"Oh? So it was you who did it." Chu Yi laughed with great interest, and then he was sure that it must be the masterpiece of Sun Zhong.

"That's right, your lives are pretty big, but today, let me send you on your way, tell me, how do you want to die?"

"Are you talking for yourself? Brother Chu can stuff your head into your crotch with one hand, why are you still so arrogant!" Chen Dan continued to shout.

Chu Yi shook his head helplessly, Chen Dan is really not afraid of himself at all.

"You are really like a dog. With a master around, you feel invincible, don't you?"

"Are you talking about yourself?" Chen Dan's words made the man speechless.

"Brother, stop talking nonsense with them, let's go! These two people must let them die on the street!"

"Hahaha, that's right, these two people get angry just looking at them, brother, you must let me have a good time this time, last time I made you feel good, I didn't get enough of it myself, it's not fair!"

When Chu Yi heard this, he couldn't help but tense up in the back court.

Cool off?

How to have a good time?

"Okay, this time I'll let you have a good time, this electric baton is given to you, isn't it good enough?"


Chu Yi was taken aback, this is what they said to be refreshing.

But Chu Yi also smiled, but he also has a special liking for electric batons.

He thought of the group of people making trouble in front of his door again.

"Boy, you are unlucky today. You don't even have a body collector, but it doesn't matter. We are kind and will collect your body. However, let some wild dogs eat your body, but it is not in our hands." within the scope of service."

"In my opinion, it's better to lock these two people up and hand them over to the young master, so that the young master can enjoy himself slowly. Brother, what do you think?"

"It's also a good choice. If you can catch a live one, maybe you and I will pay more!"


Chu Yi felt a chill when he heard it. Are these people really so perverted?

"It seems that you guys are desperate."

"Oh! Brothers, give it to me!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Chu Yi immediately kicked out a few kicks, and flew straight up, kicking the few people who rushed forward and flying them backwards.

"Not to be underestimated!"

The scarred face immediately said with concentration, and then a faint brilliance appeared in his hand.

This weird scene surprised Chu Yi.


After Chu Yi dealt with those younger brothers, the scarred face rushed forward.


The scarred face punched, and the air even froze for an instant. Although the faint brilliance was not too dazzling in the daytime, Chu Yi still keenly captured it.

Chu Yi turned sideways and immediately took the punch.

The scarred face immediately pulled out a small knife, and after turning the knife around in his hand, it stabbed straight at Chu Yi.

Chu Yi clasped his hands together, unexpectedly, this was a fake move!

That scarred face actually kicked towards his crotch with his knee!

not good!

Chu Yi was shocked, this is his unique skill, how could someone else take it first!

Chu Yi rolled over and immediately dodged the move.

The scarred face chased after Chu Yi, while Chen Dan hid aside, not daring to show his air.

The fight between the two was inseparable, and there were bursts of brilliance surging on the limbs of the scarred face.

This shocked Chu Yishi a little.

He knew that when he met those foreigners before, they did have something special about them, and they even had a little brilliance, but this time, it was a real duel.

The scarred face kept attacking, and Chu Yi could only defend passively, as if he had already fallen into a disadvantage.

The surrounding roads were cracked inch by inch, and even the trees beside the road had fallen leaves one after another. Looking at it from a distance, it was quite beautiful.

But Chu Yi can't talk about beauty now.

He felt an unprecedented killing intent.

This killing intent almost made him breathless.

Chu Yi saw the right opportunity and immediately threw out several hidden weapons.

Unexpectedly, the scarred face was completely hidden, and the man's physical strength seemed to be exhausted forever!

From the beginning to the end, his offensive did not stop for a moment!

"Death to me!"

"Bang bang bang-"


"go to hell!"

The scarred face kept roaring, but Chu Yi's brows became more and more wrinkled.

He knew that it would not work to continue fighting like this.

He quickly opened his eyes, trying to find out the weakness of the scarred face.

The two fought for a full 5 minutes, and the fight was inextricable. In fact, Chu Yi had been parrying all the time, and did not fight back at all.

One is that he is a little weak now, and the other is that he is still in the shock of Guanghua, unable to recover for a long time.

After a while, he found the lifeblood of the scar face!

That's the back of the head.

Chu Yi shook his head and said, "Now, it's my turn!"

"Small skills, let the horse come over!"


Chu Yi immediately released a monstrous killing intent, and the world seemed to be terrified by it!

The scarred face was also startled.

"Right now!"

Chu Yi immediately flew forward, his body was as flexible as a water snake, and his legs wrapped around the neck of the scarface in an instant.

The scarred face also reacted quickly, and immediately pinched Chu Yi's legs with both hands, trying to pull Chu Yi down.

Chu Yi was also a little surprised by this kind of divine power, he didn't allow him to think too much, he immediately elbowed him!


With that scarred face, his eyes lost their expression in an instant, and he stood there blankly. Chu Yi thought that he hadn't killed him, so he used all his strength to elbow again!



Chu also heard the sound of the skull breaking.

The hand with the scarred face drooped heavily, and his body was on the verge of falling.


Chu Yi patted the scarred face on the head, and jumped to Chen Dan's side.

The scarred face fell heavily to the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.

"Brother Chu, are you dead?"

"Totally dead."

Chu Yi clapped his hands, feeling more guilty in his heart.

But he knows that today either you die or I die.

He can't hold back.

He still feels very scary now. The whole body of the scar face seems to be invulnerable. He has observed it with the eyes of the sky. The whole body of the scar face has been specially trained or modified

Although this idea is very bold, Chu Yi firmly believes that the skin of ordinary people will not be like that.

Like steel, but the weakness of that scarred face is the back of the head!

Here, he used a knife!

Chu Yi clapped his hands, as if reborn.

But that brilliance still made him a little bit astonished.

"Have you seen the brilliance that scarred face produced during the fight?"

"I didn't see it clearly, but it seemed to flash for a moment."

Chu Yi nodded, but there were many guesses in his heart.

What exactly are these brilliance, and why is the strength of this group of people so frighteningly astonishing.

Without thinking too much, he quickly dialed Zhong Hua's phone.

"Come and pick us up, someone is dead."

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