Disciple, go down the mountain and harm your sister.

Chapter 516 Arriving at the Ancient Monument of the Great Desolation


As a result, it failed.

There was not much surprise and frustration on Chu Yi's face.

The God Transformation Pill obtained in the auction before only made his cultivation close to the late stage of the God Transformation Realm, and there was still a long way to go before he could break through.

"However, there are still six days before the opening of the Great Desolation Ancient Monument, and it is only three days away from the Great Desolation Ancient Monument, and there are still three days left. It is not impossible to make a breakthrough after hard work."

After making a plan, Chu Yi devoted himself to practicing.

I don't know how long it took, when Chu He came back and learned of Chu Yi's plan, as the daughter of the Wumeng, she directly took out two precious pills to support Chu Yi. Although it was not as effective as the Huashen Pill, it also helped a lot.

"Thank you! How much middle-grade spirit stones do I need to pay you in total?"

"Bah! Who cares about your broken spirit stone?"

Chu He's eyes were full of disdain, and he turned around and cared about his cultivation and stopped talking to him.

Chu Yi stared at her in surprise, this money fan actually gave him two expensive pills for free for the first time.

Two days later.


A tyrannical aura swept out from the boulder pile.

Among the boulders, Chu Yi sat cross-legged, his clothes rattled and rattled, and a powerful aura that surpassed many in the past lingered around his body.

Late Stage of Transformation God Realm!Break through!

With this breakthrough, Chu Yi clearly felt that the amount of true energy in his body was more than before, almost three times as much as before.

"If, now, I face an existence of Liu Aotian's level, even if I don't burn my blood, I can easily defeat him!"

Chu Yi clenched his fist and said confidently.

"Congratulations, with your current strength, although you are still not Liu Aotian's opponent, it is not a big problem if you want to get out of your body."

In front, Chu He, who was also practicing cross-legged, congratulated him.

"At least [-]% of the credit is due to you. Congratulations."

Chu Yi smiled gratefully, and then took a deep look at Chu He's extremely fiery delicate body. The other party also took out some precious pills to assist in his cultivation in the past two days, and his cultivation is now close to the middle stage of the Void Refining Realm.

Moreover, the Martial League is able to auction off the two rare magic weapons such as Overlord Bow and God-breaking Orb. As the daughter of the Martial League, Chu He probably has a stronger trump card in her hand to support her participation in the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument.

"Yeah!" Chu He also smiled happily when she heard the words, and with her current strength, she definitely deserves to be ranked among the ancient monuments in the wilderness.

"Now, you need to strengthen your cultivation, and then get familiar with the usage of the Overlord Bow and the God-breaking Orb. After you are proficient, your combat power will be significantly enhanced."

Chu He suggested again.

"That's exactly what I mean." Chu Yi immediately consolidated his breakthrough cultivation.

After half a day, when it was completely consolidated, Chu Yi left the stone pile again, and first took out the God-breaking Pearl in the mountains and forests with curious eyes.

The seven-color Poshen Bead reflects brilliant light under the bright sunlight among the crowns above the head.

Holding the God-breaking Orb, Chu Yi first bit his fingertips, and dripped blood to refine the God-breaking Orb.

Afterwards, a ray of true energy in the palm of the hand poured into the Poshen Orb, and the latter exuded a dazzling colorful color that was difficult to look directly at. Where the colorful light radiated, the aura of heaven and earth melted instantly, as if flying snow met the scorching sun.

"Chu Yi, I will be your training object."

Light footsteps sounded from behind, and then accompanied by a sonorous sword chant, a heavenly-grade three-foot green blade in Chu He's hand casually slashed a sword energy towards Chu, coming through the air, regardless of tree trunks along the way. Or the fallen leaves were twisted into powder in an instant.

"it is good!"

Chu Yilang laughed, and with a sudden movement of his thoughts, a ray of seven-colored divine light flew out of his hand as fast as lightning, and hit the sword qi.

Chu He's cultivation is close to the middle stage of the Void Refining Realm, and he is still holding a powerful magic weapon, so even if he strikes a sword at random, the sword is still extremely powerful.


But the next moment, when the unparalleled sword energy met the colorful divine light, it melted instantly, making it completely vulnerable, and the melting instant permeated the entire sword energy. At the same time, the colorful divine light went straight to Chu He.


The long sword blocked, and under a violent tremor, a little spark was directly shaken out of his hand.

However, Chu He's sword also shook the shape-changing God-breaking Orb flying away.

"Amazing!" Seeing how powerful the Poshen Orb is, Chu Yi couldn't help but smile in satisfaction and admiration, and knocked Chu He's long sword into the air, and the Poshen Orb could continue to attack. Chu He didn't have a sword in his hand, so how could he resist it? ?

The God Breaking Orb can not only dissolve all energy, but it is also a king-level magic weapon, powerful in attack, if flesh and blood forcefully touches it, a hole will be pierced immediately.

With a swipe of the palm, he summoned the Poshen Orb, and Chu Yi quickly went over to pick up the sword for Chu He, grabbed Chu He's jade hand, looked over and over again, and asked with concern: "Are you all right?"

"Is there anything wrong with me, you don't have to touch my hand!"

Chu He blushed coldly, and gently shook his hand away.

"Cough! If you care, you will be chaotic, if you are concerned, you will be chaotic."

Chu Yi salivated, and kept explaining with apologetic smiles, but the touch was really smooth and tender!

When Chu Yi and Chu He were practicing in the forest, the entire big puppet city had already exploded.

Groups of teams armed with magic weapons and full of blood and blood searched and suppressed the city repeatedly.

The bulletin boards by the street are also covered with pictures of Chu Yi, and there are sky-high rewards, [-] middle-grade spirit stones for capturing Chu Yi alive, and [-] middle-grade spirit stones for providing reliable information.

Therefore, Chu Yi suddenly became a sweet pastry looted by countless people.

The people who issued the reward were naturally the two forces of the Yin Puppet Sect and the Great Demon Sect.

"That kid probably left the city long ago and flew far away."

"Well! Instead of searching in the city, it's better to go to the ancient monument of the Great Desolation. With the courage and strength of that kid, he will probably participate, but the Yin Puppet Sect and the Great Demon Sect must have expected this."

"By the way, that kid Yanfu is really not shallow. Chu He, whom no one has been able to win, is actually ambiguous with him."

"I heard that both the Yin Puppet Sect and the Great Demon Sect came to the Martial League to make trouble because of this, but the Martial League denied any contact with that kid, and allowed the two major forces to search. If they didn't find it, there was nothing they could do."

In front of the bulletin board, many passers-by expressed interest.

The next day.

When the distant eastern sky just revealed a touch of white belly, two figures soared into the sky from the continuous mountains, driving the flying magic weapon and going back through the sky.

After more than two days.

The moon is like a silver plate, and the sky is full of stars.

At the end of a vast, devastated land that can be vaguely seen.

"It should be in front, right?"

On the flying magic weapon that came through the sky, Chu Yi, who was masked in black, looked into the distance under the bright moonlight. In a trance, he could see a huge monument towering into the clouds, and bonfires were dotted all over the place.

Some small human voices came faintly.

"Well! Let's stop first, and don't go to crowded places for the time being."

Chu He on the side wore a somewhat loose moon-white robe that covered her extremely fiery figure, and a red veil was covering her face, covering her face, and she pressed down her delicate body after speaking.

Now there are too many monks who want to capture Chu Yi alive in exchange for the exorbitant rewards offered by the Yin Puppet Sect and the Great Demon Sect.

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