After staying at home for two days, on the third day of the Lunar New Year, Ye Zishu took his younger brother Ye Zihua to clean up, and then drove to the hotel where Yu Minhong held his wedding.

When they came to the wedding venue, the whole hotel was decorated in a festive manner, and there were so many flower baskets outside. Ye Zishu looked at it and felt that he was not prepared enough.

So instead of getting out of the car, they drove directly to the store where they bought flower baskets and ordered two flower baskets. Originally, one was enough for the two of them, but in order to make the wedding more festive, they decided to buy two.

The flower baskets were huge, one was placed on the back seat of the car, and the other was placed in the trunk of the car, but the trunk couldn't even be closed, so they just drove on the road.

Fortunately, the current traffic police are not very strict. In fact, in this era, many drivers don't even have a driver's license, and they still have a lot of fun on the road.

Returning to the scene again, parked the car, moved down the two flower baskets, and handed them over to the staff in charge of the wedding, while Yu Minhong and his fiancée Yang Guiqing stood at the door and personally received them.

Seeing Ye Zishu bringing his brother over, Yu Minhong took his fiancée a few steps forward, came to Ye Zishu, and said, "Thank you, Mr. Ye, for coming to our wedding!"

"Congratulations to the two of you who are married, you two are going to have a baby!" Ye Zishu smiled and said to the two newcomers, and Ye Zihua followed suit.

After saying the blessings, Ye Zishu asked: "It's so cold, and you don't have to wear so little clothes, so you don't have to greet guests outside. It's not a good thing to catch a cold when you just get married!"

"It's okay, it's just a matter of a while!" Yu Minhong said.

"Come on, I'm shivering from the cold. Take your fiancée and hurry into the house to get ready. I'll be your welcome guest for a while. It's okay, don't freeze the bride." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Although Ye Zishu came to attend their wedding, she was only dressed a little more formally than before. She still kept herself warm and wrapped herself up tightly.

On the other hand, Yu Minhong was wearing a suit and leather shoes, and the bride didn't wear much. After all, marriage should be beautiful. Seeing what Yu Minhong wanted to say, Ye Zishu pushed them into the house directly.

Then he and Ye Zihua acted as welcome guests. Since they arrived earlier, they were lonely for half an hour, and then people came over one after another.

Some are friends of the newlyweds, and Ye Zishu doesn't know each other, but they don't need to know each other, just follow the procedure to register.

Since the newlyweds are not from the capital, when the wedding is held in the capital, only close relatives can come. There are not many people who come, and most of them are their colleagues and college classmates.

The heads of the enterprises under Ye Zishu also began to come over one after another. Seeing Ye Zishu and Ye Zihua as welcome guests, in addition to making fun of it, many people also stood outside.

After a while, the line standing at the door was quite spectacular. There were more than a dozen people, the men were basically dressed in suits and leather shoes, and the women were all in formal dresses.

If it weren't for the thick coats outside, the weather would kill them from the cold, Ye Zishu saw that everyone was almost here, so he didn't want to stay outside any longer.

There is absolutely no need for so many people to suffer with him, so he said: "It's getting late now, almost everyone who should come has come, let's go in now."

When a dozen or so people hulala entered the hotel, they attracted the attention of many people. Everyone was well dressed, and even the elderly Ren Ren was well-groomed.

The heating inside the hotel is very good, and it was a bit cold to wear a thick coat outside, but after entering for a while, the thick coat was a bit unwearable.

Everyone first expressed their blessings to the newlyweds together, and at the same time gave the man a boost. You must know that the conditions of Yu Minhong's family are not very good, and the improvement of conditions began with entering Ye Zishu's banner.

There are more than a dozen people in this row, all of whom are the bosses of the company. Regardless of the strength of the company, it is still very shocking to say it. Looking at the effect of the scene, Ye Zishu is quite satisfied.

Isn't it for this purpose that he brought so many people here? In fact, many companies have no business relationship with New Oriental Education Group, so there is no need to come here.

After expressing their blessings to the newlyweds, a group of people found a quieter place to sit. Finally, so many people gathered together, just in time to communicate with each other.

As soon as he sat down, Ren Zhengfei grabbed Wu Chaoqiang and said, "Mr. Wu, when will your chip production line be ready?"

It can be said that among the many presidents present, Ren Zhengfei was the most anxious one. Last year, he signed a large order for communication equipment, but inside these orders, a time bomb was buried.

Although Ye Zishu has comforted him, there is still no progress so far. How can this not make him anxious. You must know that even if the unit price of more than 1000 billion yuan of communication equipment is high, the quantity is still not a small number.

If the delay is longer, the time left for them will be shorter. Fortunately, the contract does not stipulate how much to deliver per month, as long as the delivery is completed within one year.

Wu Chaoqiang heard Ren Zhengfei's inquiry, glanced at Ye Zishu, and said, "Mr. Ren, don't worry. Our chip production line will definitely be set up in March, and it will only take a month or two."

In fact, all the semiconductor-related equipment of Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd. has been developed, and it is now in intensive production, and the chip production line is also under construction simultaneously.

Now Xuanwu Technology's research and development strength has gradually shifted to the research and development of screen-related technologies, and screens are also a very large category.

The screen technology presented by Ye Zishu has a wide range of classifications. There are several types of LCD screens alone. Not all LCD screens can be produced. The main reason is to master all related patents.

According to Ye Zishu's thinking, if you want to dominate the screen field, you can't just develop one category. If there is no technical information provided by him, considering the research and development cost, it is a wise choice to specialize in a few categories.

But with the mature technology he provides, there is no need to make choices like a child, but to choose all of them, and directly block the road of other screen companies in front of them.

Back then, Ye Zishu put in a lot of effort in order to be able to bypass the basic patents built by other companies, but what he got in return was a comprehensive technological breakthrough.

Originally, there were many very advanced screen technologies that Ye Shu didn't plan to release now, but because he wanted to bypass other people's patents, he had to release them in advance.

In fact, Wu Chaoqiang’s anxiety is not much less than that of Ren Zhengfei. Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd. is currently investing heavily, but its revenue is very small. Originally, it was counting on Lingtong Technology Co., Ltd.’s communication equipment orders.

As a result, the old American ban completely froze the production activities of Xuanwu Technology Company. In order to allow many existing employees to work, they are currently producing other parts that can be produced except chips.

But this will not bring benefits to Xuanwu Technology Company in time, because these are not finished products, and it stands to reason that Qinglong Technology Company will not pay for them.

Fortunately, Qinglong Technology Company is its own brother company, and is still willing to pay the production cost for Xuanwu Technology Company, and the rest can only be paid after the finished product is delivered.

Because Qinglong Technology Company is currently having a hard time. Although the signed order is large, it is also very uncomfortable because it cannot make money because it cannot deliver the goods.

So Ren Zhengfei actually doesn't need to urge Wu Chaoqiang at all. He wants to build a chip manufacturing production line as soon as possible than Ren Zhengfei, so that he can revitalize his many industries.

Moreover, compared with ordinary electronics manufacturing business, the profit of chip manufacturing business is very high, especially their advanced chip manufacturing, the profit is not lower than the profit of chip companies.

Coupled with the screen industry chain they are currently building, chip manufacturing + screen manufacturing will be their main source of profit in the future.

As for the general electronics manufacturing business and the finished product OEM business, it is very difficult to make a high profit, mainly to provide huge jobs.

"With Mr. Wu's words, I finally feel a little relieved!" Ren Zhengfei said with emotion.

Both companies have been caught by the chip matter. It is estimated that the group of people who signed the agreement with Lingtong Technology Company with ulterior motives are silently laughing at Lingtong Technology Company.

Because it did not know how many orders it could get before, Lingtong Technology basically had no chip reserves in its hands, and almost no set of equipment has been delivered so far.

Therefore, all the suppliers of Lingtong Technology Company can clearly see the predicament, and even some people regret not signing such a gambling agreement, otherwise they can also make a lot of money.

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