The black clouds gradually dissipated, but the ladder was always standing between the heaven and the earth, as if connecting the heaven and the earth, forming a fairy bridge!

"Jingle Bell"

Chu Yi frowned, are there still ordinary people who are not unconscious?

He looked around, almost everyone passed out, without exception.

"Brother Chu! It's me! Look at the sky!"

Chen Dan's excited voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I see, where are you now?"

"I'm at home, Brother Chu, do you think something serious has happened?"

"Well, it's hard to guess now. These things seem to be a little problematic. By the way, how are your family members now?"

Chu also wanted to know about the situation in Chen Dan's family. He wanted to guess whether his guess was correct.

"I came to you just to talk about this. My family members don't know why, they are all unconscious, and I am the only one who is fine. Brother Chu, are they going to be okay?"

"Well, probably not."

"Then why am I doing nothing?"

Chu Yi couldn't help feeling dizzy when he heard Chen Dan's determination to break the casserole and ask the end.

"That's because you stayed with me for a long time, and you were influenced by that ancient sword. Naturally, you are immune, and there is nothing wrong for now."

"That's fine, that's fine."

"Okay, I'll call you if something happens, take care of yourself and your family."


Chu Yi quickly hung up the phone.

It wasn't that he didn't want to communicate with Chen Dan more, but that Chen Dan wasn't in a coma, which was unexpected to him.

What he just said is just an excuse, there is no reason for the ancient sword, but he can only prevaricate it like this.

"Chu Chu Yi"

Li Xin said softly, startling Chu Yi.

"Li Xin! You're awake!"

Chu Yi hugged Li Xin up.

"What's wrong with me"

"Look at the sky."

Li Xin followed the sound, but was suddenly taken aback.

The huge sky ladder loomed in the sky. She had never seen such a scene in her life, but she was a little panicked at this moment.

"This is"

"It should be a ladder, although I don't know what it is, but it must be nothing good, and you are in a coma because of this"

"Then what are you doing?"

"I woke up earlier than you."

Chu also continued to make up nonsense.

"I see."

"Go home and rest first."

Chu Yi hugged Li Xin tightly, ran into the tent, and settled Li Xin properly, when he heard a burst of noise from outside.

"Fuck! What is that!"

"Ladder! Is it a ladder?"

"Could it be people's prank! This is too exaggerated."

"What do you know, I have learned, this is called a mirage!"

"A mirage? I think you are the one who doesn't understand and pretends to understand. What kind of bullshit is a mirage? It doesn't exist at all. There are no conditions for forming a mirage!"

"Then what is this? Is the world going to change?"


The archaeological team members outside also woke up one after another, some of them were seriously injured.

Chu Yi frowned, looking at the situation in front of him, he was a little uncertain.

He didn't know whether the others were injured, but the most important thing at this time was public opinion!

Chu Yi quickly turned on the TV, and as expected, it was broadcasting live!

The overwhelming news made Chu Yi a little dazed, what should I do!

"The latest news from our station is that a large-scale coma has occurred in our city. All of a sudden, there were car accidents in the city. The scene was tragic. We turned the camera to the scene, and we can see that the situation on the scene is not very good, and the most important thing is A point of pound is this phantom like a ladder in the sky"

"The latest news from our station is that coma incidents have occurred all over the country. Behind the phenomenon of frequent accidents, there are phantoms of sky ladders. Whether this situation is a man-made prank or a natural disaster, let us continue to follow up."

"The latest news from this station is that although most people in the city fell into a coma at the same time, after some monitoring and calls from volunteers, we learned that there are still very few people who did not fall into a coma because of this. What is the reason? We look forward to experts giving us a reasonable explanation."


The screen turned again, and Chu Yi saw a crowd of people pouring into the street.

This incident made them feel as if they were in the end of the world.

Countless people were outraged and panicked.

Chu Yi frowned, not knowing what to do next.

"Chu Yi, what do you think?"

"This incident is not a natural disaster, let alone a man-made disaster, but a great fortune."

Chu Yi's words made Li Xin completely confused.

"good fortune?"

"Yes! The phantom of the ladder appears. Although I don't know what it is for, at least some of us ordinary people's lives will be rewritten!"

Chu also knew that there are very few people in this world who have not passed out, and these people should be the lucky ones.

But he also had some vague doubts about why he wasn't in a coma.

Could it really be such a coincidence?

But Chen Dan's normality made him gradually accept this fact.

"Chu Yi, what do you think?"

Zhong Hua also walked in, with a gauze wrapped around his head.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you still dying?"

"When I was in a coma, I accidentally knocked my head, but it was harmless." Zhong Hua smiled awkwardly, feeling a little embarrassed.

"I don't have any ideas, it's still a mess, but I want to go to country m."

"Go to country m?"

Both Li Xin and Zhong Hua didn't know what it meant.

"That's right, go to the headquarters of km, it seems that I can find the answer."


Zhong Hua suddenly became excited, this is a big event.

Although he was very worried about Chu Yi's safety this time, the sooner this kind of thing is discovered, the more beneficial it is!

He also understands this truth.

"Well, I've made up my mind. Besides, you don't need to interfere with this matter. Someone has already chosen me for this trip."

"Oh?" Zhong Hua was a little puzzled. He originally thought that Chu Yi probably brought Li Xin along.

"Chen Dan and my senior sister."

Chu Yi smiled slightly, Chen Dan was only responsible for the money, and his senior sisters were responsible for protecting Chen Dan.

He knew that his senior sisters must know something, and Lin Qingying's exhortations were not groundless.

They must have noticed something.

"Okay, then this line, be careful!"

"Don't worry, I never come back safely"

Chu Yi smiled, took a meaningful look at the two of them, and then left quickly.

"Hello? Sister, where are you? Come with me."

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