Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 268 Prepare for the Worst

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Ren Zhengfei hurriedly said: "After we go back, we will immediately communicate with the people from the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications about PHS again."

Ye Zishu nodded, glanced at the others, and said, "Taking care of the impoverished people in the country who are still relatively difficult is not just the business of Lingtong Technology.

All of your companies should also think about this aspect. Doing so can further increase the market. Although the profit is very low, it can provide more sufficient employment.

Mr. Wu should be very clear that there is a large amount of surplus labor in rural areas. If we only rely on the one-third of an acre of land at home, we simply cannot support so many people.

It is an inevitable trend for a large number of rural laborers to migrate to the city. If these people do not have jobs after entering the city, what will happen? Just look at the Guangzhou Railway Station to understand.

Of course you are out of the category of poverty now, but I hope you will not make the mistake of 'why not eat minced meat'. Although the country says to let some people get rich first, the ultimate goal is 'common prosperity'.

This is not a slogan, but should fall into our actual work, within the scope of our ability, try our best to achieve this, instead of waiting until we can't hold money in our pockets before doing it.

Because personal pockets can never be filled, these words are for everyone, and for myself. You can supervise my behavior. "

He seldom spoke these words to outsiders before. This time, he confides these words because his subordinates got together and talked here again, hoping to form a consensus internally.

The one who understood his words the most was probably Guo Dongsheng. For the past two days, he had been thinking about what Ye Zishu said last time, and now he said the same thing again, and his feelings were even deeper.

"Doing this is not entirely selfless, but also something we must do, because it is equally important to our survival.

Everyone should know that Laomei restricts the sale of chips to Lingtong Technology Company. If we hadn't prepared in advance, this communication company, which had just turned around in the communication field, would fall to the bottom and even go out of business.

Since Laomei can take actions to ban chips, it is possible to take greater actions, such as not allowing our products to enter their market.

It is even possible to mobilize their allies to boycott our products, and our export business will definitely be devastated.

How to break this situation, I think we still have to rely on our domestic demand market, but the people in the country are not rich, and they can't rely on it if they want to, at least for now.

That's why I will focus on the topic of 'common prosperity'. Only when ordinary people have jobs and money in their pockets will they have a strong desire to consume.

Only when the domestic people have money, the domestic market will be huge. We will have a huge single market of more than one billion people, and even if there is trouble outside, we will be able to retreat unscathed.

At least it won't lose so badly, so the common prosperity is not just shouting in words, but also hopes to implement it in practice, because it is related to life and death. "Leaf Book said.

After hearing Ye Zishu's words, Pei Qing finally understood why he invested a large amount of money in the real estate industry, because only real estate can hold a huge amount of money, and at the same time, the barriers to entry are very low.

"Of course, if we are only willing to do some industries that others don't like, relying on cheap domestic labor to earn the hard-earned money of the people, we will naturally not be targeted.

But I think all of you are people with ideals. It is impossible for you to be willing to work hard for yourself, to bear heavy labor and serious pollution, but to earn meager benefits and honestly work for others.

At least I am not reconciled, which is why I have no desire to establish a whole industrial chain, because only by establishing a whole industrial chain can we control our own destiny.

No matter how many sanctions imposed by the US and their allies, we can still produce our products even if they ban us from their markets.

We can also rely on advanced technology and low cost to compete with them in other markets, and eventually compress them in our own country.

If things go on like this, they will also not have a good time. The domestic people need to endure low-quality and high-priced products. At the same time, their technology companies can no longer engage in global plunder, and research funding will become lower and lower, and they will gradually fall behind in technology.

Even if we lose a lot, we still have to let Lao Mei and the others cut a piece of their own flesh, that is, let them kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred, and have the posture of "willing to cut the whole body, dare to pull the emperor off the horse". "Leaf Book said.

What Ye Zishu said obviously went beyond general economic common sense, especially since the developed economies continue to advocate liberal economic concepts, which have been widely recognized by the world.

But if you think about it carefully, it is not impossible. No matter what economic policy it is, the ultimate goal is to benefit. Once they feel that their own interests have been harmed, they will absolutely abandon the established policy without hesitation.

Lingtong Technology Company was sanctioned by the United States just because it gained a leading edge in the communication field, and it did not even cause substantial damage to the interests of established communication companies.

At present, most of the companies under Ye Zishu are high-tech companies. If the technology they produce far exceeds the level of developed countries in Europe and the United States, they may also face sanctions.

This is why Ye Zishu wants to enter traditional industries while developing high-tech enterprises. On the one hand, it is of course to provide more employment.

On the other hand, it is to prepare for the worst-case scenario. If it is really comprehensively sanctioned in the high-tech field and can only shrink back in the country, then at least there will be traditional economic industries to continue the life of the domestic economy.

At the same time, it can also rely on the meager profits of traditional industries to support the development of high-tech enterprises, so that high-tech enterprises will not die slowly due to lack of funds.

As long as these high-tech industries are still there, at least domestic people can enjoy high-tech products that are better than foreign people at affordable prices.

Ren Zhengfei had a deeper understanding of Ye Zishu's words. He felt that his previous thoughts were a bit naive. It seemed that Qinglong Technology Company needed to make more preparations.

As for Wu Chaoqiang, although there is a lot of pressure, it is not as great as Ren Zhengfei, because many of them are in the manufacturing business. Even in the screen industry, they do not appear on the market in the form of finished products, but component products.

If it is really targeted, there is a high probability that Xuanwu Technology will not be directly targeted. At worst, it will be an OEM for other chip companies and sell screens to other companies.

This is also the reason why Ye Zishu separates Qinglong Technology Company and Xuanwu Technology Company. At least when faced with a blow, it will not affect Xuanwu Technology Company, and there will be no significant reduction in the number of jobs surrounding Xuanwu Technology Company.

Originally, everyone came to attend Yu Minhong's wedding with a relaxed mood, but after being told by Ye Zishu, everyone was worried.

It is impossible to quickly occupy the market without bringing out advanced technologies that are far superior to established companies, but once they are brought out, it is easy to cause trouble, and it is impossible to predict what situation they will face.

Even Ye Zishu has thought about whether to invest in some people and let them sing the opposite, to speak badly about his industry, so as to avoid arousing their excessive vigilance.

"So at this stage, the most important thing for us is to develop quietly. Except for consumer-oriented products, other companies still implement the strategy of quietly making money." Ye Zishu said.

At present, there are only two groups that face consumers. One is Phoenix Technology. It is just their software products. There is no need to brag and publicize them too much. Consumers will know whether they are easy to use or not.

The other company is Qinglong Technology Company, which is mainly based on consumer electronics products. If it wants to sell well, it needs publicity. It is impossible to keep a low profile. At that time, the pressure on this company will be the greatest.

This is also the reason why he chose Ren Zhengfei to be the head of this group company. In this position, one needs to have superb wisdom, a strong heart, and a firm will.

Ordinary people sitting in this position, faced with successive blows, probably would be broken, or even mentally unbearable, and they might just quit in the end.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, everyone nodded. They originally wanted to make a high-profile publicity, but now they have suppressed it. Unless it is necessary, they can make money silently.

Seeing that everyone is not very emotional, Ye Zishu said with a smile: "You don't have to be so nervous, I just want you to prepare for the worst, and what to do is actually how to do it."

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