These people humiliated Chu Yi with extremely vicious words, but Chu Yi acted as if he didn't hear it, and didn't mean to be angry at all.

At this point, Mr. Sun was a little surprised.

Chen Dan rubbed his hands nervously, his palms were covered with beads of sweat, he never thought that Chu Yi would be so stubborn!

And Sun Jiagang, he didn't even dare to think about it!

When this matter got out, the Sun family didn't say anything about it, but Chu Yi would definitely become famous!

This is what he Chen Dan said!

"Are you all only showing the benefit of your tongue?" Chu Yi challenged.

"Come here! Drag this arrogant and ignorant child out!"

"Boy, you're out of luck. You messed with our Sun's family. There will be no place for you in the capital. No, the whole country will have no place for you!"

"It's just a stinky dick. This car may have been stolen. Look at the temperament of your body, you're just a vulgar!"

"Uncle, I suggest, let my men deal with this matter, don't let this kid stain your eyes."

"Shut up!"

But Mr. Sun immediately scolded.

This sound made them a little confused.

The Patriarch of the Sun family would actually protect outsiders?

If this word spreads out, I'm afraid they won't be laughed out of their teeth!

"Grandpa Sun, in my opinion, these juniors of yours are completely incapable of managing such a large family. In my opinion, let's hurry up and decide on a new candidate."

As soon as Chu Yi's words came out, the whole audience was shocked.

Because the meaning of these words is obvious. First of all, they are not this kind of material, and they are not qualified at all. If you think about it carefully, it is to make Mr. Sun make a will quickly, because his life is not long.

Who is old man Sun, how could he fail to hear something in Chu Yi's words.

But instead of getting angry, he was a little curious, how could Chu Yi see the evil disease in his body?

Chu Yi smiled slightly. He had already opened his eyes, and just now he saw that Grandpa Sun's complexion was pale, without the slightest trace of blood or anger. Unexpectedly, when he looked at it, he could see something was wrong.

Still seems terminally ill.

"You kid, how dare you curse our Patriarch! How bold!"

"Oh, find a remote place and bury it."

The people around Mr. Sun uttered wild words, but they did have the strength.

From what Chu Yi thought, none of these people looked like members of the Sun family.

Chu Yishi was a little surprised that these people were all snobbish like ordinary families, and couldn't even control their emotions.

"Is this the Sun family, the largest family in the capital? Looking at it today, it's nothing more than that."

Chu Yi continued to speak harshly.

The complexions of those people have become the color of a pig's liver.

They really couldn't find anything to humiliate Chu Yi.

"Come on, catch them for me!"

It was Sun Zhong who spoke.

A group of people immediately ran out from the side hall and directly arrested Chen Dan, but Chu Yi, they didn't dare to move at all.

For some reason, before they met Chu Yi, they felt a strong murderous aura on Chu Yi!

They are all top thugs, this feeling can't be wrong!

They hesitated!

"What are you waiting for! Give it to me!"

Sun Zhong was stunned, not knowing what happened

"Young Master He"

"He's so big, I raise you on weekdays for dry food?"

Sun Zhong was furious!

He didn't expect that these people didn't even dare to go up. Chu Yi is now unarmed. He didn't expect that Chu Yi was sitting on a chair, calm and composed.

He felt that his face had been slapped severely, and he always felt that if this Chu Yi was not removed, it would be a serious trouble in his heart!

"Brother Chu! Help me!"

Chen Dan lost his position in an instant, causing Chu Yi to frown.

"You want to do something to me? Are you sure?"

"What are you? How dare you be so presumptuous in the Sun family?"

Chu Yixin suddenly became cold. It seems that the largest family in Kyoto is not worthy of its name.


A silver needle flew towards Sun Zhongfei, the thin silver needle crossed his cheek and pierced into the wall, leaving only the tail end!


Grandpa Sun immediately fixed his eyes.

He knows that Chu is not simple!

"Go back to me!"

Grandpa Sun spoke, and those thugs ran out with their heads down, leaving only Sun Zhong who was furious and stomping his feet on the stage!

"Grandpa Sun, your Sun family seems to be on the verge of decline this time. Although I didn't go to other families, their situation must be better than yours. Although you seem to be powerful now, but, Isn’t it worthy of the name?”

Grandpa Sun swallowed, his Adam's apple moved up and down.

Chu also hit the spot!

They have indeed reached the point of internal and external troubles!

The Sun family has long been different from the previous Sun family.

He is now suffering from a serious illness, and none of his successors is a seedling.

Although this Sun Zhong is the most famous, but these are all his creations.

Only they themselves know Sun Zhong's real situation.

Therefore, everything is an illusion.

"What? Am I right? You are suffering from a serious illness now, and these future successors are all incompetent."

"Who do you think is incompetent!" Sun Zhong jumped out again, wishing he could throw the sole of his shoe on Chu Yi's face.

"Sun Zhong!"

Grandpa Sun was completely angry. This time, everyone present couldn't react.

"Give me a break! Young man, although you didn't mention your life, let alone your identity, but I, an old man, have lived most of my life. I know that you are not simple. Tell me, your Purpose."

What Grandpa Sun said made Chen Dan even more astonished.

This crisis was resolved by Chu Yi with a few words. What a terrible thing this is!

"Don't worry, old man, although your Sun family can still stand firm, it must be maintained by so many years of savings, right? If you continue to develop in this way, sooner or later you will sit back and eat nothing. The day will come soon."

Grandpa Sun nodded worriedly.

"The purpose of my coming is very simple, as I said at the beginning, to make a deal."

Chu Yi was also thinking secretly in his heart, and he didn't expect that this matter would start to become easier.

He originally thought that it would not be easy to deal with such a big family, but he didn't expect that the Sun family was about to decline, and in this way, he would occupy a favorable position.

"You said, what kind of deal, but I also have a condition."

"You just say it's okay."

"You have also seen the situation of the Sun family. I want you to help me."

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