"Character? Almost? Did you miss it?" Lin Qingying asked suspiciously.

How could it be such a coincidence?

Although there are many coincidences in the world, the probability of such a thing happening is still too small.

It's not that Lin Qingying doesn't believe it, but that this matter is a bit weird.

"Master, please come and take a picture and send it to me."

"Just your broken phone, can you still receive my photos?"

"Give it to Li Xin, you know that girl."

"Okay! Hang up!"

Lin Qingying hung up the phone all of a sudden.

Chu Yi waited anxiously at the side.

Zhong Hua called Li Xin over. After all, it is better to do this kind of thing in front of Chu Yi.

"Chu Yi, do you really remember correctly?"

Zhong Hua continued to ask, he was a little suspicious.

The two places are so far apart, how could there be roughly the same characters appearing in different places.

Is it the unified text of a dynasty?

Zhong Hua felt a little ridiculous.

Although there are many dynasties that have not been recorded in history, most of these dynasties did not have a unified language, and most dynasties, no matter how long they were, had fixed characters and symbols to communicate with as long as they were recorded in historical materials.

Chu Yi also understood this, so he began to guess now, is there any connection between the two?

"Chu Yi, the photo has been sent."

Li Xin turned on the phone and enlarged a picture.

"Let me see."

Chu Yi took the phone and looked at it. Sure enough, it was similar to the characters on the pottery.

"It's really the same?"

Zhong Hua was astonished.

Here's a clue.

A great clue.

"Although there are some differences, there must be a connection. Li Xin, let people start deciphering it immediately."

Li Xin showed embarrassment.

"What? Are you having trouble?"

"Well, Chu Yi, you don't know that this character does not belong to any of our ancient dynasties at all, and there is no trace at all. There is no historical record. It can only be guessed. Is it really possible?"

Li Xin's words are not unreasonable, this kind of thing is completely confused.

Their current situation is like blind men, their eyes are blackened, and they can't see anything at all.

"Now, can't we just rely on guesswork?"

Chu Yi turned and left, handing the phone to Li Xin.

Everyone was at a loss, not knowing what kind of medicine was sold in Chu Yi's gourd.

But what Chu Yi thought in his heart was to offer a reward.

Although offering a reward is unreliable, it is considered the safest method nowadays.

Since historical materials do not record these things, unofficial history must have played a big role.

For thousands of years, countless talented people with lofty ideals have devoted themselves to the research of unofficial history and hunting for mysteries, and all of them have achieved great results.

Although no one wants to admit their achievements, they are real.

This is undeniable.

Zhong Hua chased after him.

"Chu Yi, what do you think? Could it be that this matter is going to be overturned?"

Zhong Hua is unwilling to waste the clues he just got.

"Who said I was going to give up."

Chu Yi grinned and paused.

"Then what do you mean"

"Of course it is to find a professional counterpart to handle this matter." Chu Yi smiled slyly, and had already thought of a countermeasure.

Zhong Hua's face was ashen. Although he didn't know what Chu Yi was thinking, he felt that it seemed a bit risky not to let the archaeological team members and experts of his department to handle this matter.

"Why, are you worried about me?"

Chu Yi asked in a cold voice, because he could see deep distrust in Zhong Hua's eyes.

"Of course it doesn't mean that, what I mean is, is it a little bit to let outsiders handle this matter?"

"An outsider? Then I'm half an outsider, right?"

Chu Yi's words made Zhong Hua completely unexpected.

He didn't expect that Chu Yi would use these words to choke him.

But it works really well.

Indeed, if counted strictly, Chu is also considered an outsider.


"I know that there are so many capable people and strange people in your department, but I naturally have my own thoughts on this matter. Do you think that some people who completely believe in official history can decipher what is on this pottery tablet?"

Zhong Hua was speechless.

Indeed, it is indeed difficult for them to do it.

Maybe it will be futile and waste so much time.

"I trust you, from the beginning."

Zhong Hua looked at Chu Yi intently, and said word by word.

Indeed, there is no reason for his trust in Chu Yi.

If he didn't trust Chu Yi, he wouldn't give Chu Yi so many opportunities and tasks.

Although he knew that Chu Yi's ability was outstanding, this kind of thing was precisely the most trustworthy manifestation.

"I'm tired."

Chu Yi was in a trance, dropped a word, and left in a hurry.

Zhong Hua froze in place.

This was the first time he encountered such a thing.

It's not that he has never had a fight with his team members, but he doesn't know why, this time, his reaction was particularly strong.

He felt that there was a crisis of trust between himself and Chu Yi.

And looking at this posture, the crack seems to be getting bigger and bigger.

"You guys, what's the matter?" Li Xin chased after him, seeing the heavy atmosphere, he asked hastily.

Zhong Hua looked at Chu Yi's back and said calmly: "Chu Yi, there seems to be something unusual."

"Abnormal? Could it be that the mental pressure is too great?"

"Well, let him take it easy."

Chu Yi didn't look back a step, and he was relieved when he returned to the room.

He didn't know if his plan would succeed, but now, he had no choice.

He immediately contacted Yue Yao and asked Yue Yao to publish a recruitment notice.

Soon, the news spread all over the country.

Everyone knew about it.

But Zhong Hua and the others faced a sudden increase in pressure.

"What's the matter with you? You actually let outsiders intervene in this kind of thing?"

"Director, you and I can all see his ability. We should trust him instead of blindly denying him."

"Okay, then tell me, how did this farce end, tell me, what to do with this thing, this recruitment notice has flown all over the country!"

Zhong Hua lowered his head, unable to raise his head in front of a man with a back comb.

"Okay, let's go, restrain yourself, after all, he is not one of us."

Zhong Hua gritted his teeth and nodded: "Understood!"

He kept thinking about that sentence until he walked out of the room.

"After all, he's not one of us"

"Could it be that you want to win Chu Yi in?"

Zhong Hua knew that his department was special, so if he recruited him like this, it would be harming him completely.

Putting aside whether he will harm Chu Yi or not, with Chu Yi's personality, it is impossible for him to agree to such a thing.

A few days later, Chu Yi received a call.

"Hello? I know something about these texts."



"Where are you now?"

"Binhai Airport"

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