"Let's tell you the truth, this time, you will not escape!"

The captain snorted coldly and left in a hurry.

Only the three of them were left with bewildered faces, and they were escorted into the escort vehicle.

The three of them were locked in the interrogation room immediately, but the tone of the three of them was unusually unified. After all, they really did not commit a crime!

The three of them said all the details verbatim, and even said what they ate and drank in an unusually unified manner.

This time, it was the special team's turn to make trouble.

Just like this, the three of them were locked up for more than 20 hours, but they still couldn't find out why.

Seeing that 24 hours later, they will have to obtain evidence again, so they naturally cannot let Chu Yi and the other three go.

The three of them also ate something, which was much better than what they ate in the snow-capped mountains.

The few people gobbled up the wind and cloud for a while, and then their faces became innocent.

"We really didn't commit a crime. We didn't kill those people!"

"Then what is the purpose of you appearing here?"

"We are just ordinary donkey friends. We love the great rivers and mountains of our motherland. Could this be evidence of a crime?"


"Tell me honestly, what is the purpose, did you kill the person!"

"It's not us, brother. I really can't argue with it. I can't explain why. When we went, they were already dead. We wanted to bury them with good intentions. Unexpectedly, you came here."

"Are you sure? Now the whole process is being recorded. These words will all be explained in court!"

"The True Thing"


"Among the three, you are the most cunning. We don't arrest innocent people. I know that you must have a few lives in your hands!"

Chu Yi was startled, this was obviously a cliché, and it was not right to say it was true, nor was it right to say it was not.

This question still has this style?

"Oh, what about the evidence? We are all good citizens. If you really want to make things difficult, it will be difficult. Instead, you will suffer the consequences yourself. I have seen this situation a lot. For money, you confuse your nature. !"

Chu Yi's words can be said to be watertight, and the interrogators of the special team who blocked him couldn't breathe.


"Don't you, you, as a member of the Special Forces, first of all, you must know one thing, fraudulent confession is not allowed, and I dare to bet you, in another hour or two, you will suffer."

Chu Yi smiled slightly, full of confidence.

Because he believed in Zhong Hua's ability, it was only a matter of time before he found Jingdu, and it had been almost two full days since they were arrested.

The special department should be higher than the special team. If this thing can't be done well, Chu also thinks that this Zhong Hua doesn't have to do it as soon as possible.

"Are you threatening us? You know, this is a special team!"

"Hey, I don't mean to threaten at all. You also know that this is a special team. You guys have given me such a big blame. I want to see what forces are behind you!"


Although the three of them did not collude in advance, their words made those people speechless.

Not long after, the three were released.

And the person who came was none other than Zhong Hua.

"Tell me, how to deal with these people?" Chu Yi asked coldly, shaking his sore wrist.

Zhong Hua ran over angrily, and said in a low voice, "This is Kyoto, it's not our turn to be presumptuous, so keep a low profile."

"Low-key? They took such a big blame on us, and still want us to keep a low profile? How decent!"

The whole building could almost hear Chu Yi's yelling.

Those special team members seemed a little guilty, and they were silent.

They didn't expect that, as the Kyoto special team, they thought that this matter could be handled smoothly, but they didn't expect it to fall down!

"You, you, I don't know what to say about you."

Zhong Hua then took out a document and handed it to the captain of the special team.

"You are suspected of bending the law for personal gain, corruption, and have been formally investigated. All personnel in the bureau will be suspended immediately for inspection!"

The three of them only felt that their hearts were extremely refreshing.

"Brother Chu, this big brother still works, it's so fucking cool!"

"Hush—" Chu Yi made a silent gesture, and then continued: "Be careful that he was caught by you too."

The three of them couldn't help sneering at the special team members who looked like dead fish.

Wan Yuan also had a smile on her face. She originally thought that she would spend her entire life in prison, but she never expected that the power behind Chu Yi was really extraordinary.

"Don't be too happy, you have to go back with us."

Chu Yi smiled lightly, and instead of handcuffing Wan Yuan, he gave a direct warning.


Wan Yuan stomped her feet angrily, why did Chu Yi treat her so cruelly.

"Chu Yi, in this line of work, you have been put together, but this matter seems to be going well."

"I know, just relying on these cattle and horses, you want to kill me. It's still too tender, and it seems to be done on purpose." Chu Yi looked at the members of the special team who stood in a row and were taken out. Eyes slightly narrowed.

"That's right, since it's all in the capital, could it be that some of your affairs are really true?"

"Impossible. What I did was done with a clear conscience. Although there was indeed some blood on my hands, most of them were sinners. What do you think?"

Zhong Hua nodded. After all, Chu Yi was doing things for him. If something went wrong with Chu Yi, he would be the first to escape.

"By the way, have you recovered that secret document?"

Zhong Hua looked at Chen Dan and the two behind Chu Yi, and gestured with his eyes, Chu Yi immediately understood.

"Recovered, but the news is not very good, are you sure you want to listen?"

"No matter what the news is, you must let me understand it?"

"Not only in our country, but all over the world, there are frequent occurrences of evil things, and there are also some places that are born with abnormal phenomena."

"Natural anomaly?"

Chu was also surprised, what is the situation.

Can't you keep up with the rhythm?

"Listen to me first. These are not the most important things. After all, neither you nor I can fully understand and investigate clearly. However, it seems that many masters have appeared in all parts of the world at the same time, and there are also in our country. In this secret document, Destroying the Xiao family is also one of the missions."

"One?" Chu Yi frowned, understanding something.

"Presumably you also know that although the Xiao family is a declining sect, they still have some strength after all."

"Tell me the truth, Qingcang Mountain, are you on the list?"

Zhong Hua didn't answer, but looked into Chu Yi's eyes, and nodded slightly.

"But don't worry, there shouldn't be any danger. These masters have already caused many vicious incidents."

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