Chu Yi smiled and looked at Wan Yuan, but Wan Yuan felt creepy.

Chu Yi's eyes made her involuntarily shiver.

"Don't be afraid, I guessed."

Wan Yuan gave Chu Yi a blank look. No matter what, Chu Yi doesn't have any thoughts about her now, otherwise, she would have already become a dead soul under the knife.

"I hope you have the same purpose as me."

Chu Yi was a little surprised by Wan Yuan's words.

A group of people continued to move forward, but they soon had to lose their vehicles and rush towards the depths of the mountain forest on foot.

"Brother Chu, tell me, can we succeed this time?"

Chen Yi asked flatteringly, his eyes drifting towards Wan Yuan from time to time.

"If you don't succeed, you will succeed."

Chu Yi sneered, and Chen Dan was stunned: "Brother Chu, what kind of words are you talking about?"

Chu Yi groped forward with difficulty. This mountain road was difficult to walk, and it was covered with thick snow. They even needed to explore it before deciding where to stay.

It took them three full days to travel this mountain road.

However, several people still got nothing.

Wan Yuan and the two were a little downcast, because they were at the foot of the mountain, and they didn't see the vehicles of the large army. It was a bit futile to move forward now.

Chu Yi, on the other hand, kept urging Chen Dan to quicken his pace as if he had been spat out.

Chen Dangui is a son of a rich family, how could he bear this kind of suffering, within three days, Chen Dan screamed again and again.

"Someone has been here."

Chu Yi touched an ancient tree beside him, and said lightly.

“How come you see?”

Wan Yuan stepped forward and asked hastily.

"This note is obviously newly broken."

"It is not ruled out that Fengxue will discount it."

Hearing Wan Yuan's words, Chu Yi smiled.

"Impossible. In this case, it can only be broken artificially."

Chu also didn't explain too much, but began to pay attention to the surrounding environment.

After another day, everyone was exhausted, and the dry food they were carrying was about to run out.

"Brother Chu, it's not an option to go on like this. Sooner or later we will starve to death in this forest."

Chen Dan complained again and again, and Chu Yi also swallowed his saliva. Indeed, the cold weather for several days made him suffer from chilblains.

"You guys take a break here first, I'll go ahead and explore the way."

Chu Yi proposed such a plan on his own initiative, but it was unanimously rejected by everyone.

"No, this is too dangerous, let's go together!"

In desperation, Chu Yi had no choice but to rest up with the crowd, and then opened his eyes, but he didn't see the slightest sign of anyone living.

"The altitude is already very high now, almost halfway up the mountain. Do we have to go to the top of the mountain?"

Chen Yi's face was bitter.

"It shouldn't be so. According to the altitude line, there is a gentle place halfway up the mountain. This is probably their old den."

After several hours of walking, Chen Dan was too hungry to walk. Fortunately, Wan Yuan still had a piece of chocolate in her pocket, so she quickly handed it to Chen Dan.

"Look at you, a big man, shame on you."

Chu Yi gave Wan Yuan a friendly smile.

A few people continued to move forward, but they never thought that Wan Yuan's subordinates would miss the ground.


Chu Yi had sharp eyes and quick hands, and immediately rushed forward.

But it was too late, the man didn't catch anything, and fell straight down the mountain stream.

Wan Yuan yelled hoarsely, but no one responded, leaving only screams echoing in the valley.

"Forget it, I can't save it."

Chu Yi patted Wan Yuan's shoulder, and his eyes were bloodshot. This kind of mountain stream is similar to the hanging valley. Although it is blocked by forests, if you are not careful, you will still stumble.

Chen Dan was so frightened that he froze in place, motionless.

But they don't have much time to grieve here, so they can only continue on their way.

Chen Dan was full of hippie smiles along the way, but he still felt a little uncomfortable seeing a person who had nothing to do with him disappear just like that.

Afterwards, several people were silent all the way.

"It's just ahead! It's here!"

Chu Yi couldn't hide his excitement, and closed his eyes. He saw rows of wooden houses, which should be the hiding place of the Xiao family.

Wan Yuan didn't know whether what Chu Yi was referring to was the same as her own purpose, but she had no other choice now.

The three of them quickened their pace, and as expected, within 10 minutes, they saw rows of wooden houses.

"Brother Chu, look here, He Qing"


Chu Yi coughed fiercely, and Chen Dan immediately shut up.

"Let's go and have a look."

This section of the road has been much easier to walk, almost very slow, without any danger.

But Chu Yi was dumbfounded the moment he stepped into this world.

Because he saw dead bodies all over the floor

The blood dyed the white snow red, the elderly and children were not spared!

Chu Yi walked towards the group of wooden houses step by step. There were corpses at his feet. The death was tragic, and almost none of them had a complete body.

"Brother Chuchu, who is this?"

Chu Yi didn't answer Chen Dan. He didn't expect that someone would take a step ahead of him.

Someone wiped out the entire Xiao family!

Chu Yi shuddered a little, how cruel and merciless a person could be to make such a deadly move!

Old people and children, all will not be spared!

Chu Yi kept searching in the pile of corpses, wanting to know if there were any survivors.

But let him down.

There are more than a hundred people, not one will be left alive!

If this spreads to the outside world, it will definitely cause a sensation.

But Chu Yi frowned at this time, he searched for several times, but did not find Xiao Mu's body.

And what disturbed Chu Yi the most was that he was at the scene, although he didn't do anything, it was easy for him to take the blame!

"Wait, Brother Chu, are you sure this is the Xiao family?"

When Chu Yi heard this, he hurried into the house, no matter from the plaque or various ancient books, it was undoubtedly the Xiao family.

Chu Yi also found a family tree.

"190 people, Chen Dan, count the corpses at the scene, how many are there!"


Although Chen Dan also wanted to vomit, but after all, he was a person who followed Chu Yi through life and death, so he still had this ability to resist pressure.

As for Wan Yuan, it was a bit miserable, and now she has vomited, and she hasn't stopped for a moment.

"Brother Chu, one person at 190."

"Are you sure?"

"That's right, I counted it twice, it can't be wrong."

Chu Yi stared at Chen Dan's eyes, but clenched his fists tightly.

"Only Xiao Mu survived."

Chu also knew that the only person who escaped this poisonous hand was Xiao Mu.

"Brother Chu, who do you think did it?"

"I don't know. Judging from the corpses, those people have just been captured, but Xiao Mu hasn't returned to the Xiao family?"

Chu Yi then looked at Wan Yuan, and Wan Yuan waved her hands repeatedly with a frightened expression on her face.

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