Under the twilight of the stars and the moon, at this moment, Chu Yi was holding his hands on the ground with some difficulty, his head was drooping, his head was full of steaming heat, he was panting like moo, and his breath was dying.

"Have you used a taboo technique?" Chu He asked with a slightly worried look on his face.

Just now, Chu Yi's strength soared a lot during the battle, and she saw the scene of his rapid depression after the battle was over.

"It's not considered a taboo technique, it's just that it consumes too much energy and blood for a while."

Chu Yi slowly raised his head and smiled casually at her.

Just now, Liu Aotian, who urged the yin puppet to become the first level, is so powerful, if Chu also didn't activate the killer trumpet that burns qi and blood, he might have to use all means and go through a bloody battle to win.

But that's obviously inappropriate, after all Liu Aotian still has more than a dozen helpers watching over him, and several of them have reached the early stage of Void Refining Realm.

What's more, if this campaign drags on for a long time, and the Yin Puppet Sect pursues more troops to help, the situation will become even more dangerous.

Just don't do it, just don't stop, burn your blood directly, and make a quick decision.

"That is to say, as long as I swallow some pills to restore Qi and blood, you will be fine?"

Chu He looked slightly relieved, and asked again.

"Hmm!" Chu Yi could see that she was worried about herself, and nodded heavily with a smile.

Hearing this, Chu He immediately exhaled like blue, and his mood became lighter.

Immediately, he seemed to think of something again, and he seemed to complain a little: "Aren't you stupid? Even if you didn't come back just now, they didn't dare to really touch me! You are just asking for trouble!"

"I wasn't worried about you then."

Chu Yi shrugged slightly. When he heard that Liu Aotian was going to deal with Chu He earlier, he hesitated for a moment, then hurried back the same way.

Chu He had saved his life before, how could he know not to repay his favor?

"Worried about me? Huh, who needs it, you should worry about yourself!"

Seeing Chu Yiming's clearly worried eyes, Chu He's face flushed slightly, and then he hummed softly, but those eyes obviously softened a lot.

Regarding Chu He's duplicity, Chu Yi smiled, and then spoke solemnly.

"Okay! Let's get out of here quickly, otherwise it will be dangerous if there are any more pursuers."

"Yeah!" Chu He quickly helped him up, and walked towards the wilderness outside the city.


"Go and find you a hiding place first, there are still eight days before the Great Desolation Ancient Monument, after that, let's go directly to the Great Desolation Ancient Monument."

"That's fine." Chu Yi's heart skipped a beat as the words fell.

According to what the members of the Yin Puppet Sect just said, Liu Jingtian, the young master of the Yin Puppet Sect, has also cultivated into a Yin Puppet Transformation, and according to what Chu He said earlier, Liu Jingtian's cultivation base is close to the middle stage of the Void Refining Realm, and he is undoubtedly stronger than Liu Aotian Existence, even if he burns his blood, he may not be Liu Jingtian's opponent.

If he is encountered on the ancient stele of the Great Desolation, he will be in danger.

"It seems that I have to break through to the late stage of God Transformation in front of the Great Desolation Ancient Monument, so that even if I don't burn my blood, I can still fight Liu Jingtian, and the chances of obtaining treasures in the Great Desolation Ancient Monument will be even greater."

Chu Yi thought to himself, and nodded slightly.

When the stars and the moon in the night sky brightened, Chu He took Chu Yi safely all the way to a deserted forest ten miles away, and then got into a half-large cave in a remote location.

After lighting a bonfire and blocking the entrance of the cave with boulders to prevent the monsters that rampage at night from attacking Chu Yi, Chu He left with the magic weapon and went back to the big puppet city to get the elixir that restores qi and blood.

However, what Ling Chu didn't expect was that when Chu He came back more than an hour later, there was already a hideous bloody gash on his right arm, and the blood flowed continuously.

"Chu He, what's wrong with you? Who hurt you?"

Chu Yi, who was recuperating in the cave, changed his expression. The previous recuperation allowed him to recover a little bit of physical fitness, so he quickly got up and went to bandage the wound with Chu He.

"It's Liu Jingtian"

Chu He said with a pale face.

It turned out that when the members of the Yin Puppet Sect learned that Liu Aotian and other ten masters had been killed again, they were completely enraged and went out to chase and kill them.

Chu He went back to the city to take the elixir for Chu Yi to restore Qi and blood. On the way back, he ran into Liu Jingtian by chance.

Liu Jingtian believed that Chu He knew where Chu Yi was going, so Chu He naturally pretended not to know, and Liu Jingtian shot in anger.

Chu He's strength can only be slightly inferior to Liu Jingtian, although he was traumatized by Liu Jingtian, he still got rid of him.

After listening to Chu He's explanation, Chu Yi had already bandaged her wound, his eyes turned cold, and he said seriously: "You were hurt by that guy because of me. For revenge, cut off his arm."

Seeing Chu Yi's serious face, Chu He blushed slightly, and snorted softly: "No, I will take revenge myself! Besides, you are not his opponent, he is much stronger than Liu Aotian!" dignified.

Seeing her dignified expression, Chu Yi became even more convinced that she should break through to the late stage of the God Transformation Realm.

"Chu He, it shouldn't be safe here now, right? Let's leave."


The two quickly left the cave, controlled the flying magic weapon, and flew away through the air.

Fortunately, they escaped all the way, and no one from the Yin Puppet Sect chased them down until dawn the next day.

At this time, the two were in a stretch of mountains.

Last night, the two escaped for two or three hundred miles in a row, and the Yin Puppet Sect's pursuers should not be able to hunt them down for a while.

In a large pile of boulders that are convenient for hiding.

"Here are five Great Guiyuan Pills, which are magic medicines for restoring qi and blood, and should be enough for you to recover."

After Chu He took out a porcelain bottle and handed it to Chu Yi, he looked at the wound on his right arm again, and said, "I'm going to clean the wound."

Chu Yi, who took the porcelain bottle, uncorked the bottle, and immediately smelled a somewhat pungent bloody aura.

"What a rich blood!"

Knowing that it must be extremely effective in restoring qi and blood, Chu Yi quickly poured out a Daguiyuan Pill in his hand, which was a circle larger than an eyeball, blood-red, and the whole body was round, faintly exuding blood.

A pungent bloody aura let Chu Yi know that it was probably made from the blood essence of a powerful monster, but he didn't care about it now, and immediately swallowed it down.

For a moment, Chu Yi, who was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, surged with a faint blood energy all over his body, and soon the blood energy completely subsided, and his face turned ruddy a lot.

The eyes opened, and a flash of light flashed across them.

"What a powerful pill! Just one pill, and my vitality and blood have recovered by [-]%!"

Chu Yi was shocked, and then muttered again: "This time, if I swallow another half pill, I will be able to fully recover! The remaining three and a half large Guiyuan pills can restore my vitality twice!"

Chu Yi was overjoyed, which meant that he still had two chances to use his trump card!

This time the Great Desolation Ancient Monument is more confident!

Now, the only thing left is to break through to the late stage of the God Transformation Realm


After biting off another half of the Daguiyuan Pill and quickly recovering his vitality and blood, Chu Yi took out a large pile of middle-grade spirit stones and tried to hit the late stage of the God Transformation Realm.

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