From Cao Hong's previous remarks, Chu Yi can basically conclude that Cao Meng and Li Gan must have spoken ill of him, Chu He and Tang Wan behind his back, and Cao Hong brazenly killed them.

And if it weren't for the ancient bronze lamps to bless their combat power, the fate of the three of them must be very bleak now.

Therefore, the three of them, Cao Meng and Li Ganyu, were a deadly enemy, and they would never stop dying.

Boom, Cao Hong's dead body fell heavily, stirring up a large circle of fallen leaves.

Chu Yi looked at Cao Hong's dead body, and suddenly looked at the storage ring on Cao Hong's right ring finger. As the elder of the inner alliance, Cao Hong must have a huge amount of resources in the storage ring.

Although Chu also obtained a huge amount of precious resources from the inheritance of the Great Desolation Ancient Stele before, Chu also did not dislike the abundance of resources, so he rushed down directly, took them off, and put them on his right ring finger.

"Return this to you." Tang Wan flew aside and handed out the ancient bronze lamp.

"Don't worry, Sister Tang doesn't have to be too pretentious." Chu Yi shook his head with a smile, and stared at her meaningfully.

Tang Wan immediately understood that Chu Yi was probably worried that Tuoxi would attack them because of Cao Hong's incident, so she let her continue to hold the ancient bronze lamp.

After thinking for a while, Tang Wan was silent for a while, then revealed a sweet smile, and nodded her snow-white chin, "Okay." She put away the ancient bronze lamp.

"Sister Tang, do you think Tuoxi will attack us?" Chu Yi asked suddenly, staring at Tang Wan with a look of worry in his eyes. Since Tuoxi is the leader of the Martial League, his strength is naturally stronger. Xi powerful.

Even the ancient bronze lamp was a bit reluctant to kill Cao Hong, let alone Tuoxi?

"Not very likely."

Tang Wan sent a direct voice transmission, "Tuoxi is righteous on the surface, humble and easy-going, but once the interests of the Wumeng are involved, he will become a little unreasonable, and basically everything will be based on the interests of the Wumeng. , because he used to be an orphan, and was taken in and raised by the previous leader of the Martial League."

When she said this, Chu Yi already understood everything.

As the elder of the inner alliance, Cao Hong's importance must surpass the three of them in Tuoxi's eyes. Therefore, after Cao Hong had a conflict with them, Tuoxi chose to ignore them.

But now, they have killed Cao Hong. Cao Hong is dead, and the benefits no longer exist. Tang Wan, who holds the ancient bronze lamp, is still very young, less than half of Cao Hong. In hand, the strength definitely far exceeds Cao Hong.

Tang Wan's existence will undoubtedly bring greater benefits to the Wumeng League.

More importantly, even if Tang Wan, who was holding the ancient bronze lamp, could not deal with Tuoxi, she should be able to threaten Tuoxi. If Tuoxi attacked them with anger, he might have to think twice before making a move.

After thinking about all this, Chu Yi's heart widened, and immediately his eyes became cold again.

"Sister Tang, please take me to Cao Hong's residence first, and then go to Qianlongtang together." Chu Yi said coldly.

Logan glanced at him, and smiled coldly: "En!"

"Brother Chu, Sister Tang, are you all right?" At this moment, Chu He limped out of the bamboo house, her face flushed.

"It's okay! Let's go out with us."

Chu Yi shook his head and smiled.

It is unlikely that Tuoxi will attack them with anger, but that doesn't mean that there is no possibility. For now, it is best for the three of them to be inseparable.

But at this moment-

Swish!A figure suddenly flashed into the sky and floated down.

"Leader!" The three of them saw the face of the visitor, and quickly saluted. There was still superficial work to be done.

Tuo Xi stood in front of the three of them, glanced at Cao Hong's dead body, seemed to sigh slightly, then looked at the three of them again, coughed slightly in embarrassment, and said, "Well, I admit, it was my fault earlier, I shouldn't have ignored the basic right and wrong, just stood on the level of Wumeng's interests, and let Cao Hong attack you, I apologize to you now."

After all, Tuoxi, the majestic leader of the alliance, even saluted the three of them slightly.

The three of them were flattered, and then quickly realized that Cao Hong was dead, and Tuoxi was trying to appease their dissatisfaction with him and bought their hearts.

Looking at each other, the three of them nodded lightly to each other, Tuoxi probably wouldn't find fault with them.

"I can swear an oath to heaven and promise that I won't cause any trouble for you in the future." Tuo Xi said again, raising his hand as he spoke.

When Tang Wan saw this, she wanted to stop it. After all, Tuoxi was also the leader of the alliance, so if they gained their trust in this way, it would be a bit inappropriate for them to accept it calmly.

"Let him post."

No, Chu Yi's soft drink sounded in her mind at the moment.

Tuoxi can definitely kill Chu Yi and Chu He in an instant. Only when such terrifying existences truly swear the oath of heaven can Chu Yi be completely relieved and willing to continue working hard for the Wumeng.

Tang Wan glanced at Chu Yi, didn't say much, and didn't stop Tuoxi anymore.

Seeing that Chu Yi obviously didn't believe him very much, Tuoxi smiled awkwardly, raised his hand, and solemnly made a vow of heaven that he would not pick on them in the future.

There was a faint thunderclap from the depths of the sky, and the three of them immediately showed brisk smiles, so they were absolutely fine.

"Sovereign, don't worry, from now on, the three of us will do our best to serve the Wumeng League, and we will do whatever it takes to go through fire and water."

I still have to say polite words.

"Yeah!" On the side, the two girls quickly echoed, and the embarrassment on Tuo Xi's face disappeared, revealing an easy-going smile.


Suddenly, Tuoxi's expression changed, and he changed the subject: "Chu Yi, Chu He, have you heard that you will have a life-and-death battle with the Yin Puppet Sect and the Great Demon Sect on the Baizhantai in a month's time?"

The faces of the two became serious, "I heard!"

Earlier, when they learned about this from Logan, they didn't blame Logan for making the decision on their behalf.

Because, according to what Logan said at the time, that was the safest way Logan could think of to deal with the Yin Puppet Sect and the Great Demon Sect.

What's more, they were still having fun in the bamboo hut at that time, if it wasn't extremely urgent, it was naturally inappropriate to disturb them.

The most important point is that Logan knows that their combat power is extremely powerful, and they are almost invincible in the same realm. Such an appointment to fight is beneficial to them.

As for Tang Wan's method of getting rid of the Yin Puppet Sect and the Great Demon Sect, they agreed with both hands. There is indeed no safer way. Liang Zi with the Yin Puppet Sect and the Great Demon Sect will have to decide sooner or later. Avoid long nights and dreams.

"Well, although the background of our Wumeng headquarters is stronger than that of the headquarters of the Yin Puppet Sect and the headquarters of the Great Demon Sect, there are still a lot of talents in the two forces. Among the younger generation, there are geniuses like clouds, who can cross a small realm and defeat the enemy. , can be found everywhere, and it is not uncommon to be able to step out of two small realms and defeat the enemy."

Tuo Xi said this with some seriousness, and stared at Chu Yi, who seemed to be extremely powerful in battle, and then said: "I am afraid that soon, the two forces will pick out the genius who will fight with you to the death, and then pour them out." Cultivate your strength, after one month, your strength will be even stronger!"

Chu Yi and Chu He's expressions turned serious. Although their fighting power is extraordinary, after all, every mountain is as high as another mountain, and there are strong players among the strong.

"And when the time comes, the three of you going to battle will not only concern your life and death, but also the honor and disgrace of the Martial League, so naturally I have to do my best to train you, this token is for you"

In the end, a golden token appeared in Tuoxi's hand, and three bold characters were written on it: Order of the leader!

Seeing the leader's order, except for the bewildered Chu Yi, Tang Wan and Chu He's eyes became hot.

Welfare is coming!

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