Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 267 The PHS business without progress

The most calm person at the scene should be Pei Qing. She is the biggest financial backer of many business executives at the scene. Xuanwu Technology Company is currently supported by Phoenix Technology Company.

Now that Phoenix Technology Company is expanding its presence and developing more and more projects, it is no longer able to support Xuanwu Technology Company's capital consumption on its own.

Since the accelerated construction of the chip industry chain, it has begun to borrow money from Taiji Group to survive. If it is not very confident in future profits, such a huge loan would make one's scalp tingle just thinking about it.

There is also Qinglong Technology Company, which also needs to borrow money to operate at present. Although the amount of the signed agreement is very huge, if it cannot deliver the goods, it will not get the money.

There is also Huanyu Group, which Wang Chuanfu is in charge of, which is currently consuming a lot of funds, but compared with Xuanwu Technology Company, it is still insignificant, almost negligible.

Except for Pei Qing, although the money earned by the various companies in the Shengshi family cannot compare with Taiji Group, at least all companies are making profits. Not only can the company continue to operate normally, but they can also provide money to support brother companies.

So when Ren Zhengfei was chatting with Wu Chaoqiang, Wang Chuanfu sat beside Pei Qing very consciously, and chatted with Pei Qing, hoping to get more support.

Although Ye Zishu’s task for Huanyu Group is to start the motorcycle business and battery business first, Wang Chuanfu is more ambitious, planning to build the automobile industry chain while building the motorcycle industry chain.

Because there are still great similarities between the two, but the parts involved in the car are more complicated and the industrial chain is larger.

Even if they don't start the substantial construction of the automobile industry chain immediately, they still plan to build the factory building first, because this also takes a lot of time, and the construction in advance can save a lot of time.

Ye Zishu asked Wang Chuanfu to investigate the investment environment by himself, and Wang Chuanfu made the final decision on where the headquarters would be. The final result was that the headquarters would be located in his hometown of Wuhu.

To be honest, this choice must have a certain degree of selfishness, but Ye Zishu is also understandable. After all, doing so can greatly promote the economy of his hometown.

Moreover, by placing the headquarters in Wuhu, he will be very close to his home and have more time to spend with his family. Since Ye Zishu handed over this power, he will accept it.

Fortunately, although Wuhu's economic foundation is slightly weaker than other big cities, it is still close to the Yangtze River, at least the transportation cost should not be very high.

As long as he can lead the Huanyu Group well, Ye Zishu can still tolerate this selfishness, and as a local, he can be regarded as having a foundation, and there will be no major obstacles in his operation.

Now domestic investment, unless it is a city like Shenzhen with all migrants, there is no intricate relationship. In fact, it is the capital, Shanghai and Guangzhou. If there is a relationship, the operation will be smoother.

If it weren't for the fact that Phoenix Technology is a pure software group with little external demand, it might encounter various problems, which is why it is difficult to do business in the industry.

Industrial enterprises not only have a very large investment scale, but are also very difficult to move away. Even if they want to move away, it will take a very long time.

Like software companies, if they are made things difficult by local parties, they will slap their ass and leave at worst. The cost of relocation is much lower than that of industrial enterprises, and the loss is much smaller.

This is also the reason why he put Xuanwu Technology Company in Shenzhen, because with the investment scale of Xuanwu Technology Company, once something goes wrong, he can't bear the loss.

After Wang Chuanfu and Pei Qing finished chatting, they ran to Ye Zishu and sat down, planning to take advantage of this time to briefly talk about the Huanyu Group.

"I heard that Huanyu Group is making big moves!" Ye Zishu said with a smile after seeing Wang Chuanfu sitting down.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Wang Chuanfu, who had just sat down, scratched his head and said embarrassedly: "The main reason is that we have reached an agreement with the local area, the larger the investment scale, the greater the discount.

This is not to consider that the automobile industry chain will be built anyway, so the plan is simply advanced a little bit, but at present it is mainly the construction of the motorcycle industry chain and the construction of the battery industry. "

Hearing Wang Chuanfu's words, Ye Zishu nodded and said: "The plan can be decided according to the actual situation, but I hope that the development of the motorcycle and battery industries will not be delayed.

Now that there are too many companies under its umbrella that use money, it is best for Huanyu Group to come up with profitable businesses in a short period of time, which can also relieve my pressure.

Secondly, the battery industry is not only oriented to the entire market, but also related to the needs of other companies under my umbrella. It is very important, and I hope you can pay attention to it. "

Not to mention the batteries needed for handheld game consoles and music players, even PHS needs battery support, and he hopes that PHS can be built as soon as possible.

The construction period of PHS is actually not long. After the development of PHS's 3G mobile communication network is completed, it will soon enter the actual testing stage.

No matter how long the testing time is, it will only take a year or two at most, plus the research and development time, there will be less than 4 years of buffer in the middle. When 3G starts large-scale construction, PHS will gradually withdraw from the stage of history.

Even if 3G has a higher construction cost and a longer construction period, it can only give PHS about 8 years of operation time, which is still the entire period, and it will be completely shut down later.

So the sooner the PHS is built, the sooner it will be profitable, but it depends on how the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications arranges it. At least in the last bidding meeting, there was no purchase of PHS equipment.

But he couldn't do anything, let alone him, even China Unicom, which was established next year, wanted to develop fixed-line business in 98, but was blocked by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.

The current Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications is very powerful, no less than the Ministry of Railways. It integrates postal, telecommunications and administrative management. Let alone him, it is difficult for other government departments to take advantage of it.

Unless he is allowed to set up a telecommunications operation company by himself, he dares to confront the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications head-on, otherwise he can only tuck his tail obediently, after all, the domestic business is still pointing at them for dinner.

In fact, the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications is already very interesting. It is already a great sincerity to hand over 200 billion yuan of this year's 190 billion yuan purchase order to Lingtong Technology.

You must know that the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications is not only responsible for business operations, but actually has many communication equipment companies under their umbrella, and there are many related industries.

If it weren't for the excellent communication technology developed by Lingtong Technology Company, coupled with its judgment on the future communication industry, it would be the same as Ye Zishu, and the Internet would be the direction of future development.

At present, Lingtong Technology is the only company that can provide advanced Internet equipment and related systems. Otherwise, how could Lingtong Technology get so many shares.

But the PHS business can't be delayed any longer. If there is no specific news, he will consider stopping this business, because time waits for no one.

The 3G research and development of Lingtong Technology Co., Ltd., due to the technical information provided by him, is now progressing very fast, and a full set of 3G solutions will be available early next year.

Even after obtaining 3G technical materials, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. has made good progress in research and development, and it is expected that they will be able to come up with their 3G solutions next year.

Thinking of this, Ye Zishu asked Ren Zhengfei to come over, and after he sat down, Ye Zishu asked, "Have you communicated with the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications about PHS?"

Ren Zhengfei shook his head and said, "Mr. Ye, you know the situation of Linktone Technology Co., Ltd. Even if the talks are concluded, it is difficult to immediately enter the implementation stage.

Let me tell you that PHS has no value in continuing to promote it. 3G will be released soon, and PHS will definitely be reduced in investment scale. In fact, it will not make much money. "

"Old Ren, do you think even if 3G comes out, how many people in China can afford it?" Ye Zishu asked.

Now the domestic average monthly salary is only about 100 yuan. Under such circumstances, not many people can afford 3G networks, and many people can't even afford 3G mobile phones.

"We need to focus on higher and more advanced technologies, but also take into account the actual situation in China. According to my prediction, even if the 3G network is built, PHS and 3G networks will still coexist for a long time." Ye Zishu Said.

Especially in the future, there will be a lot of rural laborers working in the process. They will not be willing to buy expensive 3G mobile phones with the money they earn, and the 3G network charges will definitely be higher.

Therefore, he has a different idea from Ren Zhengfei. He wants to provide higher-quality mobile communication services to the wealthy through 3G, while taking care of the communication needs of the people at the bottom.

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