"Is there a shadow on the ladder that day? Indeed, people all over the world have seen it." Da Jinya said slowly, and poured a glass of whiskey for Chu Yi.

"Tell me, why do you keep staring at me? There seem to be many people who are better than me, right?"

Chu Yi firmly believed that this big golden tooth was definitely not because of his skill.

"You are you, no one can replace you."

Lin Su's face was full of surprise, how could this be the same as Mary Su Xiaotianwen?

"Heh, get to the point."

"Because you are special." Da Jinya said directly without shy away.

"Oh? What's so special? Do I have one more arm or one more leg than everyone else?"

"No, your physique is very special. You know, there was not much time before, and now, time is even less."

Da Jinya's inexplicable words made Chu Yi slightly taken aback.

He originally thought that the phrase that there is not much time meant that the phantom of the ladder appeared in the world, and then there would be a change, but unexpectedly, he guessed wrong.

"Are you a little confused, but it doesn't matter. I always convince people with virtue. You can't go wrong if you follow me. I hope you choose well."

"You seem to have missed the point."

Chu Yi was a little sullen. How could he trust him so easily with his big gold teeth and his mouth full of running trains.

"Want to hear the key point? The key point is aura!"


This time it was Lin Su's turn to be surprised. The simultaneous translator actually translated so well.

"That's right, the aura has begun to show signs. It seems that you don't know anything."

Da Jinya smiled slightly and threw a tablet to Chu Yi.

Chu Yi's eyes were fixed, and his two fingers swished to clamp it.

"have a look."

Chu Yi looked down, good guy, it turned out to be some killing videos.

"Do you have this habit?"

Chu Yi frowned in disgust.

"Keep reading." Da Jinya grinned, lit the cigar, and took a deep puff.

Looking back, Chu Yi was shocked.

Because the images on this tablet are not comprehensible to ordinary people at all. The people in the video are all very skilled. Chu Yi weighed it in his heart. If he met this group of people, he might die without a place to bury him.


"Are these people on drugs?"

"This is all benefited from spiritual energy, but don't be surprised, because this is only the most basic benefit."


Chu Yi became quite curious when he heard the unsound sentence from the translator.

Is it really a good fortune?

Lin Su remained calm, just silently listening to the exchange between the two.

"You know what benefits I will give you."

"Well, tell me, what's the condition?"

"I want that ancient sword."


Chu Yi didn't expect that the big golden tooth was actually thinking about his ancient sword.

"What about other than that?"

"Open the map on the tablet."

Chu also hurriedly followed suit.

"See that red dot?"

Chu Yi zoomed in and saw that it was a small island.

Although he didn't know the name, he could tell the location of this island.

It does not belong to any country, it is in the high seas, uninhabited and inaccessible, and no country wants to divide it into its own territory.

Because there are hardly any resources around, and the island is not big

"Is there anything special about this island?"

Chu Yi frowned, because he didn't know what the big gold teeth meant.

"Go, you will know, but you will go, because you have to go!"

Da Jinya's words shocked Chu Yi.

And Lin Su also looked at Chu Yi in astonishment, wondering what was going on in her heart.


"There is no reason."

"Oh, are you sure? Then I want to see what benefits I can gain from going to this small island."

"It's a great chance, but don't worry, I have no malice towards you, as long as you cooperate with me to complete one thing."

"What's up!"

Chu Yi always likes to speak clearly, don't pretend to be confused when the time comes, that would be out of style.

"Let me take over country m."


Chu Yi was startled suddenly, is this horse riding a word that a person can say?

Take over country m, this

Lin Su was also surprised, this big gold tooth is quite ambitious.

"I can only tell you so much for the time being, and you have to be careful, because it's not peaceful recently."

"Thanks to you, we don't seem to have gained much in this line of work."

"Where, I pointed out a way for you, and this ladder is not a prank, it actually happened, and it has something to do with spiritual energy. Besides, people all over the world who were not unconscious at that time were extremely dangerous elements , Regarding the evil thing, you can pause for a while, because the recovery of the spiritual energy is much more important than the evil thing, by the way, the last sentence, I have no malice towards you."

Da Jinya waved his hand, turned the chair 180 degrees, and turned his back to the two of them.

"Aura Recovery"

Chu Yi repeatedly chewed a few words.

"Thank you, farewell!"

"Slow walk without sending!"

Chu Yi pulled Lin Su away immediately, he finally got what he wanted to know.

He immediately sent a message to Li Xin, which was the coordinates of the nameless island.

"Chu Yi, do you think what he said is true?"

"Seven or eight, but I'm not sure."

Lin Su's complexion changed, she was a little skeptical, how could this big gold tooth know Chu Yi so well.

You know, Chu Yi's files and information are all encrypted and blocked.

"Are you wondering why I trust this big gold tooth?"

"Yeah, a gringo, you don't act like you."

"Hey, I'm desperate now. If a blind cat meets a dead mouse, I can take one step at a time."

Chu Yi let go of Lin Su's hand, and immediately returned to the hotel.

"Brother Chu! How's it going!"

Inside the International Hotel, Chen Dan excitedly opened the door.

"It's been a good harvest."

Chu Yi glanced at Shao Yu, and found that his senior sister was actually depressed, and her eyes were dodging, as if she was hiding something from him.

"Senior Sister, what's the matter? Could it be that the matter of the ladder has made your head big?"

"It's nothing, it's just that the master told me not to trust anyone after the ladder reappears."

"Oh? Master, she is just worried. There is no danger. Just relax. We will return home tomorrow."

"Aren't you going around anymore? What if you discover some secrets in country m that you can't find in China?"

Lin Su interrupted quickly.

"No, now my goal is clear."

Chu has also decided that he wants to go to the five-person island to find out, and see what good fortune there is on it!

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