Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 302 Invited by the Ministry of Agriculture

Just as Ye Zishu was discussing going back tomorrow, the secretary came over and told him that the Ministry of Agriculture invited him over to talk to him about agricultural matters.

When Ye Zishu heard this, he immediately understood what was going on. In the last interview on the "Oriental Time and Space" program, he "made a lot of nonsense" and was noticed by the Ministry of Agriculture.

This is to call him over to discuss whether the industrialized agriculture he said is possible to realize. If so, many things will change.

Of course, the most important thing is when this technology can be realized. If it can be realized in a short period of time, the direction of my country's agricultural development will have to undergo major adjustments.

"Call me back and tell me that I can go there tomorrow." Ye Zishu said.

It was already very late today, and he didn't plan to fly back to the capital. It would be safer to wait until tomorrow. Ye Zishu was very careful about his own safety.

When the interim secretary heard Ye Zishu's words, he left quickly, went to find a phone to call the person in contact with the Ministry of Agriculture, and arranged for the meeting to be held tomorrow.

"Mr. Ye, do you still have business dealings with the Ministry of Agriculture?" Ren Zhengfei asked curiously.

"Why, can't you let me do some farming work?" Ye Zishu said angrily.

Could it be that he can only do software and electronic semiconductor related industries?His business scope is very wide. If it is not for the limited energy, things must be done in the same way. His business development speed is definitely much faster than this.

"No way, I'm just curious, if it's inconvenient!" Ren Zhengfei said with an embarrassed smile.

"Actually, there is nothing that cannot be said. Anyway, it will not be long before related work will be carried out. The Ministry of Agriculture is looking for me to inquire about the industrialized production of agricultural products." Ye Zishu said.

"Is it mechanized agricultural production?" Ren Zhengfei asked.

In the eyes of ordinary people, industrialized agricultural production is mechanized production, because according to current cognition, this is the most likely to be realized.

In particular, my country's agricultural production is still in the stage of small farmers, and the proportion of machinery and equipment used is very low. Except for large state-owned farms, agricultural farming is basically relying on pure manpower and animal power.

Therefore, the next goal of my country's agricultural development is to realize large-scale mechanized operations and improve production efficiency, but this step will take a long time to be possible.

At present, such conditions are not available, because each household has only a few acres of land, and it is divided into small plots, so it is impossible to carry out large-scale mechanical operations at all.

Either use small-scale mechanized operations, or wait until the rural population has dropped significantly, the number of people participating in agricultural production has decreased, and the per capita land area has increased significantly.

Decades after the previous life, many rural areas in the south began to subcontract responsible fields to professional agricultural planting companies, merge small fields, and adopt mechanized operations.

But even so, it has not been launched on a large scale, and it is difficult for mechanized operations to take advantage of in the south, because most of the land is hilly, and there are not many real plains, only a few places.

A lot of land is just a small piece of land, and the overall area is not high, but even so, it is still much more efficient than farming by small farmers.

Of course, the emergence of this method of combining fields is also due to the serious aging phenomenon in rural areas. Young people are working in cities, and those who stay in rural areas are old people who are no longer able to engage in heavy agricultural labor.

By subcontracting out the fields, you can get some financial compensation, which is enough for the elderly in rural areas. As for compensation that is too high, it is impossible, because agriculture is not a profitable business.

Even so, most of the income of these contracting companies still comes from agricultural subsidies. Without state agricultural subsidies, they would not be able to make money at all.

The reason why Leaf Book mentioned this in the program is to attract the attention of relevant departments, make arrangements in advance, and use agricultural land in places that can generate more economic benefits.

Anyway, it is impossible to make much income from growing food, and other prices have followed suit, but food has not risen for more than ten years. This is the dilemma faced by growing food.

If Leaf Book does not adopt industrialized food production, a large area of ​​land in the country will have to grow food, because this is a matter of national security.

This locks many agricultural workers to food cultivation, and there is no other way to increase income except to increase yields.

The problem is that even if the per unit area yield increases, it cannot keep up with the increase in the price of chemical fertilizers. Moreover, if more chemical fertilizers are used, the fertility of the land will be lost, resulting in more and more chemical fertilizers being used.

Therefore, planting food is not a profitable business, whether it is now or in the future. In Ye Zishu's view, it is better to lift the restrictions on farmers as soon as possible.

Liberate them, and grow whatever they want in the future. Of course, planned agricultural planting can avoid oversupply in the market and result in unsold prices. This requires reasonable planning by the agricultural departments in various regions.

In addition, it is the research direction of agricultural scientific research forces. The scientific research forces previously used for food crop research do not need to maintain such a large number in the future.

Agricultural scientific research can be transferred to the research of higher-value economic crops, contributing to the increase of agricultural economic income, and it can also be regarded as a contribution to the liberation of scientific research resources.

"It's just following the path that others have walked. Even mechanized farming can't change the fact that our country has such a large land area, and the land per capita is still very tight.

In addition, future urbanization is an inevitable result, and most of the land occupied by cities is in plain areas, the area of ​​cultivated land will be further reduced, and food production will face severe challenges.

This kind of method that cannot solve the fundamental problem does not make much sense. It can only reduce the heavy physical labor in the process of agricultural planting. "Leaf Book said proudly.

When he said this, not only Ren Zhengfei was curious, but even Wu Chaoqiang couldn't help asking: "Is the boss really able to solve this contradiction?"

Never mind that Wu Chaoqiang is engaged in science and technology, as long as you are a Chinese, you know that the per capita land area in our country is not high, and food security is always a sharp sword hanging over the head.

If there is a way to solve this contradiction, it will be of great merit, and even to the people of the world, it will be a great gospel.

"My solution is to produce food in the factory through an assembly line," Ye Shu said.

"Mr. Ye, stop joking, how can this be realized." Ren Zhengfei shook his head and said.

Not to mention Ren Zhengfei, even Wu Chaoqiang has the same attitude. It is estimated that this method has been thought of by some people, but it has not been successful.

But in Ye Shu's view, as long as there is enough energy, it is not so unchallenging, it is nothing more than turning inorganic matter into organic matter.

After the interview on the program, he found relevant technical materials in the virtual library. Although it is more complicated to implement, the cost is much lower than that of land cultivation.

"Your attitude is not scientific. As long as the basic laws of the universe are not violated, the realization of any science and technology is possible.

Next year, you may be able to drink the milk produced by the factory. As for the grain produced by the factory, it depends on the specific situation, and it probably won't take long. "Leaf Book said.

There is a huge shortage of dairy products in our country. He does not have too much pressure on the establishment of dairy production factories, and he will not encounter great resistance, but the grain is different. We need to look at the attitude of the country.

Moreover, in the textile industry chain he intends to establish, there is artificial protein production technology, which overlaps with the industry chain for producing dairy products to a certain extent, so it is incidental.

Seeing that Ye Zishu didn't look like a joke, both Ren Zhengfei and Wu Chaoqiang looked at him with wide eyes, and asked almost at the same time: "Is always Ye serious?"

"You can't joke about this kind of thing, I mean it seriously." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, the two knew that he was serious, but they didn't know how to evaluate it, and they were at the end of their words.

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