As soon as Chu Yi took out the ancient bronze lamp, Tang Wan's beautiful eyes were immediately attracted to it.

In the battle outside the Yin Puppet Sect that day, it was because of this ancient bronze lamp that she showed her might and crushed Xue Qing, who was originally much stronger than her.

At that time, there was no abnormal fire on the wick of the ancient bronze lamp, and she needed to infuse true energy to generate real fire.

But even so, under the blessing of the ancient bronze lamp, the real fire erupted with terrifyingly high temperatures, and even Xue Qing's powerful true energy couldn't defend against it at all.

But at this moment, the wick on the ancient bronze lamp was different from that night, with a white flame.Tang Wan saw at a glance that it was a strange fire, a strange fire that seemed to be quite powerful!

Tang Wan's spiritual eyes could not help revealing a fiery color, the true energy derived from the ancient bronze lamp was obviously far less powerful than the strange fire.

If under the blessing of the ancient bronze lamp, what terrifying power would the strange fire erupt?She is daydreaming.

"Sister Tang, if I lend you the ancient bronze lamp now, can you defeat Cao Hong?"

Chu Yi saw that Tang Wan was so jealous of the ancient bronze lamp, and smiled slightly, thinking that if you were my girlfriend, you could use it at any time, or even give it to you as a gift, but you and Chu He would warm my bed every night.

Tang Wan's fiery eyes fixed on the swaying Tianzhu, she thought for a while, and smiled confidently, "Even if you lose, you can retreat completely, absolutely no problem!"

Seeing how confident she was, Chu Yi showed a bright smile, then directly handed out the ancient bronze lamp, and said, "Well, I will keep it for the time being."

When Tang Wan heard it, she quickly took it and played with it fondly, as happy as a little girl who got candy.

"Sister Tang, go to the open area outside the bamboo forest and study hard."

Chu Yi smiled with deep eyes.

"Well, good, good."

Without thinking too much, Tang Wan quickly walked out along the path among the bamboo forests.

When Tang Wan's graceful back disappeared from sight, Chu Yi's eyes immediately became fiery, staring straight at Chu He in front of him, breathing heavily, and sprayed on Chu He's pretty face.

Chu He's pretty face blushed immediately, "Brother Chu, why are you staring at me like this?"


Chu Yi stared at her ruddy cherry mouth, smiled expectantly and somewhat wretchedly, and immediately helped her into the bamboo house, and then came to the bamboo room on the right, where there was an embroidered bed covered with a plain white sheet.

A blood stain that hadn't completely dried on the bed sheet was like a blood plum in full bloom, and it looked extraordinarily bright under the bright sunlight that penetrated through the curtains.

Chu Yi sat down beside the bed, and smiled at Chu He, who was pretty and shy in front of him, and pressed Chu He's head down with both hands brutally.

At the same time, Tang Wan was practicing enthusiastically in the open space outside the bamboo forest.


A golden rain of fire, each about the size of a finger, poured forward like a torrential rain.

As the fire and rain passed by, there was a chirping sound. Not only did the aura in the void instantly burn into nothingness, but also, scorched light black traces appeared in the space. That kind of power is so terrifying!

It is far from comparable to the real fire attack outside the big puppet city.

If they attack Xue Qing with the current fire rain, Xue Qing will definitely be instantly killed!There is no bone left!

in a luxurious room.

"Father, that's how things are, you must make the decision for me!"

Cao Meng lay flat on the embroidered bed, his right hand and right leg were wrapped with thick bandages. He looked at Cao Hong who was full of concern and anger, and cried out in a crying voice, as if he had suffered a great injustice.

Earlier, after he returned home, Cao Hong rushed to find him not long ago, and he explained what happened in the outer hall of Qianlong Hall in a more eloquent manner, saying that it was all Chu Yi's fault, and that he offended Chu Yi very badly. Terrible.

And speaking of Chu Yi in this way, he had a good confession with Li Gan before he left Qianlongtang.

As for Chu He, he didn't say much, after all, he had made an oath of heaven, and he could no longer pester Chu He.

"Damn! How dare you insult my son like this! What a crime!"

Cao Hong, who had always been lazy, clenched his fists tightly, trembling all over, and his whole old face was distorted exaggeratedly due to strong anger.

"Brother Hong, and that Logan, she is an accomplice, and she is not let go!"

On the side, a beautiful woman in her 30s with a pointed chin was also crying bitterly. She was Cao Hong's mother.

"Of course!" Cao Hong didn't even think about it, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Afterwards, Cao Hong looked at Cao Meng on the bed again: "Meng'er, are you interested in Chu He and Tang Wan? If you are interested, my father will abolish their cultivation bases now, and then kidnap them and deal with them as you wish!"

His behavior is not just a temporary advantage.

In the martial arts alliance, the elders of the inner alliance are the real backbone. As for the elders of the outer alliance, their strength is relatively much weaker.

In the past, it happened that the elders of the inner alliance killed the elders of the outer alliance. In the end, the elder of the inner alliance was only given some symbolic punishment, that's all.

Cao Meng's eyes suddenly lit up, Chu He and Tang Wan are both great beauties, as lustful as he is, they have long been coveted.

But immediately, he shook his head slightly, "Father, that Chu He is a flamboyant old shoe, I have no interest in her! As for Logan, she is quite pretty."

Seeing the heat in his eyes, Cao Hong grinned slightly, and said, "Since you are interested in Tang Wan, Menger, go and snatch her now as a father!"

"That's troublesome dad!"

Cao Meng's eyes brightened, thinking that she would enjoy it later, she was so excited that her voice trembled a little.

"By the way, the other two guys, what do you want me to do with them?"

Cao Hong looked vigorous and resolute, and he was about to leave, but suddenly stopped and asked.

Cao Meng forcibly calmed down his ecstatic mood, his eyes turned cold, and four words came out between his teeth, "Cruel killing!"

"it is good!"

Cao Hong smiled, and said dotingly, "Menger, as long as you are happy, then go for the father."


With a movement, he rushed out of the room and then disappeared.

"Father, now I am waiting for your good news!"

Cao Meng looked at the door with anticipation in his eyes, and then he looked back to plan how to enjoy Tang Wan later.

"Three rubbish, dare to provoke Meng'er, they deserve some disaster!" The beautiful woman stared at the door and sneered.

Afterwards, she turned her eyes away and saw what Cao Meng was thinking with a lewd expression on her face. She immediately understood and said with a smile: "Meng'er, my mother, go and buy you a few Dali Pills now, and later you will ravage that bitch Tang Wan alive." people."

Cao Meng raised his head, his face full of joy, "That's troublesome mother!"

Dali Dan, once a man takes it, even if he takes it nine times a night, his strength will still not be weakened at all, and he will not feel the slightest sense of fatigue after finishing the work.

After the beautiful lady left, Cao Meng stared in the direction of Cuifeng where Tang Wan was, the anticipation in his eyes was almost materialized!

"With the strength of the old man, it is enough to kill Logan in an instant, and it will be a toss later!"

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