When Grandpa Sun said this, not only Chu Yi was shocked, but the audience was completely silent.

Let a brat help the Sun family?

This was the first thought that popped up in the Sun family's mind.

"Father, are you giving this man too much face? He is just a brat, maybe a liar, should we use him for help? Isn't the Sun family doing well now?"

"you shut up!"

Grandpa Sun wanted to slap his son twice, but he couldn't.

Because he won the country by himself, and he is still waiting for his son to be stable in the future.

"I help you? I have nothing to help you."

"No, you have, tell me, your request."

"I have only one purpose for coming, and that is to borrow your Sun family's contacts and reputation."

"Heh, I thought that with so much ability, it still depends on our Sun family? It's just a waste."

"Borrow my Sun family's connections? Do you think people in the Sun family are easy to deceive? Are you too naive?"

"The Sun family is not something that any cat or dog can curry favor with."

These people still can't figure out the current situation of the Sun family.

Grandpa Sun was panting angrily, but Chu Yi had a look of helplessness.

"What kind of borrowing method are you talking about?"

"I need a group of masters."

"Master? You mean thug?"

"Or, the killer."

Chu Yi smiled lightly, but Chen Dan also didn't understand why.

Chu Yi's skill has almost no opponents. In his opinion, there is no need for this at all.

"Brother Chu, do you want to fight to protect yourself? In my eyes, you are the strongest."

Chen Dan was puzzled.

"You stupid, do I still need someone to protect me?"


"You'll know in a while." Chu Yi signaled Chen Dan to keep silent.

"Although my grandson's family has a wide network of contacts and great influence, this kind of thing is still a bit difficult to handle. Presumably, you also understand."

"I know that the people I want are all top-notch, and I don't want gringos."

Chu Yi's words completely angered Sun Zhong.

"You kid, don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine. You beg us for help, and you are still picky. If you don't want our Sun family's connections, just get out!"

Chu also didn't speak.

Sun Zhong thought that Chu Yi was afraid, so he said even more arrogantly: "You are the top thug, do you have the money? Seeing your poor face, let me tell you, the Sun family will get rid of you in minutes! You You think we are stupid, use our relationship to do things for you, if you gather so many masters to plot something wrong, aren't we shooting ourselves in the foot?"

Chu Yi still didn't make a sound.

There is indeed some truth in Sun Zhong's words, one must be on guard against others.

"You'd better be sensible, get the hell out of here"


Chu Yi was taken aback for a moment, and when he looked up, it was Grandpa Sun who slapped Sun Zhong.


Sun Zhong was at a loss.

Since I was a child, my father has never touched a single hair of my hair, but now, he actually slapped me.

This made him feel humiliated immediately.

"You are a thing that is not enough to succeed and more than to fail, get out of here, shut the door and reflect for three days immediately, and you are not allowed to eat!"

Grandpa Sun shouted sharply.

Everyone in the Sun family didn't dare to say a word, but Chen Dan watched it with gusto, and shouted "Happy, happy."

"Father, are you going to beat me for an outsider now?" Sun Zhong asked viciously, covering his red and swollen cheeks.

"Outsiders? Don't you understand the current situation of the Sun family?"

Grandpa Sun had a look of hatred for iron but not steel.

It's a pity that this Sun Zhong is really too dull.

Chu Yi was even a little curious. Is this Sun Zhong the real son of Mr. Sun?

Why didn't any of Sun Lao's good genes be passed down.

"Okay!" Sun Zhong immediately ran out, and when he walked to Chu Yi's side, he lowered his voice and said, "Your boy, I will let you know that it has messed with my fate."


Chu Yi sneered and didn't make a move.


Sun Zhong gave a cold voice and ran out.

Grandpa Sun calmed down, and then said slowly: "Young man, what's the use of having so many thugs?"

"Do things for me, and you must be faithful."

Chu also knew that this request was somewhat difficult.

How can a group of killers and thugs be loyal.

They only recognize one thing.

That is money!

As long as they have money, they will not hesitate to let them go to the mountain of swords or to the sea of ​​fire.

But without money?

Maybe, they will all become their dead souls!

This is their credo in life.

Only for money, not fame.

"It's kind of tricky, you know"

"I understand what you mean, so I need to borrow your connections and connections. These people, no matter how stupid they are, understand the relationship between the Sun family and the government. They also know that the Sun family is not something they can provoke. Money, they know, as long as they are loyal, money is not a problem."

Chu Yi's words made Mr. Sun nod repeatedly.

"It's true, but what's the use of these killers if you want them?"

"Up to now, I don't hide it anymore." Chu Yi drank his saliva and continued: "I want to get a small team to help me with things. I don't want to do things by myself recently. Someone will do it for me. Isn't it good to sacrifice your life?"

Chu Yi sneered, which made Mr. Sun look at him with admiration.

"High! It's really high!"

Grandpa Sun showed his thumb.

"However, in return, I will also restore your Sun family to its former glory."

"Are you serious about what you say?"

"Old man, you are also a sensible person. You know that sooner or later, the Sun family will be destroyed by your descendants. Now, there are some internal and external troubles. I can help you solve them. You understand what I mean."

"Okay! Then it's settled!"

Chu Yi immediately got up and smiled lightly.

"How do you say this deal? Both you and I have taken advantage of it, and we each get what we need."

"very good!"

Grandpa Sun was so excited that he even lost his footing.

Chu Yi couldn't help feeling a little bit embarrassed when he saw that such an old man was always worrying about the trivial matters of the Sun family.

"Old man, it just so happens that I also know a little bit of medical skills, maybe I can treat you."


Grandpa Sun has put down all his defenses at this time.


Chu Yi closed his eyes and nodded, thinking of his master.

This kind of sickness can't cause death now, but it's not long, maybe, there is still room for recovery, no matter how bad it is, it's better than spending the rest of your life in pain.

"What a miserable person. It seems that these so-called three young masters in the capital are all empty names. Every family has scriptures that are hard to recite. These families look so beautiful, but alas!"

Chu was also deeply moved.

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