Disciple, go down the mountain and harm your sister.

Chapter 278 Find the big golden tooth again!

Chu Yi went straight to Dongzhou, and Chen Dan also received a call from Chu Yi, who had already prepared his special plane.

But in this business, Chen Dan was timid.

Because the phantom of the ladder is still standing between the sky and the earth, there is no guarantee that the plane will crash.

Although they are unwilling to think about the ending in this way, it is also to prevent problems before they happen.

"Brother Chu! Everything has been arranged! Are there four of us?"

"That's right, it's just you, me, and my two senior sisters."

Chu also knew that Shao Yu and Lin Su seemed to be the only seniors who could reach Dongzhou City the fastest.

So their line of business can be regarded as a guarantee.

But Shao Yu was a little reluctant.

Shao Yu said that it was Lin Qingying who asked her to go back to Qingcang Mountain earlier, but she couldn't hold back Chu Yi, so Shao Yu agreed to go together.

A few hours later, Chu Yi stood in the private airport with an anxious expression on his face.

Because it is now an hour past the appointed time.

Shao Yu has not yet appeared.

"Brother Chu, what happened to your senior sisters?"

Chen Dan couldn't bear it anymore, and asked quickly.

Chu Yi kept looking at the time.

"Isn't something going to happen?"

Chu Yi's heart sank, and then he shook his head.

My senior sisters are not good-for-nothings, how could something happen as soon as they say it.

And now there is only a phantom of the sky ladder, and no changes have occurred yet, so how could it be dangerous.


No one answered the phone, and Chu Yi became even more restless.

He would rather his senior sisters get stuck in traffic.

However, this idea is also very reasonable.

After all, during the period when everyone was in a coma, all the traffic was paralyzed, the losses were countless, and the casualties were extremely heavy.

Chu Yi was not in a hurry either, he knew that he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

Fortunately, 15 minutes later, a jeep sped up.

Shao Yu and Lin Su rushed down, Chu Yi's brows instantly relaxed.


Chu Yi hugged Shao Yu all at once, taking advantage of it all the time.

Shao Yu's face darkened: "Little ghost, why do you want to take advantage of me as soon as we meet? Aren't you afraid?"

"Senior sister, I'm worried about you. I don't want to take advantage of you."

"Then where do you put your hands?"

Shao Yu had black lines all over his head, Chu Yi looked at his hands, they were just right, they were placed on Shao Yu's buttocks

"Hey, hey, mistake, mistake!"

Chu Yi spread his arms and was about to give Lin Su a hug, so Lin Su quickly hid aside in fright.

"Okay, I'm out of shape, let's get down to business, what are you going to country m for this time?"

"Go to the big boss of a company." Chu Yi smiled slyly, and he had already made up his mind.

He wanted to put that big gold tooth on properly.

He knew that this big golden tooth must have some trump card in his hand!

"Could it be related to this ladder?" Lin Su turned his head and pointed at the phantom of the ladder, with a look of surprise on his face.

"That's right, aren't you interested?"

Chu also didn't notice that Shao Yu's face changed, but she didn't react too much, she just smiled silently.

"Okay! Everyone is here! Let's go!"

Chen Dan waved his hand, and everyone boarded the plane immediately.

The luxury private jet is flying towards country m

The phantom of the ladder from the plane was even more spectacular. Chen Dan couldn't hide his curiosity, and kept looking around.

And Chu Yi was very melancholy in his heart.

Chen Dan is not in a coma

What is this indicating?

He didn't know, he didn't know if Chen Dan would have a great fortune, but he knew that Chen Dan's identity was not simple.

"By the way, senior sister, were you in a coma at that time?"

Chu Yi opened the conversation box directly and asked.

"No, I was indeed dizzy at the time, but after forcibly calming down, there was no such thing as a coma afterwards. On the way we just came, the situation in the city was simply horrible."

"That's natural. Could this be the whole country? No! Is it that all human beings were in a coma for a few minutes at that moment?"

Chu also didn't dare to think about it, and fell into a coma at the same time, and all the positions that needed people would collapse.

Traffic is paralyzed, accidents happen, and it seems to be only a small part.

He didn't dare to continue thinking about it.

"In short, the consequences of this incident are beyond what you and I can imagine. It's too terrifying. It's a mess. It's estimated that the loss is also difficult to estimate."

Lin Su is a little scared now, all human beings will be unconscious at the same time, she can't even imagine such a thing in her dreams.

"Is there anything unusual on the way you came here? Maybe it's dangerous."

"No, there's no danger at all. It's just traffic jams. We took almost twice the distance to get there. Many buildings in the city have collapsed. For some reason, everyone's eyes seem to be on this phantom. Right?" Shao Yu looked worriedly at the phantom in the sky.

Chu Yi nodded and closed his eyes.

When they woke up again, they had already arrived in country m.

km company headquarters.

Chu Yi and Lin Su sneaked in directly.

And Shao Yu is responsible for protecting Chen Dan.

In fact, Shao Yu didn't agree with her staying at first, but Chu Yi insisted on letting her protect Chen Dan, so Shao Yu gave up.

"Chu Yi, are you sure there is no danger?"

"I don't know, and I don't know if there are any changes in the senior management of km, but now I can only sneak in. This is the only way."

"Where's the phone?"

"No signal, I tried."

Chu Yi hesitated, and then directly killed the two thugs.

After clearing all the floors, Chu Yi took Lin Su straight to the elevator.

At this time, Da Jinya had already discovered Chu Yi's trace.

"Oh? It's your kid"

Da Jinya showed a creepy smile, and slowly stared at the two on the monitor.

Chu Yi passed five stages and killed six generals all the way, and finally reached the top floor.

"Why is this top floor so gloomy?"

Lin Su frowned.

"Don't worry, I have already met that big gold tooth."

Chu Yi stared at a hidden electronic eye in the corner and smiled coldly.

"Golden tooth?"

"That's the boss."

Chu Yi explained, and kicked open the office door of the big gold tooth.

"Isn't this too violent?"

Lin Su showed a dumb smile. She never expected that breaking into a company would be so easy?

She was a little messy, her junior was really not an ordinary person.

"You're finally here."

Chu also didn't understand what the big gold tooth said, so the big gold tooth threw two simultaneous interpreters and motioned them to take them.

"What? Looking forward to the stars, to the moon, to my coming?"

"That's natural, let's talk, how are you thinking?"

Chu Yi looked out of the window, it was pitch black, country M could not see the phantom of the ladder, maybe during the day, there would be

"You saw it too." Chu Yi sat down and patted the table.

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