Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 30 Thanksgiving Concert

On Friday, the school's logistics department started to build a stage on the school's open-air football field. Ye Zishu took a special look at it. The stage was not very big, and it was really just a stage.

Ask the staff who built the stage, some lights will be added later, but don't expect too much, the lighting effect will not be too dazzling, because there is no intelligent lighting system now, it is all manual operation.

There is no lifting system for the stage of the later generations, and there is no plan to have a dressing room, so that singers can change clothes, and they can only wear one set of clothes for the entire show.

The problem is that they plan to place only 4 speakers around the stage, which is outdoors, and if there are only these speakers, the listening effect of the audience behind will not be good.

Having no other choice, he ran to the leader of the logistics department and stated his request. He must set up several speakers on the periphery of the audience area, and each speaker should not affect each other.

He knew that this request was a bit embarrassing. After all, he didn’t spend any money, and the school was completely voluntary labor. Therefore, when the leadership was in a difficult situation, he promised to give 1 yuan to the school’s logistics department as an activity fund.

The money was taken from the company's account, and it was regarded as the company's publicity expenses. He personally would not pay it, because he didn't have much money in him.

After friendly negotiation between the two parties, the leader of the logistics department agreed to his request, promised to increase the number of speakers, and guaranteed to achieve the effect he wanted.

The situation on the stage is like this, and there are only two days now, even if you want to change, you don't have that much time, just use it.

Then I went to the band training venue and found that only Lin Jia was there, and Liu Jinpeng went to class. During this time, they spent all their free time here except for class.

Talk to Lin Jia, wait until Liu Jinpeng comes over, let them go to his dormitory to find him, and plan to take them to buy costumes for the performance, they can't continue to wear the same outfit last time.

Back in the dormitory, he continued to write the program. According to the current progress, the hardware virtual machine can basically be written by the end of November or early December.

In fact, the code quantity of the hardware virtual machine is not very large. The lower the component code is, the less the code quantity will be, because they all focus on the core functions.

Just like a hardware virtual machine, it will use the commands that come with the hardware to combine and drive the hardware to complete some more complex actions, and these actions provide support for the upper-level software.

So in the final analysis, the virtual machine is to provide a series of interfaces to the upper-layer applications, and the upper-layer applications use these interfaces to drive the hardware to work.

But there is a disadvantage here, that is, if the hardware is replaced, some commands will become invalid and some commands will be added.

These are all detected by the previous hardware intelligent probe, but according to the traditional programming method, the hardware virtual machine also needs to make some changes every time.

In order to avoid the reduction of efficiency, he directly uses bytecode, not even assembly, so it will be very troublesome to modify.

In order to avoid all these troubles being piled on his head in the future, he had to use intelligent technology to make the internal implementation of the hardware virtual machine highly adaptable.

As long as it is not a facelift change, but an extension of the previous product, basically there will be no major problems. At most, some new functions supported by the hardware cannot be used.

The hardware is generally in the same line, and there will be no jumps. Moreover, he has proactively considered the development trend of subsequent chips and other hardware, and has done some processing in advance.

The real workload is mainly in the compilation of compilers and new languages, because it needs to support the development of the entire operating system software and other application software, and the functions are more complicated.

In the evening, when Liu Jinpeng and Lin Jia came to his dormitory, Ye Zishu stopped his work and began to take them to buy new performance costumes.

This time, they had more time. They took a taxi to visit several places, finally chose the costumes they were satisfied with, and then took a taxi back to school.

In the middle of this, Ye Zishu told them the split plan of the new album, which surprised them. They never thought that they could still split the money.

The main reason is that in the production of this album, they basically did not contribute anything other than their physical strength, and the bands are all temporary, which is considered to be a temporary thing.

Although in this album, Ye Zishu can indeed not give them any money, but he is very clear that doing so will only add stains to his life.

Besides, as a student of an institution of higher learning, no one knows the future achievements. There is no need to be evil for a little profit. Only by forming good karma can you go longer.

What's more, the enthusiasm is only temporary, and the benefits are eternal. In the future, he may need their help. He must give the money that should be given, and he can't just look at the immediate benefits.

In the past two days, he took the time to look at the situation of the stage construction every day, and put forward his own opinions on some areas that need to be improved. He spent a lot of cigarette money for this.

On Sunday, he mobilized all the roommates in the dormitory to carry out more intensive publicity again, with more posters and slogans than before, which made the whole school feel the enthusiasm.

The open-air concert started at 4:[-] p.m. and ended after [-]:[-] p.m. The three members of the New Power band had their hair done in the afternoon, and then they had dinner at [-]:[-] p.m.

Then I started to make final preparations for the performance, arranged the order of instruments and tracks, and even made some arrangements for the connection of songs.

It stands to reason that a concert needs to be rehearsed in advance, but this concert is not very formal, and even if something happens occasionally, it is not a big deal.

At 11 o'clock in the evening, it was already dark in the capital in November, and the entire open-air football field was already crowded with people. Ye Zishu took a look and estimated that there should be nearly 1 people.

In addition to the teachers and students of Tsinghua University, there may be students from other schools, which has brought more work pressure to the security personnel.

According to the arrangement of the performance, the first half is Ye Zishu's personal stage, because the songs sung are all songs from the first album, in the style of campus folk songs, and it is not difficult to sing.

On the stage, Ye Zishu held the microphone in his hand and said to the audience below: "I am very happy to see so many audiences. This is the first concert in my life. Thank you very much for your support.

This concert is a gratitude concert, thanks to my classmates and teachers who supported me, and the school behind me, so this concert, in addition to singing songs from the album "You at the Same Table", will also bring All songs from the new album.

Let everyone enjoy the auditory feast in advance. Since the second album is a rock album, it will be arranged in the second half, and everyone will have an appetizer in front of it. "

After speaking, there was a tsunami of shouts at the scene, some shouted their favorite songs, and some students played a prank and shouted "Yezishu I love you".

Ye Zishu said excitedly: "I can feel everyone's enthusiasm, calm down now, please listen to the song I brought to you."

After speaking, he put the microphone on the stand, hugged the guitar in his arms, and started to play the theme song of "You at the Same Table", and the scene gradually became quiet.

"Will you remember tomorrow?

The diary you wrote yesterday

Do you still think about tomorrow

You who used to cry the most


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