No one is a natural manager, they all come to realize it on their own after going through a series of things, and what they say are generalized words.

How to operate it requires Guo Dongsheng to realize it in various details. This cannot be taught by others, and it does not apply to everyone.

After talking about these things, Ye Zishu continued: "I believe you should know that on November 11th, we will hold an open-air concert."

"It's everywhere on campus, it's hard not to understand!" Guo Dongmei said.

"It's good to know, this concert is of course to thank my former classmates for their support, but the most important thing is to promote the next album.

Therefore, Shengshi Records needs to take advantage of the popularity of the concert to promote the new album as soon as possible. You have a lot of work to do.

In addition to making tapes, you also need to spread the new album to the whole country as soon as possible, at least to the major cities in the country. This will test your channel construction ability.

How is your channel building going? "Leaf Book asked.

"I have already made an agreement with my former brothers. They are all willing to be agents below. They have already been assigned. They are now establishing lower-level channels." Guo Dongsheng replied.

"So how many tapes have you sold during this time?"

It is difficult for him to see the results of channel construction in person, but only through their sales performance.

"During this period, they have sold more than 50 boxes, and the effect is still good." Guo Dongsheng replied.

This figure is neither a surprise nor a disappointment. Given the quality of this album, it is quite satisfactory. It can be seen that their channel construction is not particularly perfect.

However, there is no rush for this matter, so he can only take it slowly. He hopes that through several issuances, the channel construction can be perfected, which is very important for future development.

"What about the remaining provinces and cities?" Ye Zishu asked.

"We are going to recruit other distributors across the country in the name of the company, and hand over the provinces and cities that have not been allocated to them."

He is quite satisfied with Guo Dongsheng's arrangement. Although he handed over the agency rights of some provinces and cities to his brothers because of his previous achievements, he doesn't want all provinces and cities to be in the same group.

Because once something happens, they can easily connect together, and then they can directly force Gong Shengshi Records, and have to agree to their excessive demands.

So what he hopes is that part of it can be handed over to these old people, and the other part must be handed over to people who have nothing to do with these people. This is the balance he mentioned earlier.

"The company must treat distributors equally, especially when the supply of goods is tight, and we must not act emotionally!" Ye Zishu warned.

"I know." Guo Dongsheng replied very simply.

"It's best if you think like this. There is another very important thing about business management, that is, you can't act on your emotions. All codes of conduct are based on the interests of the company." Ye Zishu said lightly.

"The company has to speed up the construction of sales channels, and besides that, you will also be responsible for the release of new albums in the near future.

I hope that the company can complete the release work soon after the outdoor concert, and besides that, you can do some publicity in a moderate way. "Leaf Book said.

Now the company has sold a total of 120 million tapes, and the gross profit in the hands of the company has reached about 500 million yuan, which is a good result.

And according to his prediction, the sales volume of this album still has great potential. As for how much it can sell, he has no idea.

In this era, the price of a player is not cheap. If there is no machine for playing music, naturally they will not buy tapes, and the number of target consumers will be greatly reduced.

"Now that the company has been established, many things have to be formalized. Except for the previous albums, I took some money for my own use, and the rest are used as the company's development start-up funds.

Although I am the only one who wrote the lyrics and composed music for this album, and I am also the lead singer, but the other two teammates also need to earn income.

Therefore, if the company wants to release this album, it needs to negotiate the share ratio and the copyright of these songs.

Since the company is also my own, I don't care too much about it. Every time you sell an album, our band needs to get 1.4 yuan in income. This is a clear distinction between public and private.

Among them, as the lead singer of the band and the composer of lyrics and music, 1 yuan is considered my personal income, and the other two teammates each get 0.2 yuan.

As for the copyright, the company hardly contributed to the production of this album, so the copyright belongs to me personally. If the company needs to use the songs in the album for commercial activities, I can authorize the company to use it. "Leaf Book said.

The company is all his, Guo Dongsheng naturally has no objection to this distribution, and he is also teaching Guo Dongsheng a lesson, what is to distinguish between public and private, and what is to be a brother to settle accounts.

When talking about money, he suddenly remembered that he didn't seem to have discussed the salary with Guo Dongsheng, the general manager, so he said, "I almost forgot, let's talk about your salary."

"You can give as much as you want!" Guo Dongsheng said boldly.

"No, the formulation of salary is not determined by patting your head. It needs to be determined comprehensively according to the market talent situation, national income level, and the company's revenue situation.

Although you have made great contributions in the process of establishing the company, your ability has not yet proved that you can manage a company well, so your business level has yet to be verified.

In addition to the current salary level in China, you should know better than me, so I decided to give you a monthly salary of 1000 yuan. "Leaf Book said.

This salary is much lower than Guo Dongsheng's previous income, but this is the market price, and the agent is not so easy to do, and it is not a steady profit.

Although there are many benefits, the risks are also great. As the general manager, the risks are much smaller, and the future development potential is much higher.

He glanced at Guo Dongsheng, wanting to understand his inner thoughts, but Guo Dongsheng didn't seem to care much about it, so he readily agreed.

"This income is definitely not as high as before, but the risk is much lower than before, and this is only temporary. By the end of the year, I will make a comprehensive evaluation of the company's operations.

If the company develops well and gets a high evaluation, your salary will be adjusted. "Leaf Book said.

He originally wanted to say that if the company's development exceeded his expectations, he would be given shares in the future, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it, and he couldn't raise expectations too high all at once.

It is enough to raise his salary at present, and it will not be too late to discuss the matter of shares when his ability exceeds the calculation method of salary.

It's not in his character to draw big cakes, and if he sets too high expectations for his subordinates, if they can't achieve them, it will only increase troubles for each other.

After talking about this, he said everything that should be said, and then let Guo Dongsheng and Guo Dongmei go back. The reason why Guo Dongmei listened to these words was mainly to let their siblings have a solid foundation.

After all, Guo Dongsheng's income and development are also related to their family, and he hopes that Guo Dongmei can also do things for himself after graduation.

Since 1996, the country has gradually not included distribution. During this period of time, recruiting talents will be his top priority. Any possible talents will be the target of his attention.

Nowadays, most of the high-end talents are in the hands of the state, and those who exist in the market are basically those who are unwilling to be ordinary and ready to create a career in the sea.

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