Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 31 Front Page Headlines

Campus folk songs are actually not suitable for outdoor performances. The best venue should be the kind of small indoor meet-and-greet, where the atmosphere can be set off.

After the first song was sung, although the audience was still very enthusiastic and did not hesitate to applaud themselves, they still felt a little lacking in taste.

If it weren't for the fact that he currently only has two albums and the number of songs is not enough, he would really be reluctant to sing campus folk songs on this occasion, at least not in an open-air environment.

"Everyone will experience youth, and everyone's youth is different, but the throbbing from human instinct is a symbol of life that will never go away.

And it all starts with that unforgettable glance, his or her casual little gestures can evoke your sweetness, this is "First Encounter". "

After speaking, he began to play the first song of the album "First Encounter". As the playing began, he gradually closed his eyes and sang quietly.

When writing this album, he actually recalled his own childhood, some in his past life and some in his present life, so the experiences are naturally different.

But when he is singing now, it seems that he has gone back to the past, thinking that his eyes are a little timid, and seeing the girl with ponytail that makes people feel pitiful, this is his youth.

The only difference is that they are not in the same class, and they haven't spoken much to each other. This should be most people's first love, and it's over before it started.

When I get older, although I no longer have the original feeling, it has become the most precious memory in my life. Every time the night is quiet, I can occasionally think of it.

At this moment, he was alone in the world, completely immersed in his own world, and the shouts and applause from the outside world gradually faded away from his ears.

The first throbbing in life is the most sincere emotion of human beings. Although you will meet other people later and have mutual affection for each other, it still has a taste of the adult world.

But at this time, he played her in his mind over and over again in his mind, and the eyes that met each other for the first time seemed to be in an endless loop, and he couldn't turn over the film.

After the singing was over, he didn't speak for a long time, and the audience at the scene followed him to quiet down. It seemed that everyone was caught in collective memory, and the scene was unspeakably weird.

About 1 minute later, Ye Zishu came back to his senses and said: "When we first met, I felt a little more concern in my heart, every move, frown and smile of him or her seemed to be blooming for myself.

This is the "Heartbeating Feeling" that we have been looking for, but we can't find it, and it has taken root in our hearts and broke out of the ground. "

Then he plucked his own strings and played the second song of the album "The Feeling of Heartbeat". As the music sounded again, the scene fell into collective silence again. They were all immersed in the music or their own memories, looking for the experience the feeling.

In this way, all 12 songs of the first album were sung, and an hour passed, leaving the audience to slowly appreciate the artistic conception and taste of all the songs in this album.

And he and his two teammates moved the musical instruments onto the stage, and after everything was arranged properly, the second half of the performance began.

"Next we will sing songs from our new album that has not yet been released, all of which are rock songs, I hope everyone will return to reality from the memories just now.

Follow rock music, let the past go with the wind, focus on the present, and take every step of your life well. This is reality. "

After speaking, a burst of rhythmic drums sounded, and then the guitar and bass joined, making the music suddenly burst, and a song "Flammable and Explosive" was sung.

In particular, the sound of the loudspeaker from his singing voice amazed the scene. With the fanatical music, the person who was sitting on the ground and listening to the music unconsciously stood up and jumped up. .

After singing the theme song "Flammable and Explosive" of this rock album, Ye Zishu said: "What I just played is the theme song "Flammable and Explosive" of this rock album.

And all the rock songs in this album revolve around this theme, and then I invite you to enter the world of "Flammable and Explosive", let's have a carnival! "

Then he successively sang songs such as "Scream at the End of the World", "Landless", "Cross Street", "Green with Dust", "My Sky" and so on.

At 8:20, all the songs of the new album were finally sung, and the audience had completely indulged themselves, completely inconsistent with the previous serious image of science and technology.

With the last note and Ye Shu's last cry, this free open-air concert finally came to an end, and the lights on the scene dimmed down one by one.

Only a small area of ​​the stage was left for the staff to do the necessary processing on the stage, while Ye Zishu and his two teammates moved the instruments off the stage, and then directly moved them to the training ground.

The following work does not require him to participate, but the audience at the scene did not want to leave for a long time, because their excitement and release just now had not completely calmed down.

Those who came with friends met in twos and threes and chatted excitedly about the topic, and those who came alone, in the passion just now, also met new friends, and naturally had some exchanges.

Going back to the leaf book in the dormitory, I poured myself a glass of water, and drank it straight away. The throat that seemed to be smoking was finally relieved, and then I sat down and continued to write code.

Early the next morning, before Ye Zishu woke up, Zhou Lianpeng woke him up and said excitedly, "Ye Zishu, you are in the newspaper."

Seeing that he was holding a newspaper in his hand and shaking it in front of his eyes, Ye Zishu had to get up, and now he didn't feel sleepy even if he wanted to sleep.

After washing up briefly, he took the newspaper brought by Zhou Lianpeng and read it. It was the newspaper of "Capital Daily". When he saw the photo of his performance, it was actually published on the front page.

No wonder Zhou Lianpeng was so excited. It's not that difficult to get on the newspaper, but it's not so easy to get on the front page.

I saw the headline on the front page with the title written in huge characters: "From campus folk songs to rock music, which one is the real him?"

He thought that the Capital Daily would take a slightly serious headline to report on him, but unexpectedly, he took a slightly naughty headline.

In this day and age, the headlines reported by state media are all well-balanced, especially the headlines, which rarely use such a headline format.

Then I read the text, and wrote at the beginning: "Since Cui Jian's "Nothing Is Everything" started the development of rock music in my country, many rock musicians have also emerged.

But rock seems to be far away from us, and it is not even accepted by the public. Music that is considered deviant often exists in the form of underground music.

And an open-air concert held at Tsinghua University yesterday completely changed people's perception of rock music. It turns out that rock does not mean decadence or rebellion. It can also be sunny and inspire people to be positive.

And the protagonist of this concert is also the lead singer of the newly established new force, Ye Zishu, who brought a new feeling to all the audience at that time, and made rock music different from then on. "

Later, he spent a certain amount of time introducing the basic situation of Ye Zishu, such as being admitted to the Department of Computer Science of Tsinghua University with full marks in all subjects, and about his background.

The reason for emphasizing his origin is mainly because many people engaged in music in this era are from a musical family, and he obviously does not conform to this rule.

And the report also wrote that it is precisely because he is not from a musical family that he has more freedom in music creation, and because he was born in a rural area, he has a more positive and optimistic spirit.

But under the light of this optimistic spirit, there is also no shortage of thinking about the plight faced by contemporary youth, and vividly expressing their hesitation and bewilderment.

Then the topic changed and he said that his music is very in line with the characteristics of the current stage of reform and opening up. It is both confused and hopeful, but overall it is encouraging.

"This is a rock music album with the characteristics of the times, and it is a milestone in the process of my country's rock music from its budding state to its gradual development and maturity."

At the end of the article, he also introduced his first album, and commented on the level and popularity of this album.

Finally, he said: "He pioneered the style of domestic campus folk music, but suddenly fell in love with rock music. Which one is the true portrayal of his heart? What kind of surprises will he bring us in the future?"

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