"Old man, I hope you will do this in secret, do you understand me?"


Grandpa Sun narrowed his eyes, as if he had guessed what Chu Yi was thinking.

"Don't worry, you don't have to worry about money, our Sun family, it's just a problem with the management."

"Well, you have been the head of the family in the capital all year round. It is inevitable that you are a little slack. The people of the Sun family should also rectify it. Otherwise, sooner or later, they will sit back and eat nothing." Chu Yi gave his own suggestion.

He didn't want to make things difficult for the Sun family. After all, the Sun family's reputation and image were still the largest family in the capital in the eyes of the outside world.

This point is beyond doubt.

"Don't worry, I will. After talking with you for so long, I really didn't expect it. You are young and promising. You are a good seedling."

"You are too famous." Chu Yi smiled lightly.

After the two left their contact information, Chu Yi took Chen Dan and left.

Walking out of the hall, Chen Dan quickly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Chu, how dare you!"

"It's just a blind cat meeting a dead mouse. Who would have thought that the largest family in the capital would be in such a situation internally. In fact, I knew it since Sun Zhong couldn't hold his breath. , the name does not match the truth."

"Indeed, they are not much different from our second-rate families. The only thing that makes them strong is their background and reputation."

Chu Yi nodded, and immediately drove away from Sun's house.

"Brother Chu, you want so many masters, do you want to form a secret team?"

"That's right, in this way, it will save a lot of worry."

Chu Yi heard what he had done along the way, and couldn't help feeling a little tired.

I have been doing things for so long, but I have ignored the people around me.

He needs to accompany so many younger sisters, so as not to leave them empty and lonely.

This is Chu Yi's purpose.

"But, do you think this is really possible?"

"You mean, the loyalty of killers and thugs?" Chu Yi smiled slightly.

"That's right, these people only care about money, so how can they be loyal?"

"I have my own way."

Chu Yi grinned, he had already made up his mind about this kind of thing.

Few people could refuse the conditions he offered.

After all, it's all about money, so it's easy to handle!

Along the way, he was in a good mood, and the strength under his feet couldn't help but increase a bit.

"Brother Chu, slow down, I'm afraid!"

"Take you for a ride!"

"Red light! Red light!" Chen Dan was almost speechless in fright.

Chu Yi hurriedly tapped the brakes, unexpectedly, the speed of the car did not mean to slow down.

"Brother Chu! Slow down! Otherwise, we will bump into each other!"

"The brakes are broken."

Chu Yi said coldly word by word.

He never thought that the brakes would break down at this time.


Chen Dan was shocked.

The brakes are broken, which is no small matter.

Their current speed is a full 110 miles.

"Is that Sun Zhong's fault?" Chu Yi murmured to himself, his expression calm and he slammed the steering wheel.

The vehicle almost lost control every time, but was perfectly saved by Chu Yi.

"Brother Chu, if you have time, go and get a driver's license, I'm afraid you are like this!"

Chen Dan turned pale with fright.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine."

Chu Yi immediately concentrated on it. Seeing that the road on the left had a slope, he immediately honked his horn and rushed up.

"No, it's not the way to go on like this!"

Chu Yi was quick-witted and immediately drove the car towards the crowd.

"Brother Chu!"

Chen Dan's pupils shrank, he was asking for his own death!

"Don't bark, this is the only way to do it now."

There is a red light ahead, and two long rows of vehicles are blocked on the road, unable to move, but there is a gap between the side-by-side vehicles.

Chu Yi roughly estimated that his vehicle could barely pass through the middle, and the friction with the vehicles on both sides was enough to force the vehicle to stop!

Just do it.

Chu Yi immediately saw the right opportunity and jumped in!





Screams, whistles, and cursing were endless.

But when they saw Chu Yi's license plate, they all shut up obediently.

Because of the people in this kind of car, they can't afford to mess with them.

Maybe they are on a mission

After dozens of thrilling seconds, they finally stopped.

Both of them bumped into each other, Chu Yi was fine, but Chen Dan was not.

Now his nose was full of blood, which made Chu Yi feel helpless.

"Chen Dan!"

Chu Yi roared, and Chen Dan was awakened immediately, and he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the car stopped smoothly at the intersection.

Chu Yi opened the car door, got out of the car and explained loudly to everyone.

"You can all go to the Special Forces headquarters and get reimbursed for the accident, sorry!"

Chu Yi then smiled slyly, and immediately left the scene with Chen Dan.

After the two left, the intersection was filled with scolding voices all over the sky.

"Brother Chu, I'm not talking about you, you're really a tiger!"

Chen Dan even felt like throwing up now.

"It's okay"

Chu Yi smiled helplessly, what can he do.

"This must be the hands and feet of the Sun family! Hey! It hurts me to death!"

Chen Dan shook his head, and after confirming that he was still normal, he relaxed.

"Brother Chu, where are we going?"

"Where do you want to go!"

A cold voice sounded from behind the two of them.

When the two looked back, they turned out to be a bunch of thugs.

It seems that they are all powerful.

"Today, I don't want to have the same knowledge as you. If you want to survive, you should go away."

Chu Yi waved his hand, he was indeed not interested, he was too tired today.

"Just the two of you? Are you worthy of talking to me like this?"

The leading man had two scars on his face, which looked extremely hideous.

"Hey, you, why don't you listen to good people? My brother Chu told you to get out, so you just get out of here, why are you still beeping, do you really think you are a thing?"

Chen Dan is also angry now, and he doesn't want to talk to this group of people at all.

"Yo, you little bastard, do you still want to fuck me to death? Come on, I'll let you fuck me, do you dare?"

Everyone burst into laughter.

"Brother Chu, look at them, they are really full and idle, you are just like the stone slabs in the latrine."

"What do you mean?"

"Smelly and hard."

Chu Yi hurriedly replied.

"Brother Chu, you really understand me!"

"Enough! I didn't see you two talking allegorically. Today, your little lives must be accounted for here!"

"Oh? Are you sure? In broad daylight, under the bright sky, do you dare to commit murder? Did you see the camera?" Chu Yi said disdainfully.

"Camera? So what if it captured it. If you offend someone you shouldn't offend, you can only die. I didn't expect that you didn't even make you burp when you moved in the car, and we had to do it ourselves!"

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