After Chu Yi and Chu He pressed down, they put away the flying magic weapon and lit a bonfire.

On the way the two of them came to the front of the Great Desolation Ancient Monument, they ran almost non-stop, without much rest.

Chu Yi asked Chu He to rest first, and he came to watch the wind.

Because of taking the Dagui Yuandan before, Chu Yi's energy and blood are particularly strong, and his mental strength is much better than Chu He's.

Chu He glanced at Chu Yi with tired eyes, and said, "Well, wake me up in the middle of the night."

After speaking, he leaned against a dead wood and quickly fell asleep.

Chu Yi sat bored, looking around the vast land.

The reason why the vast land where the Great Desolation Ancient Monument is located is full of devastation is rumored to be the result of a hundred years ago when a top powerhouse in the Transcendence Tribulation Realm failed to overcome the tribulation, he was attacked by thunder and fought with all his strength.

In that battle, even though the top powerhouse Lei Shixia did not die, he was exhausted and died soon after.

The Great Desolation Ancient Monument is his tombstone. Over the past hundred years, the seal on the tombstone has weakened a little bit. Some strong people deduced that the seal should be slightly broken tomorrow and entered.

However, due to the restriction of the seal, the cultivation of the entrant will be limited to the initial stage of the Void Refining Realm and below.

Chu also discovered that not only were there many figures gathered around the ancient stele in the wilderness, but there were also occasional figures passing by in the sky all around, converging towards the ancient stele in the wilderness.

It seems that there are quite a lot of people who want to enter the Great Desolation Ancient Monument tomorrow, and there must be countless bloodbaths in order to compete for the treasure.

This night, in the middle of the night, Chu Yi ate the leftover half of the Dagui Yuan Pill that he ate before, allowing his blood to reach a peak, and immediately a little bit of fatigue was swept away.

When the sky was getting brighter, the atmosphere on this vast land also heated up a little bit, and there was a lot of noise.

"Why didn't you wake me up last night?"

After Chu He woke up, he found that he had slept soundly all night. Chu Yiyou's eyes were slightly red, and he couldn't help complaining.

"Sorry, I forgot."

Chu Yi made a haha, and said, "Okay, let's go, go to the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and drove the magic weapon away.

Chu He looked at his receding back, with a watery smile in his eyes, and then chased after him.

Soon, the two walked side by side and headed straight for the Great Desolation Ancient Monument.

However, when he reached one mile away from the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument, Chu Yi suddenly stopped.

The opening of the seal of the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument requires the cooperation of many powerful people. Then the three top forces in the Great Puppet City will definitely come. Chu also offended the Yin Puppet Sect and the Great Demon Gate to death. Dangerous.

"You go first." Chu Yi said to Chu He who was beside him.

"Hmm." Chu He walked over first.

Chu Yi lowered his figure and stood on top of a bluestone to watch from afar.

When the Yin Puppet Sect and the Lord of the Great Demon Sect opened the seal, it was the best time for him to enter the Great Desolate Ancient Monument. As for coming out?If it is really impossible at that time, he can escape safely by capturing one person from the Yin Puppet Sect or the Tianjiao of the Great Demon Sect as a threat.

At this moment, looking from a distance, it looks like an ancient monument made of white jade soars into the sky. On the surface of the monument, which has been eroded by the years, there are five golden characters written: Tomb of Qin Yuanshan.

And groups of people gathered around the ancient monument in the wilderness, waiting in front of the tombstone.

From time to time, teams of people rushed to the sky in all directions, and more and more people gathered.

Waiting until the sun rises three poles, no less than [-] people have gathered, and the popularity is extremely strong.

"Boy, take off your veil and let me see!"

Suddenly, there was a shout of order from the sky beside him.

Chu Yi was startled, but his face remained calm, and he looked up calmly, only to see a young man with an unfamiliar face. There was a hideous scar on the left side of the young man's face, and a pair of eagle-like sharp eyes were burning with a hint of fiery passion. Stare at him.

Obviously, this person suspected that he was Chu Yi, and then wanted to capture him alive in exchange for a sky-high reward.

"Your Excellency, we don't seem to know each other?"

As he spoke indifferently, Chu Yi burst out with the aura of the middle stage of the God Transformation Realm.

"Late stage of the God Transformation Realm? It seems that you are not that kid, that kid is just entering the middle stage of the God Transformation Realm."

The young man shook his head in disappointment, and immediately sneered: "It's only in the middle stage of the God Transformation Realm. In front of me, Li Mastiff, you are just a piece of trash!"

As he said that, the aura of the early stage of the Void Refining Realm bloomed slightly, and he disdained Chu, turned around and went straight to the ancient monument of the Great Desolation.

"Everyone, we powerhouses should be almost done, let's fight together and break the seal!"

At this moment, a loud voice came from the Great Desolation Ancient Monument.

"Well, it's almost there!"

"Okay, little ones, get ready, get ready to enter the Great Desolation Ancient Monument!"

Seeing the silhouettes soaring up from the ancient stele in the wilderness, Chu Yi flew away with the magic weapon.

From a distance, one could see those strong men making moves one after another, and powerful qi swept out, swept across the void, and roared at the bottom of the ancient monument.

For a moment, when Chu Yi was approaching, as the zhenqi tore apart, a golden light flashed, and a golden portal appeared, and the inside was pitch black, and it was unknown where it led.

"Open! Open the seal!"

The crowd cheered.

"Okay, little ones, let's go in quickly!"

Those strong men shouted loudly.

Chu Yi fell behind the crowd, and then found Chu He who was waiting for him in front, and followed the flow of people to the golden gate together.

"Wait! You two, take off the mask for me, or I won't be able to go in!"

Suddenly, someone shouted coldly at Chu Yi and Chu He.

Chu He's expression changed!

Because the person who drinks coldly is the suzerain of the Yin Puppet Sect!

Obviously, the other party expected that they might have come to this ancient monument in the wilderness, and suspected that they were the real culprits wearing masks!

But just then—

Chu Yi almost didn't think about it at all, and pulled Chu He directly into the air!Head straight to the golden portal!

"Stop them quickly! They are Chu Yi and Chu He, the two bastards, the **** puppet sect master immediately shouted.

"The people from my Great Demon Sect stopped them immediately!" Another man roared.

"Bastard, I was wrong at first, now you can stay with me forever!"

As soon as the roar fell, a somewhat unexpected grin came from ahead.

Immediately afterwards, the previous Li Mastiff flew over from the front, the wind of fist roared in the void, and he punched Chu Yi's chest fiercely.

"Only you, is it possible?"

The laughter resounded, Chu Yi didn't even activate the Dragon Blood Battle Body, and directly punched Li Mastiff head-on!


Accompanied by a slight bone cracking sound, Li Mastiff's fist shattered a little, and his figure suddenly flew upside down!

At the same time, a ray of colorful divine light flew out of Chu Yi's cuff, shattering the sternum of another attacking figure and flying out backwards!

"Breaking God Orb! It's really that bastard, kill, kill him!"

The head of the Yin Puppet Sect and the head of the Great Demon Sect shouted in unison.

"too late!"

Chu Yi sneered, and took Chu He's jade hand and jumped straight into the golden door!

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