"What are you looking at me for? I don't know anything." Wan Yuan looked innocent.

Chen Dan also smiled wryly and said: "Brother Chu, she is a weak woman, even if she came to find the big army, but the Xiao family is also a family of martial arts after all, how could they be killed by some of their guys with things, And Brother Chu, look, this wound is obviously not a gunshot wound."

Chen Dan's words made some sense, but Chu Yi still stared at Wan Yuan with a cold expression on his face.

"Jingle Bell--"


"How are you doing!"

Lin Qingying's voice was very hurried, which made Chu Yi suspicious for a while.

"We came a step late, and a whole family has already been wiped out."


Lin Qingying was also horrified. The entire Xiao family was wiped out. This is explosive news!

Although the Xiao family has fallen, it is not a family power that the idler can provoke.

But it's still too strange that the Xiao family was wiped out so easily by a group of mysterious people.

"Go back quickly if you have nothing to do, don't stay for long!"

Lin Qingying hurriedly exhorted.

"Master, I think this matter is a bit strange."

"That's right, our news is already fast enough. How could someone have taken the opportunity before us. Most importantly, they can retire successfully. This is too coincidental!"

Lin Qingying's words made Chu Yi's expression turn cold.

He asked himself, was meeting Wan Yuan really a coincidence?

Or rather, all of this is a trap.


Chu was also surprised, it was the sound of an airplane.

How could a helicopter fly so high? In such an extremely cold place, the failure rate of the machine is very high.

"Brother Chu, I think we have to finish playing."

Chen Dan swallowed, never thinking that a rope would fall directly from the plane.

A team of heavily armed special forces immediately descended from the sky, and soon surrounded Chu Yi and the others.

Chu Yi took a closer look. It wasn't a gringo, but a real special team member.

"Received the notification that someone is killing people and hiding weapons. You have committed a crime!"

A man who looked like a captain walked out of the team swaggeringly.

When Chu Yi saw this man, he couldn't help being very disgusted.

No one in the special team would have such an attitude.

This is too arrogant.

"Where's the evidence?" Chu also dismissed it.

This group of people dare to arrest people so hastily without any evidence.

"Evidence? Hahaha, you brat, you still want to ask me for evidence. There are all human and material evidence. There are so many corpses, you can't escape. The camera here, have you seen it? Transmission, the headquarters has received the image, don't even try to use your hands on us, you know, you can't escape!"

The captain let out a sneer, which made Chu Yi suddenly feel bad.

Now that I have taken such a big scapegoat, what will I do in the days to come!

"Come on, get it for me!"


Chu Yi waved his hands, and immediately said coldly: "Wait a minute, I didn't kill these people."

"Didn't you kill it? You were already at the scene, and you still want to quibble. I think you are cold-blooded and ruthless people. You are really snake-hearted!"

Chu Yi was a little sullen now.

"You really are, it doesn't hurt your back to stand up and talk. You have no evidence at all and want to bring us to justice. Is this reasonable? Unreasonable!"

Chu Yi's words also made sense, and the captain was so choked that he couldn't speak.

"In that case, can we leave?"

"Leave? Heh, do you really think we're just putting on a show?" The captain's reluctance made Chu Yi feel dizzy for a while.

He didn't want to make another trip with these special team members.

"My good brother, you have to think about it, since I can kill so many people, you are naturally no problem!"

As soon as Chu Yi said this, even Wan Yuan beside her was sweating.


Qi Shushua pointed his guns directly at Chu Yi, but Chu Yi didn't blush and his heart didn't beat, letting those people look at him like this.

"Brother Chu, I think it's better for us to be soft. Think about it. Now we are soft, maybe we just take someone else's plane and leave. This is a good thing that has the best of both worlds. We save It's a way downhill."

Chen Dan's ideas are always so novel, and Chu Yi is also a little dumbfounded.

"It seems that you are speechless. With a scum like you, you dare to challenge me?"

Chu Yi was taken aback by the captain's attitude.

Is this what this kind of person should say?

Chu Yi was not to be outdone, and hurriedly said: "What about your special team? Last time I was arrested, the director general was dismissed. Are you sure you want to wrong me this time?"

The captain's face was livid, but he still tried his best to say: "Oh, don't think that you can do anything wrong with a little power behind you. In today's society, evil does not suppress justice. Let me tell you, even if you have extraordinary abilities, there are all witnesses and material evidences. , you are doomed to die!"

"Oh? Are you afraid of flashing your tongue when you talk like that?"

Chu Yi also simply made his words clear, and didn't want to be polite and play haha ​​with the captain.

"What kind of attitude, take it down for me!"

The captain was obviously speechless, so he could only wave his hand and order Chu Yi to be taken down.

"Brother Chu, it's better for us to be honest, and stop messing around."

Chu Yi nodded lightly, Chen Dan's words were indeed interesting, and he could save himself going down the mountain, so why not do it.

As for Wan Yuan, it was a bit miserable. She obviously did nothing, and she took such a big scapegoat.

But now she also glanced at Chu Yi, unable to argue.

The three of them were immediately put on the zipline and boarded the armed helicopter.

Several people slept soundly on the plane. Although the posture was a little uncomfortable, they finally had a foothold.

After so many days of running around and exhausting, Chu Yi's body is getting worse and worse, and treatment is an urgent matter.

Unexpectedly, the helicopter did not fly to Dongzhou, but went straight to Kyoto.

The capital is full of dignitaries, and Chu Yi's business, if no one comes forward, it may be difficult to protect himself.

Moreover, it may not be useful for Zhong Hua to come forward, let alone Han Liguo.

Where is there so much power.

The three of them got off the plane, looked at the unfamiliar scene, and couldn't help frowning.

"Brother Chu, this is not Dongzhou. I am very familiar with Dongzhou. This airport is not Dongzhou!" Chen Dan said with certainty.

The captain sneered and said, "It's really a frog in a well, it's returning to Dongzhou, this is Kyoto!"

As soon as these words came out, the hearts of the three sank.

Has everyone in the capital stepped out? Is it true that I can't escape death?

The power of the special team being formed in Kyoto should not be underestimated!

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