Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 303 Absolutely No Joke

To be honest, Ye Zishu really didn't want to realize the industrialization of food production as soon as possible, because he felt that it was not particularly suitable at present, and he couldn't make much money either.

In the past, food was generally only 0.3 yuan per catty. Although it has risen a lot, it has not broken through the level of 1 yuan. However, electricity bills are not cheap. In some places, residents use electricity as high as 0.7 yuan, and industrial electricity is even more expensive.

Even if the electricity used for industrialized food production is calculated according to the electricity used by residents, it is still not cheap. The transformation of inorganic matter into organic matter consumes energy, and this energy can only come from electricity at present.

According to the information he found, the energy consumption of 1 kg of grain requires 5 kilowatt-hours of electricity, which still raises the utilization rate of energy to a certain level. Adding other costs, the price of grain will be even more expensive.

Therefore, it is not cost-effective to produce food industrially now. This is also the first project he puts on dairy products, because the energy consumption is relatively low, but the value is relatively high, and the profit margin is very impressive.

Of course, if he is really going to engage in industrialized food production now, he can only obtain cheap energy sources and reduce the price of electric energy to below 0.1 yuan.

However, according to the current electricity production process, it is very difficult to achieve this, even if the grid electricity price in the previous life was not so low, so he still needs to engage in the energy industry.

Therefore, he concluded that it is not yet the time. Even if he plans to engage in the energy industry, it will be difficult to do so given the current size of his industry.

Because it is impossible for him to still be engaged in the chemical energy industry. In the field of fossil energy, our country has no right to speak at all, and is greatly affected by international oil prices.

Although our country has a lot of coal resources, it is much more difficult to mine than oil. This means that the price of coal in our country cannot be too low, and the pollution is relatively serious. It is not an ideal energy source in his eyes.

So among his options, there are only two choices, either light energy or nuclear fusion. As for other energy sources, it is more troublesome than these two.

Wind power generation, tidal power generation, and even ocean temperature difference power generation are only used as energy supplements. It is basically impossible to achieve large-scale power generation.

He can find nuclear fusion power generation technology in the virtual library, but it is not suitable to take it out at present. The national strength is here, and it may not be able to hold it out.

It is not his character to make wedding dresses for others, so photovoltaic power generation is his only choice at present. There are so many deserts in our country, and there are enough places for photovoltaic power generation.

It's just that the investment in photovoltaic power generation is very large. Even if the photovoltaic power generation efficiency of the products he produced is very high, the investment is still not small. At least in his opinion, with this fund, he can invest in more profitable industries.

As for raising food prices, this is unrealistic. The current domestic salary level is here. If the price is raised, it will have a huge impact on the lives of many people.

Moreover, the increase in food prices will affect all aspects, which will lead to an increase in the prices of other products, but it is impossible for wages to rise immediately, which will lead to inflation.

There is already a lot of inflationary pressure in our country. If we continue to do this, things may really happen. So his conclusion is that it is not easy to do at present.

When he returned to his residence, he thought about it. If the Ministry of Agriculture really asked him to enter industrialized grain production, he thought it would be better to find a reasonable reason to refuse.

The next morning, Ye Zishu and Ren Zhengfei, together with the two secretaries, boarded the plane to the capital, and it was already noon when they returned to the company.

After eating in the company cafeteria, I went to the chip project team to see how their chip design progress, CPU and GPU chip design, Ye Zishu gave them 3 months.

However, these two chips are not only one chip, but are divided into two different architectures, corresponding to low-end and high-end, and a CPU and GPU integrated chip, the time is still very tight.

He was busy here until two o'clock in the afternoon before Ye Zishu drove to the Ministry of Agriculture. Now that he had spoken out, he had to face all of this no matter what.

As soon as he entered the gate of the Ministry of Agriculture, someone recognized him and took him to the leader's office, as if they were waiting for him just now.

When the leader saw him coming in, he immediately stood up and said with a smile on his face, "Mr. Ye, it's a pleasure to meet you."

This kind of enthusiasm not only did not make Ye Zishu feel warm, but on the contrary made his heart cool. This was not what he wanted to see, and it would be difficult for him to refuse later.

Thinking this way in his heart, he said hello and I'm good. After a while, the secretary poured Ye Zishu a cup of tea, and the leader had his own special teacup.

After Ye Zishu took a sip of tea, the leader said: "After watching the interview video of you on the "Oriental Time and Space" program, the content about agricultural technology opened my eyes.

I invite you here this time because I want to hear your insights on industrialized agriculture and the possibility of technology realization. It is best to have a timetable for realization. "

Hearing what the leader said, he really wanted to say that he was just bragging on the show, so that he would completely remove his responsibility and just block his reputation.

But he knew he couldn't do that. With his level of business, he couldn't just talk about it casually. Even if he was bragging at the time, he had to work hard to realize it. As for whether it can be realized in the end, that's up to him.

"Theoretically, it is achievable. Food is mainly composed of starch, protein, trace elements and vitamins. As long as the industrial synthesis of these substances can be realized, all problems will be basically solved." Ye Shu said.

"Then have you completed technology research and development?" the leader asked.

When Ye Zishu heard this, he just wanted to nod his head to show that he had achieved some results, but he thought that this might cause him a lot of trouble, so he shook his head.

Said: "I haven't invested in actual research and development yet. I just have a whole set of research ideas. As for whether it will work or not, it has yet to be verified."

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, the leader's expression turned a little ugly, and he felt that he was drenched in a basin of cold water after being enthusiastic before.

He thought that what Ye Zishu said was some research results, otherwise it wouldn't mean that he would be able to drink the milk produced by the factory next year.

"Then you are joking when you say that you will be able to drink the milk produced by the factory next year?" the leader asked.

"This is definitely not a joke, I am sure about it!" Ye Zishu said hastily.

He just doesn't want to take over the task of food production now, because it won't make money, and it's not good to turn it down. After all, food is related to the national economy and people's livelihood, and it is much more important than the dairy products in his mouth.

And in the program interview, he only said that it is possible to realize the possibility of grain factory production, and did not give a timetable, but for the dairy product matter, he gave time, no matter how difficult it is, it must be realized.

"Then you just said that there are no research results?" The leader was confused by him.

"The two do not conflict for me. I have already designed the relevant research plan and research process. After analysis, the possibility of realization is as high as 90%.

It’s just that no actual experiments have been carried out so far, so we can’t talk too much, so it’s not wrong to say that there are no relevant results. "Leaf Book said.

"Is this how you do research?" The leader asked with a puzzled face.

According to the scientific and technological research he has come into contact with, there is no such thing as Ye Zishu, the experiment has not yet been carried out, but from the research plan and process, he can have such a confident performance.

This is completely inconsistent with the general research rules. Real technology research will have a bit of luck to some extent. Before the results are produced, no one has the confidence to say that they will be successful.

But he can't completely deny it, because Ye Zishu is indeed engaged in high technology, not only in the software industry, but also in the electronic information and communication industry, and it is said that they are doing well so far.

"To be precise, this is my research habit." Ye Zishu said.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, the leader smiled embarrassingly, and said, "Your research method is quite unique, and others really can't learn it."

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