"Brother Chu, you are too arrogant, as expected of you!"

Chen Dan secretly gave a thumbs up.

"Okay, don't talk to me, later, play by ear, don't act like you've seen a ghost, go in openly, do you hear me, show your young master Chen's temperament."

Chen Dan scratched his head, and said a little embarrassedly: "Brother Chu, don't bury me. In the small place of Dongzhou, I can still be regarded as a young master. Under the eyes of the third young master in the capital, I am just a rat man." That's all"

Chu Yi directly gave Chen Dan a shock.

"There's no such thing as burying yourself. In short, your doing this is very helpful to my plan. No matter what I do, don't be too surprised, otherwise, it will be yellow."

Although Chen Dan didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Chu Yi's gourd, he still nodded obediently.

Not long after, security came in a hurry and raised the release lever for the two of them.

"Can I park your car for you? Or"

"No need, I'll just stop casually." Chu Yi didn't even look at the security guard.

The security guard was even more respectful and said: "Well, Young Master Sun is waiting for you in the lobby, as well as Mr. Sun and others. The biggest villa you see is the living room."

"Thank you."

"Should be"

The security guard nodded and bowed, then watched Chu Yi's vehicle go away.

"Brother Chu, this Sun family, don't mention it, it's really magnificent. Look at these decorations and statues, all of which are of great value."

"Isn't that nonsense? People in the capital should not be underestimated."

Chu Yi parked the car, then got out of the car, and looked at the 15-meter-high villa in front of him, but was amazed again and again.

"It's nice to have money!"

As Chu Yi said that, he climbed up the steps. The steps were tens of meters long, which made Chu Yi's scalp tingle for a while.

Do rich people like to do this kind of thing?

In Chu Yi's heart, ten thousand alpacas ran past.

"Please come in."

The two men in black at the door pressed the switch, and the door slowly opened.

Chen Dan followed Chu Yi and straightened his tie. It seemed that the two of them were from famous families.

As soon as they entered the hall, they were dumbfounded.

This living room is too big!

Six sturdy stone pillars stand tall, with a crystal dome above the head, and precious carpets under the feet, and all kinds of simple and rich patterns are carved on the surroundings. It looks like they are all golden carvings.

"I didn't expect that there would be a distinguished guest coming today."

An old man was sitting on the top throne, and a condescending sense of oppression suddenly rushed towards the two of them.

Chen Dan's heart beat faster, he had never experienced this kind of situation.

As for Chu Yi, he wanted to look calm, so he looked around first.

The living room is very large, but there are very few people. Except for some miscellaneous staff, there are no more than five or six Sun family members in the whole hall.

And on both sides of them, there are a few chairs of unknown wood.

This feeling is like the courtiers meeting the emperor in ancient times.

Chu also didn't like it very much.

"How can you call it a distinguished guest? Compared with the Sun family, they are nothing but rats."

Chu also laughed at himself.

"Sit down, Xiaoqing, give me some tea!"

That old man must be the head of the Sun family. Chu Yi looked at a handsome man with sword eyebrows and starry eyes beside him, and already guessed that this man must be the young master of the Sun family, Sun Zhong.

"Thank you."

Chu also sat down according to the rules, while Chen Dan felt a little embarrassed.

"Dare to ask you two to come here, but what's the matter?"

"Whether it counts as an important matter, it's just a deal."

Grandpa Sun's face immediately changed, and he waved his hand.

All the idlers in the hall retreated immediately, and needles could be heard in the hall.

"Oh? Deal? Let's hear it, I seldom deal with people like this."

Grandpa Sun also couldn't guess what Chu Yi and the others came here for.

He was even a little uncertain about Chu Yi's identity.

Driving the special team's VIP car, he came to Sun's house to make a deal instead.

"Grandpa, don't look at it, we are not members of the special team."


Grandpa Sun's face darkened again. Someone dared to call him that, and he was not from the special team.

"That you"

Mr. Sun's meal was self-evident.

"The person next to me is from Dongzhou City, the eldest son of Chen, and I don't need to tell you, because my status is quite special."

"Oh? Special?"

Mr. Sun obviously did not expect that Chu Yi would speak like this.

"Bold! Who told you to talk to my father like that!"

Sun Zhong immediately got up and yelled angrily, but Chu Yi sneered endlessly. It seems that the three young masters in the capital are not as scary as the rumors say.

Can't hold back even for such a trivial matter, how dare you call him the third young master of the capital?

"Xiao Zhong!"

"Old man, we don't mean to offend, but my identity is indeed special, so I have nothing to say, but I can reveal a little information to you."

"What information?" Mr. Sun became a little curious, because those who dared to challenge him in the past ended badly.

And when most people see him, they are all respectful.

Unlike what Chu Yi said, Chu Yi's character really made him a little curious.

He was thinking in his heart, what kind of background does Chu Yi have.

"The least valuable information I have is working in a special department."

"Special department!"

Sure enough, Grandpa Sun frowned, but relaxed it in an instant.

Chu also knew that Mr. Sun must know about Zhong Hua's special department.

"It seems that you have heard about it, old man. This is the only information I can disclose to you. For the rest, let's keep a little bit of mystery."

"Bah! What a sense of nonsense and mystery, you are obviously a rat with no background, dare to challenge the Sun family like this, it seems that you are tired of work!"

Chu Yi followed the prestige and saw a man with long hair. The hair on his forehead covered his eyes, giving him an unorthodox feeling.

"Heh, I think you're pretending to be a wolf with a big tail, so I'll show you your true colors!"

Another woman scolded in a cold voice. After Chu Yi looked at the woman, he shook his head.

He didn't know why, in a famous family like the Sun family, women were so embarrassing.

To have good looks without good looks, to have a figure without a figure, and to be so vitriolic, it's simply three non-sticks!

"It seems that you guys have a lot of prejudice against me." Chu Yi jokingly smiled, not paying attention to these people at all.


"Presumptuous! This is in the Sun family, not in your sewer! You will die a miserable death if you are arrogant!"

"You brat dared to be so arrogant. It seems that he has never experienced beatings from society!"

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