Chu Yi rushed towards the suburbs in a hurry. He wanted to solve the source of interference as soon as possible. The longer this kind of thing is delayed, the more troubles will come.

He knew in his heart that he could not be regarded as the backbone of Li Xin and the others, but without him, it was absolutely impossible.

At the excavation site of the ancient tomb, Li Xin was a little flustered seeing the progress of the excavation without any improvement.

Although the specific location of the interference source has been determined, it is still somewhat difficult to completely strip it out.

This source of interference is directly below the ancient tomb. If you want to completely excavate the source of interference without destroying it, it will be a big project.

Chu Yi finally arrived at the suburbs before dark.

Li Xin hurried over and handed a blueprint to Chu Yi.

"what is this?"

"Location of source of interference."

Chu Yi glanced up and down a few times, but he didn't understand why.

What exactly is this source of interference, they are still not sure, how dare they dig so easily?

Isn't this suicidal?

"Have you guessed what the source of this interference is?"

"There is roughly an outline. It's not big. It should be some kind of object, but what it is is unknown, but one thing is certain, that is, the body of the source of interference does not contain a little metal."

Li Xin's words made Chu Yi slightly stunned.

It stands to reason that the general source of interference will be metal components.

"Excavation progress, how is it?"

"It hasn't started yet. If you don't come, you don't dare to break the ground rashly."

Chu Yi couldn't laugh or cry, these archaeological team members were much more professional than himself in such matters.

"Let them start working immediately!"

"it is good."

Li Xin gave orders immediately, while Chu Yi looked at the sky full of stars.

"Is time really running out?"

Chu also didn't know how much time he had left.

But he understood that he must let these things come to light.

Later, Lin Qingying called Chu Yi.

The general meaning is to let Chu Yi act carefully. The nearest Binhai is not peaceful, so Chu Yi didn't take these words to heart.

Although he knew that incidents had happened frequently recently, but he hadn't reached the point where his life was threatened.

"Master, you are worrying too much. I can take care of these things. Don't worry!"

Lin Qingying looked helpless, and then hung up the phone.

"Good boy, if you suffer this time, you will know what it means to plan for a rainy day."

Chu Yi didn't close his eyes all night, and has been supervising the work, digging out the source of interference, which almost took up most of his time.

He didn't want to waste this precious time, so all the archaeologists and construction team members had no complaints.

After all, they have also heard that Chu Yi directly fired the archeology professors.

They are different, they just eat such a meager salary to make ends meet, and they can't be willful.

Early the next morning, Chu Yi was awakened by an exclamation.

He fell asleep on the construction site unknowingly.

"Unearthed! Unearthed! Intact!"

Chu Yi rushed away immediately, and saw everyone holding something that looked like a pottery shard and studying it.

"What is this? Is this the source of the interference?"

Chu Yi was a little surprised and asked quickly.

"Yes, this is the source of the disturbance, a piece of pottery."

Chu Yi felt that his cognition had been subverted. A piece of pottery could actually interfere with so many modern top-level machinery, which was not something the ancients could do.

"What do you think of this pottery piece?"

"Brother, look, the pottery shard is neatly cut and well preserved, and it's still directly under the ancient tomb. It's not man-made, so you can send out conspiracy theories."

"That's right, I don't know what words are engraved on this pottery tablet, but I agree with this point, and it is definitely not any conspiracy theory."

"It seems that the wisdom of the ancients is still great!"

Chu Yi put on his gloves, carefully took the piece of pottery, and carefully observed it in his hand.

The pottery pieces are not big, about half the size of an ordinary tile.

Chu Yi looked at it carefully, but frowned.

Because of the characters etched on the tile, he seems to have seen it somewhere.

Zhong Hua also came forward at this time, and seeing Chu Yi's brows were tightly furrowed, he quickly asked, "Chu Yi, did you find anything?"

"Well, I seem to have seen these words somewhere"


Everyone was shocked, but there were still some people who didn't take it seriously.

"How is it possible? The age of this kind of pottery is estimated to be a long time ago, and it has never been recorded in historical materials, and nothing related to this pottery has ever been unearthed. How could you know?"

"Yeah, although we also admire you, it's not a good thing to talk nonsense. After all, we are also professionals."

"The characters on the pottery shards should be judged by professionals. We laymen, let's not join in the fun, okay?"


Everyone questioned Chu Yi one after another, and Chu Yi could be said to be beyond debate.

He had indeed seen the writing on the pottery shard.

And not just once.

He had seen it on Qingcang Mountain.

When he was a child, he often played in the back mountain, and there was a stone tablet on the back mountain, which looked old, and the characters on it were very similar to the characters on this pottery tablet!

Chu Yi confirmed again and again that it was completely a character.

You can't go wrong!

"Chu Yi, have you really seen these characters?"

Zhong Hua asked quickly.

Chu Yi frowned and nodded.

He never said things that he was not sure of. In this matter, he was very sure that he was right.

Everyone was also very shocked.

They have never seen such a thing.

How could anyone be so lucky?

"Chu Yi, if this statement is true, then this character"

"On Qingcang Mountain."

Chu also looked into the distance.

This matter, it seems that I have to trouble my master again.

He didn't know if the stone tablet on the back mountain was intact, but based on his impression, he couldn't make a mistake.

"I'll make a call."

Chu also called Lin Qingying.


"Master, it's very important."

"Say, don't bother me."

"What is the origin of that stone tablet on the back mountain?"

Lin Qingying was taken aback for a moment, she did not expect that Chu would ask such a question.

"The stele? The stele is nothing special. I actually wanted to remove it a long time ago."

Lin Qingying's face was relaxed, and she didn't take this matter as a big deal.

"Master, please don't, this is a big event! This stele is of great use!"

Chu Yi's voice became anxious.

"Oh? This is the first time I've seen you so nervous. Tell me, what is it that makes you so anxious."

"We found an ancient tomb, and the characters on the source of interference under the tomb are similar to the characters on the stone tablet"

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