Disciple, go down the mountain and harm your sister.

Chapter 544 So What About the Elders of the Inner Sect?

Clear sky.

On the emerald peak, the open space outside was covered with scorched black traces, covered with holes that had been burnt out, bottomless, with black air oozing out.

Tang Wan didn't care about the destruction of the mountain like this. Instead, she was smiling, her eyes were bright, and she was extremely happy.

Through the practice just now, she fully experienced the terrifying power of the ancient bronze lamp under the blessing of different fires!Definitely a big killer!

This was on the premise that she had suppressed the true power of the ancient bronze lamp, otherwise she would have made too much noise and if Cao Hong noticed, wouldn't she have exposed her biggest trump card?

At this moment, Tang Wan's red lips were a little dry, so she put away the ancient bronze lamp, brushed a strand of hair with beads of sweat from the corner of her eyes behind her ears, and walked towards the bamboo house with lotus steps.


Walking on the path, Tang Wanlian stopped suddenly, staring at the bamboo house in the depths, a strange look appeared in her eyes, there were bursts of strange sounds in the bamboo house, she was a little indescribable.

"What are they doing? They really think my place is their own."

Saying this, Tang Wan had a smile on her face, with curious eyes, and walked in quickly.

Finally, Logan came to the door of the bamboo house.

Looking inside, seeing the men and women inside who were still immersed in complete ecstasy, Tang Wan couldn't help but let out a scream full of surprise, quickly covered her eyes tightly, and rushed out quickly.

Just after rushing out, Logan quickly stopped again, looking into the distance with serious eyes.


As soon as the words fell, a figure flashed in the sky.

A terrible breath enveloped like a tide, covering the top of the mountain in an instant.

All of Zizhu Lin fell to the ground in an instant.

Several bamboo houses also trembled suddenly, and they were about to collapse.

With a flash of white light, Tang Wan appeared on the bamboo house, and with a wave of her jade hand, the oppression was dispelled. After all, Chu Yi and Chu He were still below, even though they were doing something that disgusted her just now.

"Old Cao, what do you mean?"

Tang Wan stood on the bamboo hut, looking at the sky in front of her. Cao Hong, who was full of evil spirits and full of evil eyes, did not want to go to war with a top power like Cao Hong unless it was absolutely necessary.

"Hmph! Well, Logan, you dared to deceive me before! It's obviously the fault of those two little bastards. As an elder of the foreign alliance, it's fine if you don't punish them, and you still shield them. What crime should you deserve!"

The last roar made the entire sky tremble, and the Cuifeng below made a rumbling tremor as if it was about to collapse at any time.

"Old Cao"

Knowing that Cao Meng and Li Gan must have said something wrong about themselves behind their backs, Tang Wan wanted to explain.

"There's no need to explain! Logan, abolish your cultivation, and then be obedient, you still have a chance to live!"

Cao Hong stood with his hands behind his back and said calmly.

His strength is one of the few in the entire martial arts league, only Tuoxi can slightly surpass him.

But Tuo Xi obviously couldn't possibly conflict with him just because of an elder of the foreign alliance and two disciples of the foreign alliance.

He, Cao Hong, was the one who spent a lot of money to invite him to join the Wumeng and strengthen the Wumeng's background!After angering him, he left the Wumeng directly!

Seeing that Cao Hong had no room for bargaining, Tang Wan knew that it would be futile to say more, her delicate body exuded an aura as sharp as a sword, and her red lips parted slightly: "Then forgive me if I can't do it!"

"Sister Tang, I'm just waiting to see you show your might."

Below, Chu Yi's laughter sounded, but at this moment Chu Yi walked out of the bamboo house alone, staring at Tang Wan with a smile.

Logan glared at him lightly, as if it was too dangerous for him to come out at this time.

"Still showing your power? Idiot! Idiot, are you the bastard who hurt my son's hands and legs by despicable means?" Cao Hong's slightly cold voice came down, causing Chu Yi to look up, seeing Cao Hong's menacing eyes, Still neither humble nor overbearing, he said: "I was the one who got hurt, but he was the one who murdered me several times first."

"Hmph, a bird of a feather! My son has perfected the Void Refinement Realm, but you have only perfected the God Transformation Realm. How could you be his opponent? After I defeat Tang Wan, I will let you know what it means to be unable to survive or die!"

Chu Yi chuckled, then looked at Tang Wan, and said via voice transmission: "Sister Tang, when dealing with the enemy, the so-called soldier never tires of deceit, it is best to kill with one blow!"

If Cao Hong, the top powerhouse, is not killed this time, it will definitely cause endless harm.

He was afraid that Logan would not be decisive enough.

While Tang Wan was wary of Cao Hong, she heard that Chu Yi's words were unexpected, and she was silent for a while, "Tang Wan, get over here! Don't say I didn't give you a chance to fight back!" Cao Hong's arrogant and cold voice came.

Tang Wan didn't make a move immediately, but stared at Cao Hong seriously.

"Cao Hong, if I'm captured without a fight and my cultivation base is abolished, what do you plan to do with me afterwards?"

Cao Hong told the truth, "Destroy your physical strength again, and then hand it over to my Menger."

Cao Meng was well-known in the emperor for his lust. If Tang Wan, who was as beautiful as a flower, fell into Cao Meng's hands, he would definitely be played with by Cao Meng wantonly, and the end would be miserable.

They are all caught without a fight, and the end is still so bleak, so is there even a slight need to catch without a fight?

Tang Wan shook her head lightly, and then looked around at the sky. Tuoxi had never appeared. The movement here was so loud that it was impossible for Tuoxi, who was the most powerful member of the Martial League, not to notice, but he valued Cao Hong more. It doesn't matter if she lives or dies!

Thinking of this, Logan's eyes instantly became firm, and then became incomparably indifferent.


She looked at Cao Hong, and suddenly rushed towards him with bare hands!

Regarding this, Cao Hong was extremely indifferent, and his body was in an extremely relaxed state.

The next moment, seeing Tang Wan rushing forward, Cao Hong smiled indifferently, moved his palm slightly, and was about to shatter Tang Wan's dantian directly with lightning speed!Then go down and kill Chu Yi and Chu He alive!

With a flash of brilliance, an ancient bronze lamp suddenly flashed in Logan's hand!The strange fire is raging violently!A golden spear-like flame shot straight at Cao Hong!The speed was so fast that even Cao Hong couldn't dodge it at a short distance of five meters!

Where the golden short spear passed, the surrounding space was burnt red!In the middle, a finger-thick crack was opened!

Pointing at the crack, there is a frightening aura that can destroy the world!It was as if an angry Vulcan had been aroused by the burning wrath of heaven!

With this spear, gods can block and kill gods, and demons can block and slay demons!

"not good!"

In an instant, Cao Hong's complexion changed drastically, every inch of his skin was tense to the extreme, where was the slightest indifference before?

Obviously not enough to dodge, he roared: "The Immortal Bell!" The sound shook the sky.

Then the space trembled slightly under his fists, and the two massive qi, like two rushing rivers, instantly formed a big bell between his palms. This is a defensive technique he practiced, Immortal name and sky bell, with extremely strong defense, even Tuoxi can't destroy it!

When the golden short spear hit it, it seemed as if it had fallen into a quagmire.

If this continues, Cao Hong will definitely take the opportunity to dodge, and everything will be over!

"Tianzhu, break it for me!"

Suddenly, Chu Yi's roar came.

The sky bite has a spirit, and flew directly away from the wick in response to the sound, wrapped all the golden short spears, and immediately emitted a golden light, a golden light pierced through the bell body with two "pops", and attacked Cao Hong, like a god of death, approaching very close.

"Boy, forgive me—"

Cao Hong, who was dodging, realized that the dodge was too late, and shouted involuntarily.

"Forgive him!" At the same time, Tuo Xi's voice suddenly resounded in Chu Yi's mind, with a pleading tone.


Not even a moment's hesitation.

Adhering to Chu Yi's absolute will, the life-threatening golden light directly penetrated Cao Hong's head, leaving a small hole with a scorched black surrounding and transparent front and back.

Cao Hong, die!

"Cao Meng, Li Gan, what's coming to you next!"

While Cao Hong's dead body fell, the sound of Chu Yi's slaughter reappeared!

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