"Okay, you wait, I will pick you up."

Chu Yi was instantly excited. This is because a master came to the door by himself.

Can he not be excited?

For so many days, the ancient tomb has not made any substantial progress, and the pottery fragment has been studied by everyone, but nothing has been found.

Chu Yi has already maxed out the remuneration. This kind of price is not a price that ordinary people can afford.

But no one is willing to try.

Chu Yi even gave up.

Is this method really not feasible?

Just when he was denying himself, this phone call completely pulled him back from the edge of the cliff.

Chu Yi immediately drove to Binhai Airport.

When the two met, Chu Yi discovered that this person was actually a young man.

Generally speaking, most of the professors in archeology are old men.

This kind of industry is very dependent on age and experience.

But Chu Yi looked at the young man in front of him, who was even about the same age as him.

"You are Chu Yi?"

The young man was very proud and asked directly when he met him.

"Yes, it is next, your name is"

"Linghu Feng."

"Good name."

Chu Yi glanced sideways, this Linghu Feng was very cold, with almost no expression on his face.

"When will we see that thing?"

"Are you in such a hurry?"

"Don't waste time, let's get straight to the point." Linghu Feng seemed to be an obsessed scholar.

Chu Yi gradually relaxed his vigilance.

"Don't you want to have a meal? Now it's time for dinner, let's chat while eating, what do you think?"

"Alright, but hurry up."

Chu Yi nodded, and immediately came to a five-star hotel.

"A private box, top-notch."

Chu Yi threw a bank card to the front desk. Although he didn't know if Linghu Feng could succeed, he couldn't be stingy when he made a move himself, lest he be made irresponsible remarks.

After drinking for three rounds, Chu Yi was unusually sober.

"Are you sure about this?"

"I have learned about some unofficial history and some cultures that have been buried in the long river of history before. I have seen this character."

"Oh? I've seen it too, but I don't understand it. How much do you know about this character?"

"This character, it doesn't look like any text."

"What do you mean?"

Chu was also a little confused.

If it's not words, can it be a picture?

If the ancients painted pictures like this, then there is really no artistry at all!

"This character is more like a mark."

"Imprint? You mean, what's on the pottery?"

"Not only that, but it's also the same on that stone tablet. Although it looks like the writing of a certain dynasty and has not been recorded, it is very similar to the imprint."

Linghu Feng explained word by word.

Chu Yi looked at Linghu Feng with a serious face, and instantly understood that he had found the right person.

This person may really just be interested in it.

"Then what do you think, the dynasty of this character?"

"Let's put it this way, this dynasty should have never appeared in historical materials, but it has left some traces in the long river of history."

Chu Yi nodded, these are all nonsense, he also knows.

"Or, there is no such dynasty at all, and everything is fabricated."


When Chu Yi heard this, he couldn't understand.

"What do you mean it's fabricated?"

Chu also continued to ask.

Linghu Feng smiled slowly: "Fabrication does not mean making it up, but that someone falsified history."

Chu Yi didn't answer, but stared blankly at Linghu Feng.

"Don't understand? Let's be more straightforward. Someone has removed this dynasty from history."

Chu Yi's eyes widened suddenly. If this is really the case, then it is really a conspiracy.

"You mean, in the change of dynasty, the last dynasty of the previous dynasty was overthrown by the new regime, and then the previous dynasty was completely erased from the world?"

Chu Yi finally understood a little bit.

"That's right, it seems that you know a lot, so that's all."

Chu Yi is now a little frightened.

This statement is also too bold.

"Why, do you feel a little bold?"

Chu Yi nodded. If those so-called scholars heard these words, they would definitely be furious and laugh out loud.

It's better not to say such things.

But Linghu Feng didn't shy away from it at all.

"Do you think this dynasty was thousands of years ago?"

"Well, looking at this kind of craftsmanship and etching technology, it must have been two or three thousand years ago. If it was earlier, it would be impossible."

Linghu Feng's face was a bit disappointed, and he said, "Actually, I speculate that this dynasty has existed for tens of thousands of years."

"Tens of thousands of years?" Chu Yi was startled.

He knew there was isotope dating.

This method is still very accurate and very reliable.

"Don't show such a surprised expression, don't you think I'm talking nonsense?"

"Hahaha, it's really a bit."

Chu Yi smiled.

Linghu Feng stood up and touched the piece of pottery.

"These things cannot be measured by that dating method."


Chu Yi was taken aback, this is science.

Science is the only criterion for testing truth!

"Because the ancients have already expected it, and they have already tampered with it."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Chu Yi sneered, and suddenly felt that this person looked like a liar.

The ancients could guess what this method is.

"Actually, I'll forget it, let's have a showdown with you"

Chu Yi interrupted the man's defense all at once.

"Do you want to say that you are from this dynasty?"

Linghu Feng was surprised, and quickly asked: "How do you know?"

"Oh, after a long time, it turns out that he is a charlatan."

Chu Yi looked disappointed, he was deceived.

This is the first time he has experienced this kind of thing.

He felt that her young heart was hurt.

"Young man, actually, this dynasty does exist."

"I know, I'll see how you make it up."

Chu Yi looked at Linghu Feng with great interest, with a sly look on his face.

"Look at this thing and you'll understand."

Linghu Feng took out a jade pendant from his pocket.

Chu Yi took a look, and the tiger's body shook!

The characters on this jade pendant are exactly the same as those on the pottery fragment!

"You can't forge this, can you?"

"If it's a fake replacement."

With a serious face, Linghu Feng took the jade pendant back.

"Where did you get this jade pendant?"

"It was passed down from the ancestors."

"Huh? According to what you said, this dynasty has existed for tens of thousands of years. Can this jade pendant be preserved until now?"

Chu also questioned directly.

"It seems that I can't convince you anymore."

"No, you can't produce any evidence."

"You want evidence, don't you?" Linghu Feng grinned, and then took out something from his body

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