Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 265 Let go

Reading in the virtual library, although not in a state of complete sleep, is still much lower than work consumption, so when reading, his real sleep time can be reduced to 3 hours.

So don't look at the books he read for 4 hours in the virtual library, which is actually equivalent to 12 hours in the real world, which has exceeded the study time of most people.

The next day, he still got up on time at 8 o'clock. When he got up, he found that Ye Zihua had already got up to make breakfast. After Ye Zishu finished washing, the breakfast had already been served on the dining table.

Since there were two people, the breakfast was relatively simple. It was simple soup powder. After eating the soup powder, Ye Zishu drank some milk, and breakfast was considered finished.

He didn't plan to go out today. He planned to use these two days to write the music album that he had promised to Shengshi Records for a long time. After the record company went to work, he could record it.

Now the income that records can bring to him is becoming less and less important. If he hadn't agreed to Shengshi Records, he would not have been willing to continue producing records.

So after he plans to finish writing the few music albums he has in hand, he doesn't plan to release another music album in a short time, and will mainly focus on the development of the company and improving his own knowledge level.

Coupled with the development strategy of Kunpeng Information Technology's Internet music platform, the development of the traditional record business will gradually come to a dead end. Even a musician with extensive influence like him cannot reverse the situation.

So he chose to retreat bravely. Before things got worse, it was a wise choice to quit the music scene. Anyway, he didn't need to rely on it for a living now.

"Brother, are you writing a song?" Ye Zihua saw him writing and drawing, came over to take a look, and asked.

"Well, I promised your senior sister for a long time, and now I have some time to complete the task quickly." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Brother, why did you write so many farewell songs?" Ye Zihua glanced at the song list and asked in surprise.

"Your brother, I don't plan to write any more songs. I'd better leave the opportunity to others. This album is my farewell to the music world, so the songs in it are 'farewell' as the theme." Ye Shu said.

When Ye Zihua heard her brother say that, she wanted to say that he was so talented, it would be a pity to give up, but she still didn't say it.

He has personally experienced how hard his brother is working these days, and now that he has such a big industry, music is not as important as before.

Therefore, my brother chose to give up his music career now, in his opinion, it is the best choice. At this time, we can't say it's a pity, otherwise it will be difficult for my brother to give up for a while.

In fact, Ye Zihua overestimated Ye Zishu's enthusiasm for music. He entered the music field entirely because of money. In comparison, he spent less time.

In fact, he wanted to give up this business a long time ago, just because Shengshi Records still needs him to support him. If he retires, Shengshi Records will completely become an ordinary record company.

After listening to Guo Dongmei's report a few days ago, although he still accounts for the bulk of the company's revenue, other businesses are also actively developing.

The revenue structure has improved significantly compared to before, and they will soon cooperate with Kunpeng Information Technology Company again, and the business will be further adjusted.

At this time, he gradually withdraws. Although it will reduce the operating income of Shengshi Records in a short period of time, it is a good thing in the long run.

Without him to rely on, Shengshi Records would have to speed up the development of other businesses if it wanted to maintain the previous revenue level, and all employees of the company would have a strong sense of crisis.

With him before, he didn't need to put in too much effort to get a large amount of revenue, which made the company's employees very dependent.

Now that he is about to withdraw, the company's revenue will be greatly affected, and the operating income will drop by more than half in an instant. This impact will bring a strong feeling to the company's employees.

At that time, it will take a lot of effort not to mention surpassing before, but to restore to the previous revenue scale, and they must put in more effort than before.

In addition to continuing to strengthen existing business income, it is necessary to develop new sources of profit, which is very beneficial to Guo Dongmei's decision a few days ago.

Transformation of Shengshi Records Company is the only way out. His approach seems to be suspected of drawing salary from the bottom of the pot, but in turn, it will definitely make the company burst into greater passion.

"Sometimes, when it's time to let go, just let go. Glorious World Records relied too much on me before, which was not a good thing for the company's operations." Ye Shu said to Ye Zi Hua.

"The last time you talked with senior sister Dongmei, I also listened to part of it. They are now in a transition period. If the transition is not smooth and they lose a large source of profit, will they collapse?" Ye Zihua asked.

"It's not enough to completely collapse, after all, they still have a lot of cash reserves, but it may be difficult to recover for a while, and it will take a long time to recover slowly.

Running a business is bound to be accompanied by risks. This time is when they need to overcome the catastrophe. If they overcome it, they will have a brighter future and appear in front of the world with a brand new image.

If you can't make it through, then just be an ordinary company, dormant for a while, and look for opportunities again. "Ye Zishu said lightly.

Ye Zihua was quite shocked when he heard what his brother said. As the first company founded by his brother, he should be very emotional, but his brother played it lightly, as if he didn't care about this company.

"Are you willing?" Ye Zihua asked.

"So what if you don't give up, a company is just like a person, it will eventually grow up independently, it is impossible to stay by your parents' side all the time, and be protected by them for the rest of your life.

When I grow up, I have to go out to face the wind and rain alone, and how can I grow without going through the wind and rain. Before Shengshi Records, the business was very smooth, so smooth that many people thought it would always be so good.

This lack of a sense of crisis is very detrimental to Shengshi Records. It is time for them to face the wind and rain independently. Even if they are overturned by the wind and rain, I will admit it. "Leaf Book said.

The reform of the record company and the development of new businesses were all proposed by him. They seem to lack their own thinking, which is very bad.

He still has the ability to bear such a loss, and in his future planning, Shengshi Records will occupy a lower and lower position.

If it's Shengshi Film and Television Company, he still can't completely let it go, because in the future, this company will still play a big role, and its importance is much higher than that of the record company.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Ye Zihua didn't say much anymore. Instead, from his brother's simple words, he felt how the superiors made decisions.

The higher the level of superiors, the less they care about the life and death of a certain company. This is like human cells. As an individual, they don't care about the life and death of a certain cell.

Because this is a normal metabolism, unless there is a large area of ​​necrosis, this is not a normal situation, but a lesion, which should attract enough attention.

Although this is a bad thing for the cell that is about to die, but this is how the world works, dragging it on will only cause extensive necrosis.

Just like the current state-owned enterprise system, if no one wants to give up, it will only usher in a difficult situation for everyone in the end. Now the triangular debt in their system is very serious.

How the triangular debt came about is because of the terminally ill companies. If they are abandoned in time, there will be no such problems, and it will not drag a large number of companies into bad luck.

In two days, he wrote three Chinese albums and one English album, which was enough for Shengshi Records for a year, and this year was considered a buffer period for them.

If the transformation goes smoothly within this year, the road ahead will naturally become easier and easier. If you still haven’t adapted, the road ahead will only be more difficult.

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