solutions, which can shorten the time required for many links.

"I hope so, but I think it is still relatively difficult. The energy problem is not so easy to solve. As the speed of industrialization becomes faster and faster, energy consumption will also increase.

Energy prices will only get higher and higher in the future, but food prices cannot be too high unless the state provides a large amount of financial subsidies. It is still difficult to compete in the market. " said the leader.

This is his conclusion based on his own cognition, and there is actually no major problem. For example, the purchase price of wheat, even after decades, is still only 1 yuan more than 1 catty.

Compared with other price increases, it is simply negligible, and the country does not allow the price of food to be too high. Even if Ye Zishu controls the food production, it will operate under the control of the country.

He has no opinion on this. It is good enough to allow private production. Supervision is an indispensable link. After all, national security is above all else, and capital must stand aside.

"Perhaps with the development of technology, the energy problem can be solved. It is impossible for us human beings to rely on fossil energy such as oil and coal all the time. In the future, we must look for new energy sources.

So don't be too pessimistic. I am personally very optimistic about the solution to future energy problems. After all, fossil energy reserves are limited and cause serious environmental pollution, so they are not an excellent source of energy. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing that he was so good, the leader nodded and agreed, but did not speak. After all, this kind of thing is unpredictable, just like controllable nuclear fusion. It seems that it will always be 50 years before commercial use.

"By the way, if your dairy factory is put into production next year, you must remember to invite me to visit, I want to drink the first glass of milk!" The leader said.

"Of course it's no problem. I'll ask the leader to take the time to go." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

The conversation was basically over here. It was not a successful meeting. The leader didn't get the result he wanted. Ye Zishu was relieved and didn't take the task for which he didn't have the conditions.

After coming out, Ye Zishu sat in the car and thought about it for a long time. He didn't know whether it was right for him to do so. He actually considered another possibility.

That is, after the rapid industrialization of grain production, will it lead to great changes in national policies, thereby promoting the acceleration of urbanization, and agricultural development may be better.

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